Project Trier par ordre décroissant | Description | Duration Trier par ordre croissant | Contact |
CCL | The NFP73 Co-Creation Lab Data Transparency for Sustainable Production will allow for the creation of personalized carbon footprints of Swiss households. The latest ecoinvent and EXIOBASE… |
2021-2023 | Dr. Artos Jakobs |
PROBOUND | Modelling Framework of Probound project |
2021-2022 | Kannan Ramachandran |
LCA of passenger and freight transport | The environmental performance of passenger and freight transport is a key issue in the context of energy and environmental policy and it must be evaluated applying Life Cycle Assessment using… |
2020-2021 | Dr. Romain Sacchi |
ReMaP | Interaction of local renewable energy platforms with electricity markets |
2020-2021 | Dr. Martin Densing |
The potential European hydrogen economy | Reducing greenhouse gas emissions towards zero requires a portfolio of low-carbon, non-fossil energy carriers – hydrogen is one among them. This research project, carried out in collaboration with… |
2020-2021 | Christian Bauer |
Environmental burdens of synthetic aviation fuels | Impacts on climate change from aviation represent an important contribution to the overall carbon footprint of Switzerland. These need to be reduced in line with Swiss climate policy. Synthetic… |
2019-2024 | Karin Treyer |
IMPEGA | “IMPEGA” stands for “IMPort of Electricity-based GAs”. The import of synthetic fuel to Switzerland to replace fossil fuels represents an option for reduction of Swiss GHG emissions. The IMPEGA… |
2019-2024 | |
IEA Annex 72: Assessing Life Cycle Related Environmental Impacts Caused by Buildings | In recognition of the significance of energy use in buildings, in 1977 the International Energy Agency has established an Implementing Agreement on Energy in Buildings and Communities (EBC). Tasks… |
2019-2022 | |
Technology monitoring for SFOE: Hydrogen and electricity storage | As part of SFOE’s technology monitoring, the Technology Assessment group is carrying out a techno-economic and environmental evaluation of hydrogen and electricity storage technologies. This… |
2019-2021 | Christian Bauer |
NFP73 OASES | The NFP73 OASES project aims to quantify the global environmental and social burdens associated with current Swiss production and consumption from a life-cycle perspective. |
2018-2021 | |
Transformation Towards Sustainable Transport Systems - The Next Generation Policies | The Transformation Towards Sustainable Transport Systems project combines sustainability assessment, integrated modelling, econometrics, and policy analysis to find economically,… |
2018-2020 | Christian Bauer |
Assessment of the potentials, costs and environmental burdens of electricity generation technologies for Swiss electricity supply until 2050 (Swiss Energy perspectives 2050) - Update | Building upon the analysis performed in 2016-2017, this project provides an update of electricity generation costs and potentials for selected technologies for the Swiss electricity supply until… |
2018-2019 | Christian Bauer |
ELEGANCY | Enabling a Low-Carbon Economy via Hydrogen and CCS |
2017-2021 | Dr. Evangelos Panos |
SCCER - SoE Phase II | Swiss Competence Centre for Energy Research -- Supply of Electricity -- Phase II |
2017-2021 | Dr. Martin Densing |
SCCER-HaE | SCCER Storage aims to develop the science and technology of electricity & heat storage in order to guarantee the continuous (temporal and regional), reliable, and cost-efficient supply of… |
2017-2020 | |
SCCER Mobility - Phase 2 | The SCCER Mobility expands the research and development capacities within the field of mobility. In Phase II (2017-2020) the Technology Assessment group will continue to provide the state-of-the-… |
2017-2020 | Dr. Peter Burgherr |
SCCER-SoE - Phase 2 | The SCCER-SoE aims to develop fundamental research and innovative solutions in the domains of GeoEnergies (Deep Geothermal Energy and CO2 sequestration) and HydroPower. In Phase II (2017-2020) it… |
2017-2020 | Dr. Peter Burgherr |
SCCER-Mobility Phase-II | Swiss Competence Centre for Energy Research -- Efficient Technologies and Systems for Mobility |
2017-2020 | Kannan Ramachandran |
DEEDS | DialoguE on European Decarbonisation Strategies |
2017-2020 | |
ELEGANCY | The ELEGANCY project – a European research activity with academic and research partners from five different countries – aims to provide three crucial benefits, which are the decarbonization of… |
2017-2020 | Karin Treyer |
SWIDEM | Swiss Industry: Price Elasticities and Demand Developments for Electricity and Gas (SWIDEM) |
2017-2019 | |
SCCER Joint Activity Scenarios and Modelling | JASM is a joint activity of several modelling teams within the eight Swiss Competence Centers for Energy Research (SCCER). The aim of JASM is to define and analyse scenarios for reaching net-zero… |
2017 - 2020 | Dr. Evangelos Panos |
ESI Platform | The Energy System Integration (ESI) Platform is a real life demonstration comprising multiple energy conversion and storage system at PSI, which offers research and industry an experimental… |
2016-2020 | Christian Bauer |
Ocelot | The Ocelot project is a joint effort by the Paul Scherrer Institut and the ecoinvent centre to build an open source library for applying system models in life cycle assessment. System models are a… |
2016-2017 | |
ESI-Platform | Energy Systems Integration Platform - Long term energy scenario analysis with chemical storage option |
2015-2020 |