TecDay: LMX meets Hohe Promenade

TecDay is an SATW initiative that was developed at the Kantonsschule Limmattal in 2007 and has since been rolled out to more than 60 secondary schools across Switzerland. By the end of 2017 it had reached  around 45,000 students and 5,000 teachers. A TecDay is designed to make technical and scientific disciplines more accessible to students. TecDays focus on exchange with individuals from industry, universities and research institutes. These people offer enthusiastic and inspiring accounts of some or all of their activities and seek dialogue with the students. The modules are organised in three time slots, allowing all students to attend three modules of their choice in a single TecDay. 

The NUM Laboratory LMX contributed in one module, that received a total of 16 students from the Kantonsschule "Hohe Promenade" in Zurich over the course of a morning. The module was organized in three different “stations”, each one focusing on one topic or area that the group is working on. Each station received a small group of students and was organized to be as interactive as possible, with the aim of engaging them as much as possible.