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Artwork illustrating inhomogeneities in a megacity

Newly discovered rapid particle growth rates may be the answer to the mystery of aerosol formation in urban smog

Aerosols, suspended particles or droplets, play a key role in Earth’s atmosphere’s energy balance. They can also result in smog formation in cities, which leads to low visibility and serious health risks for the population. A recent study published in Nature outlines a newly discovered mechanism that may play a key role in the continued survival of particles in wintertime smog.

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 Schneller und smarter

Schneller und smarter

Grossforschungsanlagen Data Science

Das PSI bündelt seine Expertise bezüglich der Auswertung von Forschungsdaten im neuen Forschungsbereich Computergestützte Wissenschaften, Theorie und Daten.

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Lösung für das Unlösbare

Zukunftstechnologien Data Science Quantenforschung

PSI und ETH Zürich haben den Quantum-Computing-Hub gegründet. Spitzenforschende arbeiten dort gemeinsam an Konzepten für Quantencomputer.

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Nanometres in 3D

Media Releases Future Technologies Nanotechnology SLS

Scientists at the Paul Scherrer Institute and ETH Zurich have created 3D images of tiny objects showing details down to 25 nanometres. In addition to the shape, the scientists determined how particular chemical elements were distributed in their sample and whether these elements were in a chemical compound or in their pure state.

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