Creating novel quantum phases via the heterostructure engineering

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Employing X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), and momentum-resolved density fluctuation (MRDF) theory, the magnetic and electronic properties of ultrathin NdNiO3 (NNO) film in proximity to ferromagnetic metal (FM) La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO) layer were investigated. The experimental data reveal that the magnetic coupling between the nickelate film and the manganite layer causes an unusual, novel ferromagnetic (FM) phase in NNO. Moreover, ARPES data proves that the metal-insulator transition in the NNO layer is absent. The experimental data (XMCD and ARPES) with the momentum-resolved density fluctuation calculation (MRDF) directly links the MIT and the magnetic orders in NNO systems. This work demonstrates that proximity layer order can be broadly used to modify physical properties and enrich the phase diagram of RENiO3 (RE = rare-earth element).


Dr Cinthia Piamonteze
Microscopy and Magnetism Group
Paul Scherrer Institute, Forschungsstrasse 111, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 56 310 58 55

Prof. Dr Milan Radovic
Spectroscopy of Novel Materials Group
Paul Scherrer Institute, Forschungsstrasse 111, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 56 310 55 65

Original Publication

Proximity-Induced Novel Ferromagnetism Accompanied with Resolute Metallicity in NdNiO3 Heterostructure
Marco Caputo, Zoran Ristic, Rajendra S. Dhaka, Tanmoy Das, Zhiming Wang, Christan E. Matt, Nicholas C. Plumb, Eduardo B. Guedes, Jasmin Jandke, Muntaser Naamneh, Anna Zakharova, Marisa Medarde, Ming Shi, Luc Patthey, Joël Mesot, Cinthia Piamonteze, and Milan Radovic*
Advanced Science, 2101516- Published Online: 11 August 2021
DOI: 10.1002/advs.202101516