Dr. Andre Al Haddad

Beamline scientist at the Maloja endstation at SwissFEL
Al Haddad Andre
Institut Paul Scherrer PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI

Andre Al Haddad received his PhD from the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) at the LSU group under the supervision of Prof. M. Chergui. During doctoral thesis work, he worked on developing ultra-fast spectroscopy techniques to study femtosecond chemical dynamics in liquid phase. As a main project, he built an ultra-broadband multidimensional Fourier transform spectroscopy setup to study solvation dynamics and correlated excitation in molecular systems with sub-10 fs resolution. In 2016, he was awarded the Swiss National Science Foundation Mobility grant to join the AMO group at Argonne National laboratory. As the main topic of interest, he performed several experiments at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) doing x-ray pump/ x-ray probe spectroscopy photo-emission experiments. In parallel to FEL work, at the Advanced Photon Source (APS), he worked with the AMO group on the development of new capabilities and contributed to user beamtime at sector 7 for ultra-fast x-ray spectroscopy on liquids. In 2018, he joined the group of Prof. C. Bostedt as a postdoctoral fellow to continue the development of photo-electron spectroscopy techniques at SwissFEL. And finally, in 2019 he joined the Maloja team at SwissFEL as a beamline scientist.

Andre is interested in Atomic, Molecular and Optical science with x-ray and optical radiation. Utilizing the special operation modes of SwissFEL, specifically multicolor modes, x-ray pump /  x-ray probe techniques will be utilized to trigger and probe ultrafast yet localized electronic dynamics in molecular systems. With such experiments, he will be able to track relaxation processes such as the Auger decay on their natural timescale. Further, nonlinear spectroscopy techniques from the optical regime could be also adapted to the x-ray regime. Using the atto-second modes of SwissFEL, Andre intends to use high density yet replenishable liquid jet target to perform non-linear x-ray spectroscopy. As a simple proof of principle, impulsive stimulated Raman process will be first to study, which could be expanded in the future to more complex nonlinear require using the multi-pulse atto-second modes.

As of 2019, Andre has joined the Maloja team at SwissFEL to work on the new endstation for Atomic, Molecular and Optical physics (AMO) endstation. He is responsible in designing and putting in operation a variety of spectrometers and sample delivery sources. In the future, Andre will be working with the Swiss and international AMO community on designing, preparing and performing cutting edge experiments at the Maloja endstation at SwissFEL.

For an extensive overview we kindly refer you to one of the following publication repositories Google Scholar and Dora