Lab News

Seminar participants touring the pumped storage hydropower plant in Forbach

Highlights from the joint PhD Seminar in Rastatt

Participants from PSI-LEA, Russell McKenna’s Chair for Energy Systems Analysis at ETH Zürich, and Prof. Valentin Bertsch’s Chair of Energy Systems and Energy Economics at Ruhr University Bochum gathered in Rastatt, Germany, for a three-day seminar in February.

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Energy Hackdays 2021

Challenge at the Energy Data Hackdays 2021

Chris Mutel, a scientist at PSI's Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis who specialises in life cycle and sustainability analyses, prepared a challenge for the Energy Data Hackdays happening on the 24th and 25th of September 2021 in Brugg

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SWEET Program, Research challenge 4: Sustainability at the heart of a resilient Swiss energy system

The results have been announced of the first call for proposals in the new energy research programme SWEET (Swiss Energy Research for the Energy Transition). An international panel of experts has awarded the contract to four consortia. The host institutions of these research consortia are ETHZ, EPFL, the University of Geneva and the PSI. Over the next six to eight years, they will work on their research tasks in trans- and interdisciplinary projects.

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