News archive of the PSI User Office


Reduced capacity PSI guesthouse

There will be some substantial renovation work be going on in the PSI guesthouse until middle of March, which causes a significantly smaller capacity mainly in January and February. 

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Support for UK students visiting PSI user facilities

The UK neutron and muon facility ISIS is currently offering travel and subsistence support for students from UK universities visiting other facilities for neutron or muon studies. The PSI facilities SINQ and SmuS are part of that arrangement.

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Updated information flyer: user operation during COVID-19 period

PSI has updated the information and guidelines for our users that apply during the COVID-19 pandemic period according to the obligation for our users to present a certificate of a negative PCR or rapid antigen test or the certificate of a full vaccination/recovery.

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Information for SmuS users

If you are not able to come to PSI, please contact the corresponding instrument scientist as early as possible to discuss if and how the experiment could be conducted by the PSI staff members.

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COVID-19: Test obligation for external PSI users

From May 1, 2021 on all external users of the PSI facilities SLS, SwissFEL, SINQ, SμS and CHRISP must present a certificate of a negative PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 (with the date of the result being not older than 72 hrs when arriving at PSI, NO self-testing). A full COVID-19 vaccination with the last dose received at least two weeks earlier than your arrival date at PSI as well as a full recovery from COVID-19 do replace a negative PCR test.

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Status of SLS and SwissFEL

Please find some relevant updated information on the following topics:

- COVID-19 call continues and is still open in 2022
- SLS 24/7 with external users on site
- We are dedicated to education - Travel and safety considerations for your beamtime
- Remote access
- Current travel information of the Federal Office of Public Health
- Green Light for the SLS 2.0 upgrade
- ATHOS entering pilot operation

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SLS and SwissFEL Backlog Policy

Both you as users of our facilities and the teams operating the beamlines, and end-stations require planning reliability for conducting challenging experiments. Therefore, we schedule beamtime half a year ahead of time. During a pandemic, re-scheduling can sometimes not be avoided. However, if beamtime has been granted more than a year ago by the PRC, then both the principal investigator and the PRC should re-check if the proposed project is still up-to-date. Therefore, we introduce the 'maximum one chance to reschedule accepted beamtime due to pandemic' policy for all beamtime scheduled from 2021 onwards.

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X+N call open

The annual call for proposals for both SINQ and for SLS powder diffraction proposals is open! Submission deadline will be February 26th - 04:00 pm (CET)-

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Important information for SLS and SwissFEL users

Please find some relevant information on the following topics:

- COVID-19 call open until end of year 2020
- SLS back to 24/7 with external users on site
- Restart of user operation at SwissFEL
- Travel and safety considerations for your beamtime
- Remote access

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Information for SmuS, SINQ and CHRISP users

The restart of operating the PSI high intensity proton accelerator (HIPA) is expected to be delayed by about 2 months due to the Corona virus situation. The pandemic team of PSI approved a scenario where in-house research at the correponding facilities will be possible from mid of July on. External users at HIPA will only be allowed as of September 1st.

This means that we have to shift many .....

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