
Kirsten Moselund

“If you’re in a certain position, you should step forward”

Materials research Industry Relations Nanotechnology Quantum research People

Kirsten Moselund heads the new Laboratory for Nano and Quantum Technologies. In this interview she discusses quantum research at PSI and how nanophotonics can assist with this.

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Into the fourth dimension: time-resolved soft X-ray laminography

Combining time-resolved soft X-ray STXM imaging with magnetic laminography, researchers were able to investigate magnetization dynamics in a ferromagnetic microstructure resolved in all three spatial dimensions and in time. Thanks to the possibility of freely selecting the frequency of the excitation applied to the magnetic element, this technique opens the possibility to investigate resonant magneto-dynamical processes, such as e.g. magnetic vortex core gyration and switching, and spinwave emission.

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Blick in die magnetische Zukunft

A look into the magnetic future

Media Releases Materials research SLS

PSI researchers are the first to observe a specific behaviour of magnetic ice.

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Prof. Dr. Marc Janoschek

Waves on circular paths


Energy-efficient alternative to information transmission with electric current

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Reiche, Aeppli and Gerber

Opening the door to X-ray quantum optics

The 'perfect' X-ray beam-splitter: Researchers at SwissFEL have an ingenious solution to produce coherent copies of pulses, facilitating a realm of new X-ray techniques.

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