Habilitation, Doctoral, Master and Bachelor Theses


  • Development of an isotope dilution technique for the quantitative analysis of fission gases in nuclear fuels FELICIANI C.
    Master Thesis “nuclear engineering” EPFL/ETHZ MS Thesis, (April 2010).


  • Modelling of fission gas behaviour in high burnup nuclear fuel. Blair P.
    EPFL Ph.D. Thesis Nr. 4084, (2008).


  • Characterisation of Fission Gas Distribution in High Burn-up Fuel Horvath M.
    ETHZ Ph.D Thesis Nr. 17527, (2007).


  • Effects of neutron irradiation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the heat affected zone of stainless steel welds Stoenescu R.
    EPFL Ph.D. Thesis Nr. 3326, (2005).

  • Assessment of Mechanical Properties in Unirradiated and Irradiated Zircaloys and Finite Element Calculations Campitelli E.
    EPFL Ph.D Thesis Nr. 3304, (2005).


  • Fabrication and Characterisation of (Pu,Zr)N Fuels Streit M.
    ETHZ Ph.D Thesis Nr. 15403, (2004).


  • Application of the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method to the study of the growth of zircaloy-oxides at high temperature and high pressure Münch R.
    EPFL Ph.D Thesis Nr. 2206, (2000).


  • The effect of light water reactor (LWR) irradiation conditions on the microstructure and tensile properties of stainless steel Bailat C.
    EPFL Ph.D. Thesis Nr. 2011, (1999).

  • Contribution to the Study of Zirconia-based Nuclear Fuel for Plutonium Use in Light Water Reactor Pouchon M.
    Geneva University PhD Thesis , (1999).


  • Etude et réalisation de support-matrices inertes par le procédé sol-gel pour l'incinération des actinides mineurs Daumas S.
    Université d'Aix-Marseille I Ph.D. Thesis No: 97 AIX1 1073, (1997).