-------------------- Download musrSim source code from svn $> cd /tmp $> mkdir test $> cd test $> svn co file:///afs/psi.ch/project/nemu/svn/lem/trunk/simulation/geant4/musrSim musrSim $> cd musrSim $> ll $> ll doc/ -------------------- Compile musrSim $> cd .. $> mkdir mSim $> cd mSim $> cmake -DGeant4_DIR=/home/install/geant4.9.5/install/lib/Geant4-9.5.0 /tmp/test/musrSim/ $> gmake -------------------- Prepare and run $> g495 $> cd /tmp/test/musrSim $> ll $> cd run $> ll $> ln -s /afs/psi.ch/project/HighFieldMuSR/Magnet/OI-39370/OI_Archiv/Oxford_Instr/9048_2009/x10cm_z2m.table . $> ln -s /afs/psi.ch/user/s/sedlak/HighFieldMuSR/Davide/TURTLE/Feb2010/FOR077_reggiani_Feb2010.dat . $> emacs vis_14510.mac & - show different blocks / commands $> /tmp/test/mSim/musrSim vis_14510.mac - show the Dawn output $> /tmp/test/mSim/musrSim 14510.mac - discuss the text output -------------------- Now open the output file in Root: $> root root [0] TFile* f=new TFile("data/musr_14510.root") root [1] .ls root [2] t1->Print() root [3] t1->Draw("muIniMomZ") root [4] t1->Draw("muDecayPosZ") root [5] t1->Draw("sqrt(muDecayPosX*muDecayPosX+muDecayPosY*muDecayPosY):muDecayPosZ") root [6] t1->Draw("sqrt(muDecayPosX*muDecayPosX+muDecayPosY*muDecayPosY):muDecayPosZ","muDecayPosZ>-200") root [7] t1->Draw("det_edep") root [8] t1->Draw("det_edep","det_ID==102") root [9] .q ------------------- musrSimAna $> cd ../musrSimAna/ $> gmake $> ln -s /tmp/test/musrSim/run/data . $> emacs 14510b.v1190& $> ./musrSimAna 14510 14510b nographic $> cd data $> ln -s /home/data_sim/hifi/his_14410_14410b.v1190.root . $> ln -s /home/data_sim/hifi/his_14460_14460a.v1190.root . $> cd .. ------------------------------ Now open the output file in Root: $> root root [0] TFile* f=new TFile("data/his_14510_14510b.v1190.root") root [1] .ls root [2] hMuDecayMap_1->Draw() // condition 1 oncePerEvent root [3] hMuDecayMap_6->Draw() // condition 6 goodEvent_det root [4] TFile* f=new TFile("data/his_14410_14410b.v1190.root") root [5] hMuDecayMap_6->Draw() // condition 6 goodEvent_det root [6] hdet_time10_6->Draw() // condition 6 goodEvent_det root [7] hdet_time10_11->Draw() // condition 11 goodEvent_F_det root [8] hdet_time10_13->Draw() // condition 13 goodEvent_U_det root [9] hdet_time20_6->Draw() // condition 6 goodEvent_det --> SetOptFit(1111111) function "[3]*exp(x/2.19703)*(1+[2]*cos(x*[0]+[1]))" was fitted Asymmetry = 0.42 To study pileup background --> natural decay of muons is required. This was done in the file 14460: root [10] TFile* f=new TFile("data/his_14460_14460a.v1190.root") root [11] hdet_time20_6->Draw() // condition 6 goodEvent_det --> SetOptFit(1111111) function "[0]*exp(-x/2.19703)+[1]" was fitted --> Remember that par0 = 375.8 (Normalisation) --> Background from the fit: par1/par0 = 4.4 / 375.8 = 1.2% root [12] hdet_time20_rotref_6->Draw() // condition 6 goodEvent_det --> SetOptFit(1111111) function "[2]*cos(x*[0]+[1]" is fitted --> Asymmetry = 2* par2/Normalisation = 2 * 78.5 / 375.8 = 0.418 2nd way how to extract pileup background: root [13] hdet_time10_bgr3_6->Draw() // condition 6 goodEvent_det --> SetOptFit(1111111) --> background = par0/Normalisation = 4.9 / 375.8 = 1.3% 3rd way how to extract background: root [14] hdet_time10_bgr1_9->Draw() // condition 9 pileupEvent --> SetOptFit(1111111) --> background = par0/Normalisation = 4.5 / 375.8 = 1.2% Where to the muons and pileup muons stop? : root [28] humanDecayHistograms_6->Draw() // <--- accepted events root [29] humanDecayHistograms_9->Draw() // <--- mu1 for pileup events root [30] humanDecayPileupHistograms_9->Draw() // <--- mu2 for pileup events