HRPT useful commands stacked in approximately chronological order ==================================================================================== 14/May/2015 -2018... `hsics_help' help for HRPT control commands under perl-library Hrpt::. `hrpt_help' will show this file `hxbu' run the commands from provided buffer or stop current execution ------------------------------------------------ Use: hxbu -k or hxbu buffername & The ampersand symbol '&' is to move the execution of 'bufername' into background, so if the terminal window is closed, the execution of the script is continued. Main options are: -k to kill the execution and stop sics -f force to start even if PID-file from the previous hxbu execution had not been deleted or some hxbu are running (trying to kill them first). This might happen in some cases. -s to stop sics. If some xbu is still runing the run will continue. Use this option only if you are sure you want it... Some extra options are below: -vV to show what code in the buffer is running now. V is n,m where n - approximate number of last hxbu-lines before the currently executed one to show, m - number of lines ahead to show if V is all the whole buffer script will be shown -l changes the behaviour of -v, so it shows literally all n previous lines including empty lines, comments, etc. list of the timing of commands execution is suppressed. if -v is not specified uses V=5,3 -h the above text Examples: hxbu hxbu runme.xbu& hxbu -k hxbu -l hxbu -l -v 5,5 hxbu -lv5,5 hxbu -vall `hix' Yet another interactive SICS client that uses perl-library $ENV{'HOME'}/perl/lib/Hrpt:: if used with arg search for library in arg first hix . will look in ./Hrpt/'; ------------------------------------------------ hrun_status Some useful info, like monitors, preset, sample, etc ------------------------------------------------ `hwatch' watch any sics motor ------------------------------------------------ Use: hwatch [-r -t] space delimited list of motors -r stay on the same line -t 10 repeat each 10 seconds, default is 1s -1 do it only once -q put the values in quotes Examples: hwatch chpos a4 a3 or even this hwatch 'el737 values' or that hwatch temperature `sinq' prints the SINQ current each 10 seconds ------------------------------------------------ the command is just a perl oneliner that uses `hwatch'. To see how it works: cat `which sinq` `sinqlive' plots the SINQ current as a function of time ------------------------------------------------ `' `hlong` --------------------------------------------- to show how long the numbers or file was collected and at what SINQ current `` Will show table of relative intensities normalised by 1p89HI mode: lambda=1.89A, high intensity --------------------------------------------- Usage: [mode] where mode : search pattern for the HRPT-mode e.g. HI or MR or 1p9 ====================================== SICS tcl-clients http://lns00/sinqwiki/Wiki.jsp?page=Main (M. Koennecke, M. Zolliker) `sea` X-window client of the SeaServer (temperature and not only). `six' command line client to SICS-server ====================================== Data reduction, etc... `hmake': automatic generation of the data files from the raw HRPT data ======================================================================= `hmake' creates data files from raw HRPT data performing calibration and spikes correction similar as `hfc' script does. The title strings supplied by the user and the sample temperature for the runs are used as the unique identifiers of the measurement conditions. So in case if you like to identify your measurement condition better you should put all relevant information in the title. For example, wavelength, resolution, pressure, etc. The run numbers with the same experimental conditions can be noncontinuous. The script will find all matching titles and add the runs together. ------------------------------------------------ Usage: hmake [-c] [-m value] [-q value] to make datafiles from to last number in automatic update mode. This is a recommended option. Default is 'hrpt_' or hmake makes data in the of numbers, e.g 2014:100-200, and exits. or hmake -- - makes data out of the last of numbers, e.g -50, and exits. The data reduction includes also additional correction on semishadow from beam reduction at 2theta 160-165 degrees. If -c option is specified no 2theta correction is done (not recommended for HRPT). -m value: neutron monitor for normalized _n_ data-files, default 12000000. -q value : value is the SINQ current to show better estimation of statistics Examples: hmake 1000 from number 1000 to last measured and updating each 600 seconds. File names begin with 'hrpt_' hmake 1000 ori4_ from number 1000 to last measured and updating each 600 seconds. File names begin with 'ori4_' `killhmake': kills the hmake process(es) running on the same computer ------------------------------------------------- Usage: killhmake will show the running process(es), but will not kill them. Just proposes the command(s) to use for the killing. killhmake -a will try to kill all hmake process(es) automatically. `' returns the statistics for the given dat-file that includes neutron monitor (NM), estimated acquisition time, total number of counts (Sum). ------------------------------------------------ Usage: filename To look at all *.dat files in the current directory use: perl -e 'print "$_ ",` $_` for (<*.dat>)' `hlog' prints the list of measurements in the `hmake' spirit ------------------------------------------------ Usage: 'hlog ' to get log from to last number or 'hlog ' to get log in the , e.g 2014:100-200 or 'hlog -' to get log of the last of numbers, e.g -50 Example: hlog -50 takes last 50 numbers hlog 1000 from number 1000 to last measured `' generation of data files from range of numbers ------------------------------------------------ Usage: instrument/year numor1 numor2 Examples: 2011/hrpt 46691 46727 2011/hrpt 46691 46727 2 0.2 10000000 `' converts all dat-files in HRPT/DMC format in current directoryto xysigma type with themperature inside for funs of winplotr. The xysigma file names are xxx1.dat xxx2.dat ... `' converts hrpt data files into x_y_sigma-format with correct header, also with temperatures inside, so it can be read by winplotr. The xy-file names are xxx1.dat, xxx2.dat, ... ------------------------------------------------ Usage: Examples: hrpt2xy All *.dat in current directory will be converted hrpt2xy *.txt Files with given mask will be converted `hradial' status or start stop radial collimator (RC) ------------------------------------------------ Usage: hradial [-t] start/stop Examples: hradial -t 600 start will start RC if it is stopped each 600 seconds hradial will just give the status of RC `hsave_data_hdf' saves HRPT hdf-data file on the fly without stopping the current data acquisition. Use this command only in you exactly know what you are going to do. ------------------------------------------------ Usage: hsave_data_hdf If the second optional argument <title> is provided its will be prepended to the existent title if no <title> is given a default string will be added: on_fly_[timestamp] e.g. on_fly_Wed_Nov_25_13:23:29_2015_ Examples: hsave_data_hdf SAVE_NEW_DATA_ON_FLY first_cycle_ the string first_cycle_ will be prepended to the existent title `' continuously plot the points from hrpt_mot.log or any file given as argument ------------------------------------------------ addsub_strobo ------------------------------------------------ Usage: addsub_strobo [options] 'filenumber,dimension' [bin_step] [neutron_monitor] Creates main/master data-files in HRPT-format from the 2-dimensional NeXus-histogramm collected in stroboscopic mode, where: 'filenumber,dimension' are the number of NeXus file and maximal number of histogram you like to extract. Master files will be created from the histograms from 1 to 'dimension' with optional [bin_sep] (default is 1) optionally normalised to the same [neutron_monitor]. When the options are used performs some ariphmetics with the additional data saving the results in the master files, options: -c number2cancel Removes duplicated statistics in number2cancel from master -s number2subtract Subtract number2subtract from master (has sence if these are independent measurements) -a numbers2add string with additional number, or numbers to be added to the master. The string can be '2000,2100,2200-2300,2302'... -t title By default the template for the file name is generated from the title. Use this option if you like your own one. -n logical option saying that the master files are already present in the current directory, so the master files are not generated. Might be useful if one needs some interational ariphmetics. #=====================================================================================# #30/Apr/2015 11:56 # #The help below is mainly related to the utilities for the instrument scientists, but # #of course these utilities can be used by anyone if needed. # #=====================================================================================# 22/Mar/2017, 11:42 ------------------------------------------------ hmode Usage: hmode [options] filenumber prints presets for given mode where: filenumber are the number(s) of NeXus file options: -f file which contains output of sumvar command shown below setenv sumvar numor:6,date,title:70,mgpu:7:2,smon,pmon,time,cex2:5.1,momu:7.2 ; sumvar range_of_numbers >your_file_name is present in current directory. -m print only for specific mode of operation -t do not determine the mode by the monochromator motors values, but try to match the mode given by -m option in the title. -s print only summary statistics -q value consider only the numors with SINQ current more than 'value'. Default is 100 uA. -o value 'value' can be 'sinq' or 'smon' creates a XY-file with name hmode_value.txt with numors SINQ_current or NM_presets March 11, 2016 ------------------------------------------------ `' takes the argument, which is string of numbers in spirit of `fit' by Markus and add an explicit calibration file according to proper `calist.dat' For example: 'hrpt:2016:1-4,2000:dmc:1-10,hrpt:2010:1-10' is modified to 'hrpt:2016:1[unity.txt],2-4[cal_june1_refined.txt],dmc:2000:1-10[deteff.dat],hrpt:2010:1-10[deteff_rc2_b=0p5_6may10_p.txt]' ===================================== `iofch' <file of range of numbers> prints counts an a function of channel Usage: iofch [-m15] [-o] <file or numbs> [output file] -o prints only and counts -m specifies number of channels with max intensities to be printed at the end Examples: iofch -m 3 '5424[cal=0]' ===================================== `1hrpt' prints counts for the given channels and summary statistics usage: 1hrpt [-t] [-m] firstN-lastN chan1,chan2,chan3 or 1hrpt -t 'regexp' firstN-lastN,yet_another_number chanM-chanN [print field length] -t filters only the records which title matches regexp -m N merges the number by N -s V print only summary for the noisy channels which sigma is V-times larger than sqrt(I). e.g. 1.1, by 10% -z Z if -s is given look also for the channels counting less than Z -g reanayze grand total without noisy channels -x excluded channels Examples: 1hrpt -s 2 -m 3 5424-5438,5446-`lastnum` 1-1600 1hrpt -m 3 5424-5438,5446-5448 1-10 ===================================== `hphs' creates Pulsed Hight Spectrum from HRPT datanumbers measured with different threshold values. -------------------------------------------------- Usage: hphs [-c 20] [-b0.1] [-m 1800] <range of data numbers in sumvar spirit> [prefix] where -b specifies optional binning in Volts, -c 20, e.g. means no spikes correction, but disregards channels with counts more then 20. Usefull if there are some channels with 0 counts... Note that the patterns are normalized to monitor 36000/1000000 for counning by time/NM -m 1800 will override the above default monitor value ===================================== Making data files with `hmake': technical info 31/Mar/2016, 14:46: All redone. The previous versions as explained between ############ are git'ed at dab7f01 (HEAD, refs/heads/new_hmake) before modifications in hfind etc, to unify hf and hfc... Now everything w and w/ 2theta correctionis in hfind -> ############################# hmake -> /afs/ -> -> 9 Jul 2014 -> 12 Nov 11:35 ahc -> finally uses the calibration named as `calib_c.txt' and then performs correction with Making data files with `hf'. Added Jan'15 binwidth as the last param. But that does the sum job should be modified, as shown below. `hf' is simply `hfind -100 $@', which in turn is /afs/ -> `ah_ $toadd $ARGV[2] $ARGV[4]`; print "done."; # to get merging option. Not always work due to limitations #print "============ah2_ $toadd $ARGV[2] $ARGV[4] $binwidth ========\n"; # `ah2_ $toadd $ARGV[2] $ARGV[4] $binwidth`; print "done."; ############################# ===================================== Usage: filename making HRPT calibration file from the file prepared by with correction for beam reduction from 1566 channel with a4=5. The correction table is taken from /home/hrptlnsg/pombin/ lines /BEGIN ACTUAL CORRECTION CODE/../END ACTUAL CORRECTION CODE/. This script substitutes the matlab script (<2017). The input file name must have extention dat. The output names are similar, but with extention txt. ===================================== Makes the calibration file (HRPT format) from raw V- and BG-data numbers or datafiles and optionally creates the calibrations (in deteff format) by means of `' both native and corrected to semi-shadow from br-slits Usage: [-c -f -m -r -w -l] V-numbs/V-filename BG-numbs/BG-filename -c calibname , e.g. -c unity.txt default is 0, i.e. uncalibrated and no spikes removal -f rms_for_spikes_removal, e.g -f 10 default is 5 -m -r -w are [muR] [Vradius] [fwhm of RC], respectively defaults for these optional parameters are 0.31 4 7 -l linkname will also create calibration files in deteff format (the file names might be quite long) and symbolic links to them in HRPT calibration spirit: linkname.txt for native calibration and linkname_c.txt for proper calibration with correction for semi-shadow from br-slits. Examples: V.dat BG.dat -w14 47048-47061 47043-47047 ====================================== 05/Mar/2014 10:38 `xynac' script determines the position of NAC in detector coordinate system from fullprof fit of sysin and sycos from data @1.9A. Then the values of stx and sty corresponding to the position of the sample in the rotation center O_S are calculated as one can see in '/afs/'. If pcr-file is given, no fullprof fit is performed. Just sy[sin,cos] are taken from .out-file, and stx,sty from .dat-file that should be in current directory. --------------------------- Our xy detector coordinate axes -------------- ^ y_D | | x_D ________|_________> <<=========incoming beam \ // 2theta\// // to detector Usage: xynac numors/filename [2theta zero] [1/0 var flag] [1/0 vary a flag] Examples: xynac hrpt:2012:25457-25472 -0.1 1 1 xynac filename.dat -0.1 1 xynac filename.dat xynac filename.pcr ---------------------------------- 10/May/2013 12:47 /afs/ latest m-file to plot the stx,sty(xy_D) xynac updated with varriables $O_Sx, $O_Sy ---------------------------------- 09/May/2013 11:03 from now on the latest news are on the top with the time stamp ---------------------------------- `hf': automatic generation of the data files from the raw HRPT data. It is a successor of `ah'. `hf' creates data files from raw HRPT data performing calibration and spikes correction similar as `ah' script does. The title strings supplied by the user and the sample temperature for the runs are used as the unique identifiers of the measurement conditions. So in case if you like to identify your measurement condition better you should put all relevant information in the title. For example, wavelength, resolution, pressure, etc. The run numbers with the same experimantal conditions can be noncontinuous. The script will find all matching titles and add the runs together. Usage: hf NumbersForSumvar <filename_template> <neutron_monitor> where NumbersForSumvar: numers' list acceptable by `sumvar', e.g. 1-10 or 1-100,200,202-300 filename_template: optional filename to be used as a prefix for the datafile names. If empty, no datafiles are produced, but script shows what has been found. neutron_monitor: optional parameter. If present, all data files will be normalized by the same neutron_monitor. It is useful if the data are later used by the software that does not recognize the monitor to compare, e.g., different patterns collected at different temperatures with different monitors. Examples: hf hrpt:2008:131067-132115 hf hrpt:2008:131067-132115 set1_ hf hrpt:2008:131067-132115 set1_ 10000000 ======================================================= ======================================================= '' print daq threshold, total counts from files with prefix cosmic ---------------- a3 1-100 Find changing motor in the sequence of measured numors. Usage: 1-100 a3 ----------------- `' shows he or n2 refills in current year 2012 2012 n2 --------------- ah, ad: scripts for adding HRPT, DMC files ah2: additional 3rd argument is the binning step --------------- statch: Calculate average, dispersion and expected dispersion for all 1600 wires over the given datafile numbers --------------- lastnum, lastnumd: last written file number for HRPT and DMC --------------- hlast, dlast: last <argument> numbers table with `sumvar' --------------- ahs: to subtract an sdditional pattern with the spike background with time-calibration --------------- deteff2dat: deteff.dat to .dat-file for fit --------------- fl: first and last field --------------- fcomma: all spaces to commas ---------------, make a table(time) with HRPT detector normalized gas pressure, temperature of electronics `' prints alarms `' time in string format `' same as above but continuously monitors --------------- table of file no. and channel no. with spikes. To change something edit the file --------------- creates the histogram of spiky channels from the output of `'. --------------- To get softlimits from the previous year. copy/paste to six: [hrpt@hrpt ~/hrpt_sics]$ cat hrptdf.log | perl -lane 'if (/d1./ && /soft/) {s/^.+://; print}' ==================================================== Obsolete stuff, but still possible to use... ---------------------------- Procedure of determining sysin and sycos (since 2011 we use fullprof to determine them): Latest dir: /afs/ /afs/ pomjakusx5: work/HRPT_RandD/summary_sycosis_pot_smpch_etc_2009/nac_oct/fp_fits/ * nac 6mm powder is collected at several a3-positions with 1.9A. * There is global fit when all peak shifts for all a3-values are fitted together to the formula y(2t)= y0+y1*cos(2t)+y2*sin(2t). ** step 1. nac.perl (DOIT_g subroutine, file script fits all the patterns indicated in the nac.perl to extract 51 nac diffraction peak positions. The initial values are taken from the '.fit3' files with the names 1.fit3, 2.fit3, ...51.fit3. Redirect output to file 'out_g.txt'. ** step 2. The output is plugged in the matlab script 'main_g.m' that gives the values of shift along the beam (x) and perpendicular to the beam (y) function y = t2_scs_g(a3,p) lambda=1.886; global dc0; %% t2tr=2*asin(lambda./(2*dc0*p(4))); p(3)=p(3)*pi/180; %y = p(1)+p(2)*cos(t2tr)+p(3)*sin(t2tr) + t2tr*180/pi; y = p(1)-p(2)*sin(p(3)+a3-t2tr) + t2tr*180/pi; * non-global fit. ** nac.perl (DOIT subroutine, file script fits every pattern indicated in the nac.perl to extract 51 nac diffraction peak positions. Then the matlab script ('main.m') is called (from inside that fits the peak positions to the sysin-sycos and outputs "sys=sprintf('%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f \n',chi2,ss,sc,sse,sce,2t0,err,a0,err" function y = t2_scs(dc0,p) lambda=1.886; %% t2tr=2*asin(lambda./(2*dc0*p(4))); y = p(1)+p(2)*cos(t2tr)+p(3)*sin(t2tr) + t2tr*180/pi; example: hrpt/2009/42342-42361 0.008 8.278814 2.110925 0.466268 0.090452 0.078391 -0.030100 0.000000 10.253187 0.000222 ** The output is processed ("manually") by fitsys.m script that shows also the graphic result ====================================================== Fullprof fits to determine sysin, sycos, etc. are in, e.g., /afs/ -------------- V. Pomjakushin, 2016