Industry-Event: «Advanced Manufacturing» - What may added value cost?

ANAXAM, cross-ING and inspire AG cordially invite interested industry representatives to their information event on 29 June 2023 on the topic of "AM in the field of tension - what can added value cost?”

Successful AM solutions are characterized by the fact that they are understood and supported by the entire company. The additional benefits made possible by additive manufacturing - the "added value" - must be transported and communicated from the development department through marketing and sales to the customer.

When: 29 June from 2:00 pm

Where: Paul Scherrer Institut, Auditorium, Forschungsstrasse 111, 5232 Villigen PSI


Fabian Tunzini, Head of Competence Centre AM Design, Cross-ING AG

- Matthias Schmitt, Manager Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Accelleron

- Adrian Helbling, Co-Founder and COO, Ecoparts AG

- Andreas Schmid, General Manager Technology Development, Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd.

- Johannes Vögerl, Chair of Product Development (pd|z), ETH Zurich

- Dr. Christian Grünzweig, CEO, ANAXAM

The event will be held in German.

The detailed programme with further information as well as the possibility to register can be found here:

Industry event on 29 June: What may added value cost?