Bernina experimental hutch

SwissFEL Instrument Bernina

The Bernina instrument is specialized for studying ultrafast phenomena in condensed matter systems with high specificity in laser excitation and X-ray probes.

The X-ray beamline design emphasizes experimental stability with state-of-the-art X-ray optical elements and single pulse diagnostics which should ensure stable FEL beam pointing and femtosecond timing over days.

A flexible diffractometer platform allows to apply different resonant and non-resonant X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy techniques in combination with heavy load sample environments like low temperature cryostats or magnets.

A large range from THz to UV light pulses can be used to specifically excite specimens in pump/probe experiments.

The versatile instrument is operated by the Bernina Group.

Status: The Bernina Instrument welcomes users. Calls for experiment proposals end in March and September. Please visit the call website for details on the upcoming call.