Soichiro Tsujino is one of the APL top reviewers of 2018

The editors of Applied Physics Letters (APL) named Dr. Soichiro Tsujino, head of the XFEL nanoengineering group of LMN, as one of the 16  ALP top reviewers in 2018. 

Dr. Soichiro Tsujino, APL top reviewer in 2018

APL writes: "At the heart of the peer review process are reviewers. These researchers unselfishly donate their time and attention to review manuscripts. Their work is what makes the peer review system work and scholarly journals possible. The editors and publisher of Applied Physics Letters thank all of our reviewers for their conscientious work on behalf of the Journal. We further offer special thanks to the researchers who have been identified as Applied Physics Letters' top reviewers for 2018. These individuals each reviewed multiple papers for APL, and our editors found their reviews to be consistently thorough and discerning."

 The full list of the 2018 APL top reviewers is published in Applied Physics Letters, 114, 209801.