PHY 427 (UZH), fall semester 2023
(1) 21.09 Introduction, electron-matter interaction, electron scattering and diffraction (TI, TL)
(2) 28.09 Transmission electron microscope elements and principles of their operations (TI)
(3) 05.10 Optical theory of image formation, coherence (TL)
(4) 12.10 Image contrast formation in TEM, derivation of CTF (TL)
(5) 19.10 Introduction to cryo-electron microscopy and tomography (TI)
(6) 26.10 TEM imaging and 3D reconstruction (TI)
(7) 02.11 Recent development of biological cryo-EM technique (TI)
(8) 09.11 Resolution (TL)
(9) 16.11 Electron crystallography (TG)
(10) 23.11 High-resolution TEM (TL)
(11) 30.11 Advanced imaging techniques I: Electron holography, AB effect and coherent diffraction imaging (TL)
(12) 07.12 Advanced imaging techniques II: ptychography, electron wavefront modulation etc (TL)
(13) 14.12 Visit to EM facility (TI)
(14) 21.12 Time-resolved EM and EELS (TLG, FC)
TI - Takashi Ishikawa, TL - Tatiana Latychevskaia, TG -Tatiana Gorelik, TLG - Thomas La Grange (EPFL), FC - Fabrizio Carbone (EPFL)