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Estimated historical heavy metal (Cd, Cu, Sb, and Zn) emissions  from the territory of the former Soviet Union during the period 1935-1991 based on ice-core records from Belukha glacier in the Siberian Altai (star).

Ice-core based assessment of historical anthropogenic heavy metal (Cd, Cu, Sb, Zn) emissions in the Soviet Union

The development of strategies and policies aiming at the reduction of environmental exposure to air pollution requires the assessment of historical emissions. Although anthropogenic emissions from the extended territory of the Soviet Union (SU) considerably influenced concentrations of heavy metals in the Northern Hemisphere, Pb is the only metal with long-term historical emission estimates for this region available, whereas for selected other metals only single values exist.

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Expériences au sein du nuage : l’influence de la suie sur le climat

Communiqués de presse Energie et climat Environnement

Martin Gysel, chercheur au PSI, se voit remettre un prestigieux subside européen (ERC Consolidator Grant), pour mener des analyses sur le rôle de la suie au niveau de la formation des nuages et du réchauffement de l’atmosphère.

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Ceci est un texte de l'archive des communiqués de presse du PSI. Le contenu peut être obsolète.

Formation de particules dans l'atmosphère: l'expérience CLOUD au CERN déchiffre un nouveau composant du processus

Communiqués de presse Energie et climat Environnement

Les gouttelettes qui forment les nuages se constituent à partir de minuscules particules, qui planent dans l’atmosphère. On ignore encore beaucoup de choses sur la manière dont ces dernières se forment. Récemment, et pour la première fois, on a réussi à déchiffrer la formation de particules à partir d’amines et d’acide sulfurique. Une avancée majeure pour la recherche en sciences atmosphériques.

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Ceci est un texte de l'archive des communiqués de presse du PSI. Le contenu peut être obsolète.

Dosing Differential Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry (D-DEMS) for Li-O2 Batteries

The high-energy rechargeable Li-O2 battery has been subject to intensive research worldwide during the past years. The Li-O2 cell mainly comprises a negative (e.g. Li metal) and positive (e.g. porous carbon) electrode separated by an electronically insulating, but Li+ conducting electrolyte layer. In order to study the cell chemistry, a differential electrochemical mass spectrometry setup based on a set of valves, a pressure sensor and a quadrupole mass spectrometer has been developed.

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Effect of surface charge density on the affinity of oxide nanoparticles for the vapor–water interface

Using in-situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy at the vapor-water interface, the affinity of nanometer-sized silica colloids to adsorb at the interface is shown to depend on colloid surface charge density. In aqueous suspensions at pH 10 corrected Debye-Hückel theory for surface complexation calculations predict that smaller silica colloids have increased negative surface charge density that originates from enhanced screening of deprotonated silanol groups by counterions in the condensed ion layer.

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Averaged NEXAFS spectra of soot from different sites of the exhaust after- treatment stream.

Variations in diesel soot reactivity along the exhaust after-treatment system, based on the morphology and nanostructure of primary soot particles

The reactivity of soot at different sites of the exhaust after-treatment system of a diesel engine (upstream and downstream of the diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC), downstream of the diesel particulate filter (DPF), as well as inside the DPF) was investigated on the basis of morphology and structure of primary soot particles by high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The results indicate that combustion-formed soot particles are susceptible to further transformations of their morphology within the exhaust system.

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Supported gold as catalyst for the decomposition of ammonia precursors in the selective catalytic reduction of NOx

Titaniumdioxide supported gold was found to catalyze the hydrolysis of formate-based ammonia precursor compounds which are proposed for the selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in combustion exhaust gas. In contrast to other noble metals, the supported gold does not oxidize the released NH3, while it maintains decomposition of intermediate formic acid.

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Lead (Pb) concentrations in Russia during the period 1680-1995 were reconstructed using an ice core from Belukha glacier in the Siberian Altai. Until the 1930s Pb originated mainly from ore mining for the production of Russian coins, whereas enhanced Pb concentrations in the period 1935-1995 can be related to Pb emissions from Russian leaded gasoline.

Three centuries of eastern european and Altai lead emissions recorded in a belukha ice core

Human activities have significantly altered atmospheric Pb concentrations and thus, its geochemical cycle, for thousands of years. Whereas historical Pb emissions from Western Europe, North America, and Asia are well documented, there is no equivalent data for Eastern Europe. Here, we present ice-core Pb concentrations for the period 1680à1995 from Belukha glacier in the Siberian Altai, assumed to be representative of emissions in Eastern Europe and the Altai.

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