Electronic Design Core Team: skills & services

Particles (α, β, γ, n, ... etc.) interacting with matter in various sensor devices are usually detected by measuring

  • tiny amounts of charge resulting from "charge separation processes" following the energy transfer events inside of sensing devices,
  • tiny amounts of light (down to single photons) from scintillation processes inside optimized chunks and/or tiny sections of matter. 

These measurements have to be performed against the background processes producing a continuos "noise floor" onto the signal lines/wires. 

As an example we present the comparison on the Simulation- and Measurement-Data of the Preamplifier/Amplifier Systems for single neutron detection -- in operation at the SINQ beamlines for 3He Detector Units and 235U Fission Chamber Monitors. 

For various types of Silicon-PhotoMultipliers (SiPM's, MPPC's, etc. ...) we are developing biasing and high bandwidth readout circuits for many different applications. 

  • Integration of standard interfaces (e.g. 10 Gigabit Ethernet)
  • Data streaming to commodity hardware
  • μC, CPLD, FPGA ... hardware, firmware and software implementations 
  • Real-time data acquisition and control software
  • Real-time operating systems
  • Embedded-System design
  • Feasibility studies
  • Concept development