There are two different access possibilities to SINQ: shortterm (standard) proposals and requests for urgent beamtime. Below you will find some general and specific guidelines for the two categories. More information about the access can be found in the Calls section. If you are looking for information regarding the European financial support programs this link might be helpful.
General Guidelines
- Proposals should only be submitted via the DUO web interface. Written forms and email attachments cannot be accepted.
- The proposals need a clear and precise definition of the proposed experiments and a well written scientific justification why these experiments should be performed.
- The aim of the experiment should clearly be stated and the proposal should be specific.
- A reasonable time estimate should be included. If necessary please contact the instrument responsible(s) in advance.
- The strategy/method of data treatment should be described.
- Previous/preliminary data should be shown if available.
- Please indicate on the proposal if the project is granted by a funding agency.
- New SINQ users should contact the respective instrument responsibles well in advance to discuss the feasibility of the proposed experiment.
- Please make use of the option to link related previous proposals with their experimental reports to the new one. A proper mention of previous results will provide a certain 'bonus' during the evaluation process. This new feature replaces the previous option to submit 'continuation proposals'. Please download the form here and submit the report via the Digital User Office DUO.
- Regular submission deadlines: 15/05 and 15/11 (deviations possible, please always check here)
- No deadlines required for urgent beam time requests, those can be submitted informally all over the year.
Short Term (Normal) Proposals
- Short term proposals define experiments on a single and specific problem.
- They request beamtime only for the forthcoming SINQ cycle.
- Usually shortterm proposals may ask for beamtime on one or more SINQ instruments. If beam time on more than one instrument is necessary please use the option "Add request on additional instrument at the end of the submission procedure in DUO.
- The proposers must restrict to the space given in the online submission form.
Urgent Beamtime
- Details regarding urgent beamtime request.
User Contacts
- User Office
Provides all information about user access to the PSI Large Research Facilities - DUO Login
Direct link to the Digital User Office