NEUTRA: NEUtron Transmission RAdiography
NEUTRA is the thermal neutron radiography station at the neutron spallation source SINQ. It provides neutron radiography and tomography images of medium to large size objects using a thermal neutron energy spectrum. Special features available are a 320kV X-ray tube allowing dual modality imaging with an identical imaging geometry and a special setup for the investigation of highly radioactive materials NEURAP.
Neutron energy | 25 meV thermal Maxwellian spectrum |
Neutron flux at sample position | >5 x 106 neutrons cm-2 sec-1 mA-1 (p-current) |
Maximum field of view | 30 cm x 30 cm (h x v) |
Neutrons transmit metallic and rock material easily, whereas they are stopped in hydrogenous material like tissue, plastic or water. In this respect neutron radiography is complementary to X-ray. Unlike X-ray energy, which can be chosen by e.g. X-ray tube voltage, the available neutron energies are determined by the neutron source. The PSI neutron imaging facilities provide either a thermal (NEUTRA) or a cold (ICON) energy spectrum.
Instrument Reference: E. Lehmann et al, Nondestr. Test Eval. 16, 191-202 (2001), doi:10.1080/10589750108953075
Instrument Reference: E. Lehmann et al, Nondestr. Test Eval. 16, 191-202 (2001), doi:10.1080/10589750108953075