Closed Projects

Project Trier par ordre décroissant Description Duration Trier par ordre croissant Contact

The NFP73 Co-Creation Lab Data Transparency for Sustainable Production will allow for the creation of personalized carbon footprints of Swiss households. The latest ecoinvent and EXIOBASE…

2021-2023 Dr. Artos Jakobs

Modelling Framework of Probound project

2021-2022 Kannan Ramachandran
LCA of passenger and freight transport

The environmental performance of passenger and freight transport is a key issue in the context of energy and environmental policy and it must be evaluated applying Life Cycle Assessment using…

2020-2021 Dr. Romain Sacchi

Interaction of local renewable energy platforms with electricity markets

2020-2021 Dr. Martin Densing
The potential European hydrogen economy

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions towards zero requires a portfolio of low-carbon, non-fossil energy carriers – hydrogen is one among them. This research project, carried out in collaboration with…

2020-2021 Christian Bauer
Environmental burdens of synthetic aviation fuels

Impacts on climate change from aviation represent an important contribution to the overall carbon footprint of Switzerland. These need to be reduced in line with Swiss climate policy. Synthetic…

2019-2024 Karin Treyer

“IMPEGA” stands for “IMPort of Electricity-based GAs”. The import of synthetic fuel to Switzerland to replace fossil fuels represents an option for reduction of Swiss GHG emissions. The IMPEGA…

IEA Annex 72: Assessing Life Cycle Related Environmental Impacts Caused by Buildings

In recognition of the significance of energy use in buildings, in 1977 the International Energy Agency has established an Implementing Agreement on Energy in Buildings and Communities (EBC). Tasks…

Technology monitoring for SFOE: Hydrogen and electricity storage

As part of SFOE’s technology monitoring, the Technology Assessment group is carrying out a techno-economic and environmental evaluation of hydrogen and electricity storage technologies. This…

2019-2021 Christian Bauer

The NFP73 OASES project aims to quantify the global environmental and social burdens associated with current Swiss production and consumption from a life-cycle perspective.

Transformation Towards Sustainable Transport Systems - The Next Generation Policies

The Transformation Towards Sustainable Transport Systems project combines sustainability assessment, integrated modelling, econometrics, and policy analysis to find economically,…

2018-2020 Christian Bauer
Assessment of the potentials, costs and environmental burdens of electricity generation technologies for Swiss electricity supply until 2050 (Swiss Energy perspectives 2050) - Update

Building upon the analysis performed in 2016-2017, this project provides an update of electricity generation costs and potentials for selected technologies for the Swiss electricity supply until…

2018-2019 Christian Bauer

Enabling a Low-Carbon Economy via Hydrogen and CCS

2017-2021 Dr. Evangelos Panos
SCCER - SoE Phase II

Swiss Competence Centre for Energy Research -- Supply of Electricity -- Phase II

2017-2021 Dr. Martin Densing

SCCER Storage aims to develop the science and technology of electricity & heat storage in order to guarantee the continuous (temporal and regional), reliable, and cost-efficient supply of…

SCCER Mobility - Phase 2

The SCCER Mobility expands the research and development capacities within the field of mobility. In Phase II (2017-2020) the Technology Assessment group will continue to provide the state-of-the-…

2017-2020 Dr. Peter Burgherr
SCCER-SoE - Phase 2

The SCCER-SoE aims to develop fundamental research and innovative solutions in the domains of GeoEnergies (Deep Geothermal Energy and CO2 sequestration) and HydroPower. In Phase II (2017-2020) it…

2017-2020 Dr. Peter Burgherr
SCCER-Mobility Phase-II

Swiss Competence Centre for Energy Research -- Efficient Technologies and Systems for Mobility

2017-2020 Kannan Ramachandran

DialoguE on European Decarbonisation Strategies


The ELEGANCY project – a European research activity with academic and research partners from five different countries – aims to provide three crucial benefits, which are the decarbonization of…

2017-2020 Karin Treyer

Swiss Industry: Price Elasticities and Demand Developments for Electricity and Gas (SWIDEM)

SCCER Joint Activity Scenarios and Modelling

JASM is a joint activity of several modelling teams within the eight Swiss Competence Centers for Energy Research (SCCER). The aim of JASM is to define and analyse scenarios for reaching net-zero…

2017 - 2020 Dr. Evangelos Panos
ESI Platform

The Energy System Integration (ESI) Platform is a real life demonstration comprising multiple energy conversion and storage system at PSI, which offers research and industry an experimental…

2016-2020 Christian Bauer

The Ocelot project is a joint effort by the Paul Scherrer Institut and the ecoinvent centre to build an open source library for applying system models in life cycle assessment. System models are a…


Energy Systems Integration Platform - Long term energy scenario analysis with chemical storage option
