ORION manuals

The linked pdfs include all the information that you need to log-in and the commands that you need to run ORION. Fit is the ideal program to use to the fit any data collected. Once on Orion, access to ICSD and to the International Tables for Crystallography is possible following this procedure.

If you wish to download any of the data files the path is /home/orion/data/yyyy/xxx/fileName.dat, where yyyy is the year the data was collected and xxx is the first three numbers of the 6 digit run number.

The Manuals are listed in the sections COMMANDS/ALIGNING CRYSTALS:
The first manual contains the general commands-list of ORION,
the second one gives tips to align a crystal.

ORION-commands are equal/similar to ZEBRA, but ZEBRA offers more options:
Full list of ZEBRA Commands.