PSI Spin-off XRNanotech wins Swiss BIC of CERN Technologies 2020

With its extraordinary X-ray optics, XRNanotech GmbH, PSI's latest spin-off, was able to convince the jury of the "Business Incubation Centre (BIC) of CERN Technologies" programme of Park Innovaare and prevail over the other finalists. As the winner of this programme, the start-up will receive CHF 50,000 as well as further support from the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, CERN and PSI.

XRNanotech was founded just this year by PSI Fellow Dr. Florian Döring and offers innovative nanostructured X-ray optics with outstanding precision for high-tech applications such as drug research, medical imaging, microchip inspection or the examination of advanced materials.

We congratulate Dr. Florian Döring, CEO of XRNanotech GmbH, and are delighted with this success!

Dr. Florian Döring, CEO and Founder of XRNanotech