The Swiss Light Source SLS has been in operation since 2001. This large research facility, which is unique in Switzerland, is currently being upgraded to keep pace with the latest developments in science, technology, engineering and data processing.
Following the modernisation project, called SLS 2.0, novel research and more precise investigations will be possible at the SLS. With this technical overhaul, SLS will remain in the top tier in comparison with other international synchrotron light sources. The project is being funded as part of the ERI Dispatch 2021-2024 programme.
Current operation status
Latest Scientific Highlights and News
Skyrmion topology quantified in 3D
Researchers from an international collaboration between the United States of America and Switzerland have performed three-dimensional magnetic imaging of a magnetic skyrmion using soft X-ray laminography. This allowed for the investigation, in three dimensions, of the topological profile of the magnetic skyrmions.
Déchiffrer l’énigme des protéines
Cette année, le prix Nobel de chimie est attribué à trois chercheurs qui ont contribué de manière déterminante à déchiffrer le code des protéines, ces importants éléments constitutifs de la vie. Mais pour que des applications puissent être développées à partir de ces connaissances, par exemple dans le domaine médical, des centres de recherche comme le PSI sont indispensables.
New Monochromators for SLS 2.0
The brand-new monochromators that have been built by XDS Oxford for the hard X-ray beamlines at SLS 2.0 have now arrived. They were unpacked beginning of the week, and are currently being tested in our new lab space at Park Innovaare. These advanced instruments will play a crucial role in enhancing the beamline performance, ensuring superior precision and efficiency in the upcoming experiments.