PSI medal winners at SwissSkills Championships 2023

Lior Day, Melvin Deubelbeiss and Andrin Kästli (from left)

At the recent SwissSkills Championships 2023 for apprentices in Sindex/BE Melvin Deubelbeiss and Andrin Kästli from the electronics apprenticeship group in NUM/LTP have won two medals: Andrin became third, won a bronze medal and Melvin even won the championship and was honored by the gold medal. With this he qualified for the world skills 2024 in Lyon, France. In addition Lior Day from PSI won the silver medal in the category design ('Konstruktion'). 

This great success again emphasises the enormous quality of the vocational training at PSI. It would be impossible without an extraordinary high motivation of the apprentices but also the passion of their instructors and supervisors. We are very proud on this great success and congratulate cordially!