
Beam Tube SINQ, thermal beam tube R42, H2O-scatterer
Monochromators Ge311 (λ = 1.177 Å), Ge220 (λ = 1.383 Å) and PG002 (λ = 2.317 Å), vertical focusing
Monochromator = 38.8o (fixed)
Optional Collimation 80', 40', 20'
Resolution Δd/d > .005
Flux at Sample max. 2.2x106 n/cm2/sec (1.35mA on SINQ)
Crystal Size ideal 3-5 mm3, down to sub 0.1 mm3 and not larger than 1cm2 cross section (size of homogeneous beam)
xyz-Adjustment x,y:+/- 15mm, z:+/- 30mm

Instrument configurations

Secondary Instrument (I)
- 2D He3-area-detector, 160 mm x 160 mm (oscillating radial collimator)
- single He3-tube (soller collimator: 80', 40', 20')

Secondary Instrument (II)
- single He3-tube (soller collimator: 80', 40', 20') with PG analyser

Momentum transfer

6o< 2Θ <128o, λ=1.18Å: max.sinΘ/λ=0.77 Å-1, λ=2.317 Å: max.sinΘ/λ=0.39 Å-1

Weakest signals investigated:

- various thin films, 50-100 nm thickness (typically 30-45 min/point)

- detailed crystal structure NaOs2O6: 0.8mm3 (5.8mg)

- magnetic structure 1 mB CuSeOCl: 0.2x1.8x4 mm3 (5mg)

- magnetic structure 5 mB MOF: 0.12 mm3 (24 sec/point)

- magnetic structure 0.2 mB Nd/CeCoIn5: 20 mg (52 min/point)

- few nuclear reflections of YNiO3: 2E-4 mm3 (5 min/point, incident beam width 0.4 mm)