About CSD

Vision and mission

CSD leads in scientific computing, theory, data science, and data management for PSI’s unique science programme and research infrastructures. Scientific computing, theory, and data are central to 21st century research and innovation at PSI, in Switzerland, and internationally. With this division, PSI aims to build the synergies and capabilities that can support and propel its ambitious scientific and technological goals. This is achieved thanks to a world-class research programme rooted in thematic research laboratories - from applied mathematics to theoretical condensed matter physics, computational materials science, and in the future AI and potentially computational biology - and complemented by a scientific IT department coordinating scientific computing, data processing, and open access. The division will be at the forefront in addressing future challenges and scientific paradigms involving and integrating vast amounts of data, artificial intelligence, theory and simulations, and supercomputing.


  • to provide modeling know-how and computing resources for the science, engineering, and accelerator program at PSI
  • to provide conceptual and practical input to new science initiatives at PSI like SwissFEL
  • to link new opportunities of computational materials modeling (NCCR MARVEL) and data science (SDSC) to PSI’s unique large research facilities
  • to establish an international role model for the data chain at large research facilities

Strategic positioning within PSI

CSD has a central role within PSI, since scientific computing, theory and data will drive and accelerate much of its experimental research. In addition, it connects scientific IT infrastructure and services with the simulation and data capabilities of CSD and the PSI hub of the SDSC. The unique and ambitious embedding of these capabilities aims to pursue a world-leading research programme centred on its unique large research infrastructures.