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Teaser Mobilität von morgen

Des rayons X pour améliorer les propulsions des véhicules

Energie et climat Énergies renouvelables Transition énergétique Mobilité

Relever les défis de l’avenir, pour le trafic routier suisse, va surtout demander des efforts de recherche. Aux grandes installations du PSI, des chimistes et des ingénieurs étudient comment rendre les propulsions des véhicules plus efficaces et moins polluantes.

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Using what's there

Energy and Climate Renewable Energies ESI Platform Energy transition Energy systems

At the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, researchers are looking for solutions that enable energy from the sun, the wind, or biomass to be efficiently integrated into the Swiss energy system.

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This is a text from the PSI media archive. The contents may be out-of-date.

Renewable energy: Experimental platform ESI is starting up

Media Releases Energy and Climate Industry Relations Renewable Energies ESI Platform PSI campus

This fall, the time has come: The Energy System Integration Platform at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI goes into operation. Today, in the framework of the double conference Networked Energy Research Switzerland, it was presented to the media and around 150 representatives from politics, industry, and science.

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This is a text from the PSI media archive. The contents may be out-of-date.