STARS Master Theses and Trainee Projects

NameProjectUniversity/ScopeSupervisor(s)Year (Start)
De Martino, FlavioDevelopment of a Monte Carlo core follow of a toy reactorEPFL / MScL. Berry2024/2025
Torrente, BishalDecay heat calculation for the 0E2 case: CASMO5, SERPENT2 including uncertaintiesETHZ / MScD. Rochman2024/2025
NameProjectUniversity/ScopeSupervisor(s)Year (finished)
Garces, PaulineNEWS project: Fast Neutron Detector for Spent fuel measurementsETHZ / MScG. Perret2025
Ronchi, GiovanniApplication of Machine Learning Methods for Evaluation of Limiting Control Rod Patterns in BWRETHZ / MScA. Cherezov2025
Wälti, EricVerification of steam condensation models for BWR containment modellingETHZ / MScK. Nikitin2025
Fournier, Victor ColmanNeural Network-Based Estimation of Control Blades Worth for Identifying Limited Patterns in BWRsEPFL / MScA. Cherezov2024
Pelletier, Augustin JeanCFD simulations of turbulent penetration in T-junctionEPFL / MScE. Fogliatto2024
De Failly, GauthierImpact of the final reactor core fuel loading on the back-end strategy and safety parametersEcole Polytechnique Paris / MSCD. Rochman2024
Declerck, AlexandreSensitivity and uncertainty studies for the loading curve derivation for a pseudo-application case of used nuclear fuel final disposalIMT Atlantique / MScM. Frankl2024
Kwon, Sung JoonOECD/NEA/NSC/WPRS Watts Bar 1 benchmark simulation with nTRACER/CTFSeoul National University / BScM. Hursin, M. Papadionysiou2024
Berti, NicolaFuel Behaviour - Thermo-mechanical behaviour of ATF composite claddingETHZ/MScC. Cozzo2024
Baldo, EduardoThermal analysis of a nuclear space reactorETHZ/MScI. Clifford2024
Valentin, Jean-Baptiste Bruno MarieLarge Volume Dosimetry for BLOOM in CROCUSEPFL/MScV. Lamirand2024
Meunier, Benjamin Arthur HugoValidation of Novel Nuclear Data EvaluationEPFL/MScM. Hursin2024
Elshater Mohamed, ShadyDevelopment of SPARTACUS: A Toolbox for Trajectory, Mission and System Design (Nuclear Electric Propulsion for Space Exploration)ETHZ/MScA. Cherezov2024
Orive Soto, JavierEffects of the Final Reactor Core Fuel Loading on Back-End Strategy (Master Thesis)EPFL/MScD. Rochman, G. Girardin (KKG)2023
Biot, GrégoireReactor Mathematics - Reactor Core Transient Simulations on Low-Precision HardwareEPFL/MScA. Cherezov2022
Orive Soto, JavierEffects of the Final Reactor Core Fuel Loading on Back-End Strategy (Semester Project)EPFL/MScD. Rochman, G. Girardin (KKG)2022
Saliba, MichelThe SAFFRON core-mapping array in CROCUS for fission chain correlation studiesEPFL/MScV. Lamirand, W. Monange (IRSN)2022
Liu, ZhipengModeling the Rostov-II boron dilution transient with TRACE/PARCSXi'an Jiaotong University, China/PhD TraineeM. Hursin2022
Arnold, BenjaminDevelopment and Validation of Machine Learning supported Methodology for Critical Power Ratio Estimation by Sub channel CodesUni Basel/MScK. Nikitin2022
Lapaire-Lemoine, SophieDesign of a conductivity detector for Voidmeasurement
in a two component mixture
EPFL/MScM. Hursin2022
Liu, ProsperThermal hydraulic Interaction between the reactor coolant system and containment buildingGrenoble Institute of Technology, France /MScO. Al-Yahia2022
De Buys Roessingh, VincentCharacterization of a neutron detector efficiency as a function of EnergyETHZ/MScR. Adams, G. Perret2021
Lartaud, PaulVerification of the conventional approach for full core calculations on hexagonal geometriesETHZ/MScM. Papadionysiou2020
Varbella, AnnaOptimisation of SNF canister loadings taking into account safety and operational constraintsEPFL/MScD. Rochman2020
Solans, VirginieOptimisation of canister loading using a neural network D. Rochman2020
Bellotti, MicheleTechnological and economic strengths of SMRs and problems of CAREM reactor modeling with TRACEEPFL/MScK. Nikitin2019
Brazell, ChristianOptimization of Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage using a Neural Network and Simulated AnnealingTAMU, USA/MScD. Rochman2019
Leisinger, SebastianSynthetic Data for CHF
using Machine Learning Methods
ETHZ/MScR. Mukin2019
Jung, ByunghoPWR structures activation forecasts using Monte Carlo neutron transport simulationETHZ-EPFL/MScA. Vasiliev, M. Pecchia2018
Westlund, M.Monte Carlo simulations of Bowing effects using realistic fuel data in nuclear fuel assembliesUppsala University/MScD. Rochman2018
Di Pierno, L.Development of a CAD Fluid Model for the PKL facilityETHZ/TraineeR. Mukin2017
Li, JiahzhiSimulations of Bowing Effects on Isotopic Inventories for Simplified Pin, Assembly and Full Core ModelsEPFL/MScD. Rochman2016
Savelli, R.Validation of PSI Fluence Methodology for Long-Term Irradiated Dosimeter CapsulesETHZ-EPFL/MScA. Vasiliev2016
Janin, G.Development of optimal micro/macroscopic cross-section model for a transport pin-by-pin solverETHZ-EPFL/MScP. Mala2016
Guo, W.Development of TRACE/CAD Methodology for System Code NodalizationETHZ-EPFL/MScI. Clifford 
Nguyen Van Ho, R.Nuclear Data Uncertainty Propagation for LWR Fuel Assembly LatticesPHELMA-U. Seoul/TraineeO. Leray2015
Ryu, M.Development and Refinements of nTRACERU. Seoul/NE MScS. Canepa, H. Ferroukhi2015
Yao, H.Thermal-Hydraulic Simulation of Rig-Of-Safety Assessment Tests in Large Scale Test Facility using Updated TRACE CodeETHZ-EPFL/MScI. Clifford2015
Zhang, D.Bundle Reconstruction History Method for Direct Whole Core Calculations with the Code nTRACERETHZ-EPFL/MScS. Canepa2015
Guo, Z.Simulation of Irradiation Damage in Chromium-doped LWR FuelETHZ-EPFL/MScM. Krack, R. Ngayam-Happy2015
Liu, C.Development and Optimization of Fast Solution Algorithms for the Fuel Depletion EquationsETHZ-EPFL/MScP. Mala 
Perrier, H.Development of Hybrid CASMO/SERPENT Deterministic/Stochastic Fuel Depletion SchemeETHZ-EPFL/MScM. Pecchia, O. Leray, H. Ferroukhi2014
Dupre, A.Modelling and Validation Enhancements of the PSI Fast Neutron Fluence MCNPX based Computational Scheme using recent KKG Experimental DataETHZ-EPFL/MScA. Vasiliev2014
Rossinelli, L.Assessment of SERPENT for BWR Lattice Modelling and Development of Coupling to SIMULATE-3 CodeETHZ-EPFL/MScM. Hursin,H. Ferroukhi2014
Zhou, Q.Validation of CFD Solvers for Buoyancy Driven Flows on the basis of ROCOM TestsETHZ-EPFL/MScR. Puragliesi, O. Zerkak2014
Bogetic, S.Development and Verification of TRACE/PARCS Methodology for analyses of the Swiss ReactorsETHZ-EPFL/MScM. Hursin, A. Dokhane, H. Ferroukhi2013
Demeshko, M.Development and Verification of CSARMA Noise Analysis Method for BWR CausalityOsaka U./TraineeA. Dokhane, H. Ferroukhi 
Li, S.CFD Simulations of Boiling and Natural Circulation in Passice Containment Condenser System PoolsNPIC/IAEA FellowR. Puragliesi 
nigam, A.Modelling and Validation of COBRA-TF Sub-Channel Code for OECD/NEA BFBT BenchmarkMSc EMINE/TraineeC. Adamson2013
Wicaksono, D.Comparative Study of Monte-Carlo Code Systems for LWR Fuel DepletionETHZ-EPFL/TraineeA. Vasiliev, H. Ferroukhi 
Wicaksono, D.Development and Asssement of Advanced Temporal Coupling Schemes for TRACE/S3K AnalysesETHZ-EPFL/MScO. Zerkak2012
Zvoncek, P.Numerical Methods for Nuclear Design Optimization of LWR Assemblies with Inert-Matrix FuelETHZ-EPFL/TraineeW. Wieselquist, H. Ferroukhi2012
Belaid, S.Modelling and Validation of System Thermal-Hydraulic Codes for Experiments at Integral Test FacilitiesIAEA Fellow/TraineeJ. Freixa2012
Gudmundsson, P.Study of minimal requirements for thermal-hydraulics/neutronics mapping schemes in BWR ATWS SimulationsETHZ/MScK. Nikitin2012
Dufresne, A.Development of MCNPX-based Computational Scheme for Reference Numerical Estimations of High-Energy PWR Control Rod Tip FluenceETHZ-EPFL/MScH. Ferroukhi, A. Vasiliev2011
Bernatowicz, K.Trend Analysis of PWR Core Modelling AccuracyU. Gdansk/TraineeW. Wieselquist, H. Ferroukhi2010
Pittarello, R.Monte Carlo analysis of RPV dosimetry experimentsETHZ-EPFL/MScA. Vasiliev2010
Gupta, A.Modelling of KKG Steam Generator using TRACEIIT Kharagpur/MScW. Barten2009
Kalfuss, L.Simulation of a HALDEN-LOCA experiment with the thermohydraulic code TRACETU-Dresden/MScY. Aounallah