
Prof. Dr Milan Radovic

New materials for the computer of the future

Media Releases Future Technologies SLS Materials research

Researchers are identifying and studying material compounds whose unique properties could lead to the development of novel types of chip.

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Alexander Grimm wins 2022 Nicholas Kurti prize

We are happy to announce that Alex has been awarded the 2022 Nicholas Kurti Science prize. The prize recognises his work on non-linear effects in Josephson junctions for quantum information processing.

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Solving the unsolvable

Future Technologies Data Science Quantum research

PSI and ETH Zurich have founded the Quantum Computing Hub, where top researchers work together on concepts for quantum computers.

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Romain Ganter tinkers with the finishing touches of the upgrade to Athos

Athos just got even better

An ambitious upgrade at the soft X-ray beamline of the free electron laser SwissFEL opens up new experimental capabilities.

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 Schneller und smarter

Faster and smarter

Large Research Facilities Data Science

PSI is pooling its expertise regarding the evaluation of research data in the new research division Scientific Computing, Theory and Data.

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