sics 'user Muster proposalid 2020001'; use_new_psweep; sics 'radcol rc1'; # specify the current radial collimator installed #sics 'radial start'; # starts the radial collimator sics 'radial check 1'; # make sure sics checks the status of # radial collimator, # and restarts it, if it is stopped. sample_changer 'lt5'; # we choose 'lt5', other options are 'rt', 'lt' sinq_current 1000; # approximate SINQ current to have good timing time_per_sweep '1 hour'; # time per one datanumber/file. We call it sweep. sample_rotation 'on'; beam_reduction_horizontal 12; beam_reduction_vertical 50; # for small hight of the sample H the vertical # can be ~ H+10. All in [mm] lambda 1.5; # neutron wavelength in Angstrems resolution 'HI'; # other choices are MR, HR # lambda 1.9; # set_sweep_range '3.55,0.15,4'; time_per_sweep '0.5 hour'; ttol 15; # temperature tolerance # hcount 100,'empty_IRI4'; # lambda 2.45; # hcount 1,'Li-biPy_n1',4,300; # hcount 10,'NaKCu3O(SO4)3_V8x25',3,300; # hcount 19,'Li-biPy_n1',4,300; # hcount -10,'cool_Albert_V8x25',3,1; # hcount 10,'NaKCu3O(SO4)3_V8x25',3,1; ttol 2; lambda 1.9; hcount 3,'Yb0p667Mn0p333MnO3_V8x10',1,1; # main count command # explained below # hcount 3, 'Yb0p667Mn0p333MnO3_V8x10', 1, 1; # | | | | # v v v v # 3 sweeps full sample name position 1 temperature 1 in [K] # in sample changer for $t (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75, 90, 130) { # the list of temperatures to be # measured ttol 0.5 if $t>1; ttol 1 if $t>30; ttol 2 if $t>50; ttol 5 if $t>75; # the above 4 lines set the tolerance # depending on the set point, to avoid # long waiting times - temperature of the sample # reaches the set point exponetially slow... hcount 4,'Yb0p667Mn0p333MnO3_V8x10',1,$t; # in position 1 # 6K, 15K, 25K, 35K, 45K, 55K } ttol 10; for $t (qw/130 170 210/) { hcount 4,'Tm0p7Mn0p3MnO3_V8x15',2,$t; } ttol 2; hcount -10,'cool_Tb0.6Pr0.4MnO3',5,1; lambda 2.45; hcount 99,'Li-biPy_n1',4,1;