dataset of thermodynamic data for gwb programs dataset format: jul22 activity model: sit fugacity model: peng-robinson * PSI Chemical Thermodynamic Database 2020, Version 1-5 * LAST MOD. 07-NOV-2023 * transferred into GWB format from the PHREEQC file PSINagra2020v1-5.dat by Dr Frank Bok (HZDR) * * Database of reactions generated using ThermoMatch reactions generator tool. * Reactions exported to phreeqc format using ThermoMatch export functionality. * For questions G. Dan Miron * * Details on the PHREEQC database generation procedure: * Miron G.D. (2021) PSI Chemical Thermodynamic Database 2020 in PHREEQC format, Nagra TM-44-21-17. * * Due to the automatic reactions generation procedure from the selected master species some of the reactions are written in a different way here than in NTB 21-03 but are completely equivalent. * For example: * R1 this database: Np+4 + HCO3- + 4H2O = Np(OH)4CO3-2 + 5H+ * -log_K -15.829 * R2 this database: HCO3- = CO3-2 + H+ * -log_K -10.329 * R3 NTB 21-03: Np+4 + CO3-2 + 4H2O = Np(OH)4CO3-2 + 4H+ * -log_K -5.5 * R3 = R1 - R2 * * The documentation for this database is available on * * Change history ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * 12 March 2021 v. 1-1 added data for B and Cr from THERMOCHIMIE10a:2018 * These data are not part of the official PSI data review * Nagra NTB 21-03 and they were taken as are. * 29 April 2022 v. 1-2 fixed name of some minerals e.g., Quartz instead of SiO2(cr). * 7 July 2022 v. 1-3 fixed analytical_expression of Dolomite and Rhodochrosite for consistency with -log_K after fixing the proerties of HCO3- master species that were used to generate the two dissolution reactions * 13 April 2023 v. 1-4 added missing Ho, Sm silica complexes and their SIT parameters (analogy with Am, Eu, Cm) * 7 November 2023 v. 1-5 renaming of 2-line-ferrihydrite, 4C-pyrrhotite and 5C-pyrrhotite according to PHREEQC needs for SCM * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * TEMPERATURE: * * This version of the database contains logK-data for 25 C, and can be used for calculations at * 25 C and 1 bar. * * The list of elements for which the data can also be used at elevated T is: * * Li, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra, Mn, Al * * where a complete set of enthalpy values (and sometimes also heat capacities) is available for compounds and complexes involving * * OH-, F-, HCO3-, CO3-2, SO4-2 * * for these data coefficients for the logK temperature dependence analytical_expression are available * log_K(T[K]) = A1 + A2*T + A3/T + A4log10(T) * * In addition, a complete set of enthalpy values (and sometimes also heat capacities) is available for * quartz, amorphous silica, clay minerals and zeolites, and for the aqueous species Si(OH)4(aq), SiO(OH)3-, SiO2(OH)2-2 and AlSiO(OH)3+2 * temperatures 0.0000 12.5000 25.0000 40.0000 55.0000 70.0000 85.0000 100.0000 * pressures 1.0134 1.0134 1.0134 1.0134 1.0134 1.0134 1.0134 1.0134 * debye huckel a (adh) a= 0.5115893 b= -0.5540435 c= 0.000192716 d= 72830.44 e= -3267700 f= 301.9127 * debye huckel b (bdh) a= 0.3285246 b= -0.01600781 c= 5.455436e-06 d= 2293.334 e= -106171.4 f= 9.152884 56 elements Actinium (Ac) mole wt.= 227.0280 g Silver (Ag) mole wt.= 107.8680 g Aluminum (Al) mole wt.= 26.9820 g Americium (Am) mole wt.= 243.0000 g Arsenic (As) mole wt.= 74.9220 g Barium (Ba) mole wt.= 137.3280 g Boron (B ) mole wt.= 10.8120 g Bromine (Br) mole wt.= 79.9040 g Calcium (Ca) mole wt.= 40.0780 g Cadmium (Cd) mole wt.= 112.4100 g Californium (Cf) mole wt.= 251.0800 g Chlorine (Cl) mole wt.= 35.4530 g Curium (Cm) mole wt.= 247.0000 g Cesium (Cs) mole wt.= 132.9050 g Chromium (Cr) mole wt.= 51.9961 g Copper (Cu) mole wt.= 63.5500 g Carbon (C ) mole wt.= 12.0110 g Europium (Eu) mole wt.= 151.9660 g Iron (Fe) mole wt.= 55.8450 g Fluorine (F ) mole wt.= 18.9980 g Hydrogen (H ) mole wt.= 1.0080 g Mercury (Hg) mole wt.= 200.5900 g Holmium (Ho) mole wt.= 164.9300 g Iodine (I ) mole wt.= 126.9040 g Isa (Is) mole wt.= 179.1440 g Potassium (K ) mole wt.= 39.0980 g Lithium (Li) mole wt.= 6.9410 g Magnesium (Mg) mole wt.= 24.3050 g Manganese (Mn) mole wt.= 54.9380 g Molybdenum (Mo) mole wt.= 95.9410 g Nitrogen (N ) mole wt.= 14.0070 g Sodium (Na) mole wt.= 22.9900 g Niobium (Nb) mole wt.= 92.9060 g Nickel (Ni) mole wt.= 58.6930 g Neptunium (Np) mole wt.= 237.0000 g Oxygen (O ) mole wt.= 15.9990 g Oxa (Ox) mole wt.= 88.0200 g Phosphorus (P ) mole wt.= 30.9740 g Protactinium (Pa) mole wt.= 231.0360 g Lead (Pb) mole wt.= 207.0000 g Palladium (Pd) mole wt.= 106.4200 g Polonium (Po) mole wt.= 208.9820 g Plutonium (Pu) mole wt.= 242.0000 g Radium (Ra) mole wt.= 226.0000 g Sulfur (S ) mole wt.= 32.0670 g Selenium (Se) mole wt.= 78.9630 g Silicon (Si) mole wt.= 28.0860 g Samarium (Sm) mole wt.= 150.4000 g Tin (Sn) mole wt.= 118.7110 g Strontium (Sr) mole wt.= 87.6210 g Technetium (Tc) mole wt.= 98.0000 g Thorium (Th) mole wt.= 232.0380 g Titanium (Ti) mole wt.= 47.8670 g Uranium (U ) mole wt.= 238.0290 g Zinc (Zn) mole wt.= 65.4000 g Zirconium (Zr) mole wt.= 91.2240 g -end- 60 basis species H2O charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 18.0150 g 2 elements in species 2.000 H 1.000 O Ac+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 227.0280 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Ac Ag+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 107.8680 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Ag Al+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 26.9820 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Al Am+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 243.0000 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Am B(OH)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 61.8330 g 3 elements in species 1.000 B 3.000 H 3.000 O Ba++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 137.3280 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Ba Br- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 79.9040 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Br Ca++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 40.0780 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Ca Cd++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 112.4100 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Cd Cf+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 251.0800 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Cf Cit--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 189.0990 g 3 elements in species 6.000 C 5.000 H 7.000 O Cl- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 35.4530 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Cl Cm+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 247.0000 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Cm CrO4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 115.9921 g 2 elements in species 1.000 Cr 4.000 O Cs+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 132.9050 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Cs Cu++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 63.5500 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Cu Edta---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 288.2120 g 4 elements in species 10.000 C 12.000 H 2.000 N 8.000 O Eu+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 151.9660 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Eu F- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 18.9980 g 1 elements in species 1.000 F Fe++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 55.8450 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Fe H+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 1.0080 g 1 elements in species 1.000 H H3Isa- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 182.1680 g 2 elements in species 3.000 H 1.000 Is HAsO4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 139.9260 g 3 elements in species 1.000 As 1.000 H 4.000 O HCO3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 61.0160 g 3 elements in species 1.000 C 1.000 H 3.000 O Hg++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 200.5900 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Hg Ho+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 164.9300 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Ho HPO4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 95.9780 g 3 elements in species 1.000 H 4.000 O 1.000 P I- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 126.9040 g 1 elements in species 1.000 I K+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 39.0980 g 1 elements in species 1.000 K Li+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 6.9410 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Li Mg++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 24.3050 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Mg Mn++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 54.9380 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Mn MoO4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 159.9370 g 2 elements in species 1.000 Mo 4.000 O Na+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 22.9900 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Na Nb(OH)4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 160.9340 g 3 elements in species 4.000 H 1.000 Nb 4.000 O Ni++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 58.6930 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Ni NO3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 62.0040 g 2 elements in species 1.000 N 3.000 O NpO2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 268.9980 g 2 elements in species 1.000 Np 2.000 O Oxa-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 88.0200 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Ox Pa++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 231.0360 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Pa Pb++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 207.0000 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Pb Pd++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 106.4200 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Pd Po++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 208.9820 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Po PuO2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 273.9980 g 2 elements in species 2.000 O 1.000 Pu Ra++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 226.0000 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Ra SeO3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 126.9600 g 2 elements in species 3.000 O 1.000 Se Si(OH)4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 96.1140 g 3 elements in species 4.000 H 4.000 O 1.000 Si Sm+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 150.4000 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Sm Sn++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 118.7110 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Sn SO3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 80.0640 g 2 elements in species 3.000 O 1.000 S SO4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 96.0630 g 2 elements in species 4.000 O 1.000 S Sr++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 87.6210 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Sr TcO(OH)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 148.0130 g 3 elements in species 2.000 H 3.000 O 1.000 Tc Th++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 232.0380 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Th TiO++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 63.8660 g 2 elements in species 1.000 O 1.000 Ti UO2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 270.0270 g 2 elements in species 2.000 O 1.000 U Zn++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 65.4000 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Zn Zr++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 91.2240 g 1 elements in species 1.000 Zr O2(aq) charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 31.9980 g 1 elements in species 2.000 O -end- 41 redox couples Ag charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 107.8680 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 e- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -7.1066 a= -7.106565552 b= 0 c= 0 d= -3765.500216 e= 0 f= 0 AmO2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 274.9980 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ -2.000 e- 2.000 H2O 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 59.6642 a= 59.66422044 b= 0 c= 0 d= 20060.72982 e= 0 f= 0 As(OH)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 125.9430 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H2O 1.000 HAsO4-- 4.000 H+ 2.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -28.4410 a= -28.44099999 b= 0 c= 0 d= -6356.42971 e= 0 f= 0 CH4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 16.0430 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H2O 1.000 HCO3- 9.000 H+ 8.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -27.8490 a= -27.84900002 b= 0 c= 0 d= -13365.56702 e= 0 f= 0 Cr++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 51.9961 g 4 species in reaction 8.000 H+ 4.000 e- 1.000 CrO4-- -4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -67.2201 a= -67.22012361 b= 0 c= 0 d= -22039.1 e= 0 f= 0 Cr+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 51.9961 g 4 species in reaction 8.000 H+ 3.000 e- 1.000 CrO4-- -4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -73.6199 a= -73.61988236 b= 0 c= 0 d= -26368.5 e= 0 f= 0 Cu+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 63.5500 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 e- 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.8171 a= -2.817078 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Fe+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 55.8450 g 2 species in reaction -1.000 e- 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = 13.0490 a= 13.04903732 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3200.545817 e= 0 f= 3.686732515 H2(aq) charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 2.0160 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 H+ 2.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = 3.1050 a= 3.105000014 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2456.447182 e= 0 f= -7.531366369 H2Se charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 80.9790 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H2O 1.000 SeO3-- 8.000 H+ 6.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -57.3795 a= -57.37951135 b= 0 c= 0 d= -17710.2348 e= 0 f= 0 HCN charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 27.0260 g 5 species in reaction -6.000 H2O 1.000 NO3- 1.000 HCO3- 12.000 H+ 10.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -107.0070 a= -107.007 b= 0 c= 0 d= -37303.21073 e= 0 f= 0 Hg charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 200.5900 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Hg++ 2.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -22.3183 a= -22.31831447 b= 0 c= 0 d= -7689.267399 e= 0 f= 0 HS- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 33.0750 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H2O 1.000 SO4-- 9.000 H+ 8.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -33.6900 a= -33.69000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= -13072.95594 e= 0 f= 0 HSeO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 143.9670 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ -2.000 e- 1.000 SeO3-- 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 26.2902 a= 26.2902408 b= 0 c= 0 d= 10825.87392 e= 0 f= 0 I2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 253.8080 g 2 species in reaction -2.000 e- 2.000 I- * log10 K(298 K) = 20.9500 a= 20.95 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 IO3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 174.9010 g 4 species in reaction -6.000 H+ -6.000 e- 1.000 I- 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 111.5650 a= 111.565 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Mn+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 54.9380 g 2 species in reaction -1.000 e- 1.000 Mn++ * log10 K(298 K) = 25.4509 a= 25.45086734 b= 0 c= 0 d= 5630.752161 e= 0 f= 0 N2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 28.0140 g 4 species in reaction -6.000 H2O 2.000 NO3- 12.000 H+ 10.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -207.2630 a= -207.263 b= 0 c= 0 d= -68515.33703 e= 0 f= 0 NH4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 18.0390 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H2O 1.000 NO3- 10.000 H+ 8.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -119.1340 a= -119.134 b= 0 c= 0 d= -40945.70147 e= 0 f= 0 Np+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 237.0000 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H2O 1.000 NpO2++ 4.000 H+ 3.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -33.5062 a= -33.50624276 b= 0 c= 0 d= -12439.88808 e= 0 f= 0 Np++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 237.0000 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H2O 1.000 NpO2++ 4.000 H+ 2.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -29.8048 a= -29.80476354 b= 0 c= 0 d= -13944.20776 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 268.9980 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 NpO2++ 1.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -19.6009 a= -19.60091629 b= 0 c= 0 d= -6137.415389 e= 0 f= 0 PaO(OH)++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 264.0420 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ -1.000 e- 1.000 Pa++++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -2.0698 a= -2.069770323 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4077.333151 e= 0 f= 0 Pb charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 207.0000 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pb++ 2.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = 11.5463 a= 11.54629 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pd charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 106.4200 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pd++ 2.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -21.2286 a= -21.228575 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Po-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 208.9820 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Po++ 4.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = 26.2612 a= 26.261194 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Po charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 208.9820 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Po++ 2.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -14.7413 a= -14.741255 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Po++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 208.9820 g 2 species in reaction -2.000 e- 1.000 Po++ * log10 K(298 K) = 26.6992 a= 26.699173 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 242.0000 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H2O 1.000 PuO2++ 4.000 H+ 3.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -50.9715 a= -50.97149345 b= 0 c= 0 d= -17835.59029 e= 0 f= 0 Pu++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 242.0000 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H2O 1.000 PuO2++ 4.000 H+ 2.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -33.2783 a= -33.27831978 b= 0 c= 0 d= -15124.68085 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 273.9980 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 PuO2++ 1.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -15.8144 a= -15.81441684 b= 0 c= 0 d= -4608.235095 e= 0 f= 0 S charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 32.0670 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H2O 1.000 SO4-- 8.000 H+ 6.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -29.1866 a= -29.18659125 b= 0 c= 0 d= -9703.906646 e= 0 f= 0 S2O3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 112.1310 g 4 species in reaction -5.000 H2O 2.000 SO4-- 10.000 H+ 8.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -38.0140 a= -38.01400001 b= 0 c= 0 d= -13526.86352 e= 0 f= 0 Se charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 78.9630 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H2O 1.000 SeO3-- 6.000 H+ 4.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -55.1471 a= -55.147062 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sn++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 118.7110 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++++ 2.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -12.9833 a= -12.98328789 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1153.31176 e= 0 f= 0 TcO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 161.9960 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ -3.000 e- 1.000 TcO(OH)2 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 30.1697 a= 30.169715 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Tc+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 98.0000 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H2O 1.000 TcO(OH)2 4.000 H+ 1.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -11.8692 a= -11.869219 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ti+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 47.8670 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H2O 1.000 TiO++ 2.000 H+ 1.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.7064 a= -1.706364 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 U++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 238.0290 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H2O 1.000 UO2++ 4.000 H+ 2.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -9.0379 a= -9.037869329 b= 0 c= 0 d= -5325.698479 e= 0 f= 7.340558035 UO2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 270.0270 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.4792 a= -1.479221588 b= 0 c= 0 d= -318.623267 e= 0 f= 0 ClO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 99.4490 g 4 species in reaction -8.000 H+ -8.000 e- 4.000 H2O 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = 187.6751 a= 187.675072 b= 0 c= 0 d= 61691.36685 e= 0 f= 0 -end- 992 aqueous species B(OH)4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 78.8400 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 B(OH)3 * log10 K(298 K) = 9.2350 a= 9.235000012 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3795.789604 e= 0 f= 10.26917608 (NpO2)2(OH)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 572.0100 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 NpO2++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 6.2700 a= 6.27 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 (NpO2)2CO3(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 649.0250 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 2.000 NpO2++ 1.000 HCO3- 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 12.1390 a= 12.139 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 (NpO2)3(CO3)6------ charge= -6 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 1167.0420 g 3 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 3.000 NpO2++ 6.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 10.5440 a= 10.544 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 (NpO2)3(OH)5+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 892.0290 g 3 species in reaction -5.000 H+ 3.000 NpO2++ 5.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 17.1200 a= 17.12 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 (PuO2)2(OH)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 582.0100 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 PuO2++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 7.5000 a= 7.499999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3416.059289 e= 0 f= 0 (PuO2)3(CO3)6------ charge= -6 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 1182.0420 g 3 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 3.000 PuO2++ 6.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 13.3740 a= 13.374 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 (UEdtaOH)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 1086.4960 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 U++++ 2.000 H2O 2.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -51.9000 a= -51.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 (UO2)2(OH)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 574.0680 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 5.6200 a= 5.620000014 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2496.752813 e= 0 f= 0 (UO2)2CO3(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 651.0830 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 1.000 HCO3- 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 11.1890 a= 11.189 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 (UO2)2Edta charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 828.2660 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 UO2++ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -20.6000 a= -20.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 (UO2)2NpO2(CO3)6------ charge= -6 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 1169.1000 g 4 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 1.000 NpO2++ 6.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 8.3840 a= 8.384 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 (UO2)2OH+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 557.0610 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 2.7000 a= 2.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 (UO2)2PuO2(CO3)6------ charge= -6 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 1174.1000 g 4 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 1.000 PuO2++ 6.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 8.4740 a= 8.474 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 (UO2)3(CO3)6------ charge= -6 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 1170.1290 g 3 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 3.000 UO2++ 6.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 7.9740 a= 7.973999958 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1394.94311 e= 0 f= 0 (UO2)3(OH)4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 878.1090 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 3.000 UO2++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 11.9000 a= 11.89999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 5181.545588 e= 0 f= 0 (UO2)3(OH)5+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 895.1160 g 3 species in reaction -5.000 H+ 3.000 UO2++ 5.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 15.5500 a= 15.55000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 6304.562021 e= 0 f= 0 (UO2)3(OH)7- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 929.1300 g 3 species in reaction -7.000 H+ 3.000 UO2++ 7.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 32.2000 a= 32.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 (UO2)3O(OH)2HCO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 921.1100 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 3.000 UO2++ 1.000 HCO3- 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 9.6690 a= 9.669 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 (UO2)4(OH)7+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 1199.1570 g 3 species in reaction -7.000 H+ 4.000 UO2++ 7.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 21.9000 a= 21.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 (UO2Cit)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 918.2520 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 UO2++ 2.000 Cit--- * log10 K(298 K) = -21.3000 a= -21.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ac(Cit) charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 416.1270 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cit--- 1.000 Ac+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.9000 a= -8.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ac(Edta)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 515.2400 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Edta---- 1.000 Ac+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -16.8000 a= -16.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ac(OH)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 278.0490 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 1.000 Ac+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 31.2000 a= 31.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ac(Oxa)+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 315.0480 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Oxa-- 1.000 Ac+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.9000 a= -5.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ac(Oxa)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 403.0680 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 Oxa-- 1.000 Ac+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -9.6000 a= -9.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AcCl++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 262.4810 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cl- 1.000 Ac+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.6000 a= -0.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AcF++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 246.0260 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 F- 1.000 Ac+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.6100 a= -3.61 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AcF2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 265.0240 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 F- 1.000 Ac+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.7300 a= -6.73 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AcF3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 284.0220 g 2 species in reaction 3.000 F- 1.000 Ac+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -9.7500 a= -9.75 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AcH2PO4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 324.0140 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ 1.000 Ac+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -9.9120 a= -9.912 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AcHEdta charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 516.2480 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 H+ 1.000 Edta---- 1.000 Ac+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -19.4000 a= -19.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AcOH++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 244.0350 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Ac+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 8.6000 a= 8.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AcSCN++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 285.1130 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 S 1.000 HCN 1.000 Ac+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.4445 a= -11.444543 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AcSO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 323.0910 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Ac+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.5000 a= -3.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ag(CN)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 159.9040 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 HCN 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.4600 a= -2.46 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ag(CN)3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 185.9220 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 HCN 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = 5.8300 a= 5.83 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ag(HS)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 174.0180 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 HS- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -17.4000 a= -17.40000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= -3191.456002 e= 0 f= 0 Ag(OH)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 141.8820 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = 24.3400 a= 24.34000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3609.322582 e= 0 f= 0 Ag(OH)CN- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 150.8930 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 HCN 1.000 H2O 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = 9.9100 a= 9.91 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ag(SeCN)3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 422.8110 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 Se 3.000 HCN 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -20.4602 a= -20.460153 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ag2S(HS)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 313.9530 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 3.000 HS- 2.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -31.1000 a= -31.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ag2Se charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 294.6990 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 H2Se 2.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -31.3362 a= -31.336209 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AgBr charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 187.7720 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Br- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.5400 a= -4.539999975 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1718.476309 e= 0 f= 0 AgBr2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 267.6760 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 Br- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -7.4800 a= -7.480000018 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2507.199478 e= 0 f= 0 AgBr3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 347.5800 g 2 species in reaction 3.000 Br- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.3000 a= -8.299999991 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2752.696093 e= 0 f= 0 AgBr4--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 427.4840 g 2 species in reaction 4.000 Br- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -7.2000 a= -7.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AgCl charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 143.3210 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cl- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.2300 a= -3.229999994 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1441.6397 e= 0 f= 0 AgCl2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 178.7740 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 Cl- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.1500 a= -5.150000007 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1112.569768 e= 0 f= 0 AgCl3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 214.2270 g 2 species in reaction 3.000 Cl- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.0400 a= -5.04000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2183.352879 e= 0 f= 0 AgCl4--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 249.6800 g 2 species in reaction 4.000 Cl- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.6400 a= -3.639999984 b= 0 c= 0 d= -3651.10924 e= 0 f= 0 AgCO3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 167.8760 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = 7.9290 a= 7.929 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AgF charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 126.8660 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 F- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.1100 a= -0.1099999969 b= 0 c= 0 d= -611.1298727 e= 0 f= 0 AgHPO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 203.8460 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.5000 a= -4.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AgHS charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 140.9430 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HS- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -13.5000 a= -13.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AgI charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 234.7720 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 I- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.2900 a= -6.290000023 b= 0 c= 0 d= -3567.535924 e= 0 f= 0 AgI2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 361.6760 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 I- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.4200 a= -11.42000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= -4178.665797 e= 0 f= 0 AgI3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 488.5800 g 2 species in reaction 3.000 I- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -13.2400 a= -13.24000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= -5296.458897 e= 0 f= 0 AgI4--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 615.4840 g 2 species in reaction 4.000 I- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -13.1000 a= -13.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AgOH charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 124.8750 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = 11.7500 a= 11.75000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4115.98581 e= 0 f= 0 AgSeO3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 234.8280 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SeO3-- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.1000 a= -3.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AgSeO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 250.8270 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HSeO4- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = 0.7500 a= 0.75 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AgSO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 203.9310 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -1.1800 a= -1.179999982 b= 0 c= 0 d= 329.0699315 e= 0 f= 0 Al(OH)2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 60.9960 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 10.6300 a= 10.63 b= 0 c= 0 d= 5787.452128 e= 0 f= 0 Al(OH)2F charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 79.9940 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 1.000 F- 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 4.3240 a= 4.323999974 b= 0 c= 0 d= 7383.627372 e= 0 f= 1.446654157 Al(OH)2F2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 98.9920 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 2.000 F- 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.1700 a= 2.170000028 b= 0 c= 0 d= 7660.717062 e= 0 f= -1.248167524 Al(OH)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 78.0030 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 15.9900 a= 15.99000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 7061.945196 e= 0 f= 0 Al(OH)4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 95.0100 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 4.000 H2O 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 22.9100 a= 22.91000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 12779.57704 e= 0 f= 9.506465071 Al(SO4)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 219.1080 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 SO4-- 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.4500 a= -5.450000013 b= 0 c= 0 d= -36734.75548 e= 0 f= -119.09198 Al13(OH)32+++++++ charge= 7 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 894.9900 g 3 species in reaction -32.000 H+ 32.000 H2O 13.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 100.0300 a= 100.03 b= 0 c= 0 d= 65594.60634 e= 0 f= 0 Al2(OH)2++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 87.9780 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 2.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 7.6200 a= 7.620000003 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4366.705757 e= 0 f= 0 Al3(OH)4+++++ charge= 5 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 148.9740 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 4.000 H2O 3.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 13.9000 a= 13.90000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 7641.735075 e= 0 f= 0 AlF++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 45.9800 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 F- 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -7.0800 a= -7.080000007 b= 0 c= 0 d= 251.242281 e= 0 f= 0 AlF2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 64.9780 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 F- 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -12.7300 a= -12.73000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 421.5229122 e= 0 f= 0 AlF3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 83.9760 g 2 species in reaction 3.000 F- 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -16.7800 a= -16.77999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 462.787237 e= 0 f= 0 AlF4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 102.9740 g 2 species in reaction 4.000 F- 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -19.2900 a= -19.29 b= 0 c= 0 d= 523.9002242 e= 0 f= 0 AlF5-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 121.9720 g 2 species in reaction 5.000 F- 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -20.2900 a= -20.28999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 359.8875917 e= 0 f= 0 AlF6--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 140.9700 g 2 species in reaction 6.000 F- 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -20.2900 a= -20.28999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 20.37099576 e= 0 f= 0 AlOH++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 43.9890 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 4.9800 a= 4.979999988 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2925.066058 e= 0 f= 0 AlOHF2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 81.9850 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 2.000 F- 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.0720 a= -0.0720000462 b= 0 c= 0 d= 6019.497148 e= 0 f= -6.563639565 AlSiO(OH)3++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 122.0880 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.3200 a= 2.31999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3478.739276 e= 0 f= 0 AlSO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 123.0450 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.5600 a= -3.560000006 b= 0 c= 0 d= -18935.46736 e= 0 f= -61.63532299 Am(Cit) charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 432.0990 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cit--- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.5500 a= -8.55 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Am(Cit)2--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 621.1980 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 Cit--- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -13.9000 a= -13.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Am(CO3)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 363.0160 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 HCO3- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 7.7580 a= 7.758 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Am(CO3)3--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 423.0240 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 HCO3- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 15.9870 a= 15.987 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Am(Edta)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 531.2120 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Edta---- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -19.6700 a= -19.66999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= -553.673218 e= 0 f= 0 Am(Edta)OH-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 548.2190 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Edta---- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.3300 a= -8.33 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Am(HCit)+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 433.1070 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 H+ 1.000 Cit--- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -12.8600 a= -12.86 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Am(HCit)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 623.2140 g 3 species in reaction 2.000 H+ 2.000 Cit--- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -23.5200 a= -23.52 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Am(HEdta) charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 532.2200 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 H+ 1.000 Edta---- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -21.8400 a= -21.84 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Am(Isa)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 422.1440 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 H3Isa- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -22.2000 a= -22.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Am(NO3)2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 367.0080 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 NO3- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.8800 a= -0.8799999863 b= 0 c= 0 d= 564.1198825 e= 0 f= 0 Am(OH)2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 277.0140 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 15.1000 a= 15.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Am(OH)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 294.0210 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 26.2000 a= 26.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Am(Oxa)+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 331.0200 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Oxa-- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.5100 a= -6.51 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Am(Oxa)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 419.0400 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 Oxa-- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -10.7100 a= -10.71 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Am(Oxa)3--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 507.0600 g 2 species in reaction 3.000 Oxa-- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -13.0000 a= -13 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Am(SO4)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 435.1260 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 SO4-- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.0000 a= -4.999999982 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3656.332572 e= 0 f= 0 AmCl++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 278.4530 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cl- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.2400 a= -0.24 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AmCl2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 313.9060 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 Cl- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 0.8100 a= 0.8100000089 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2867.609403 e= 0 f= 0 AmCO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 303.0080 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.3290 a= 2.329 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AmF++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 261.9980 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 F- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.4000 a= -3.400000004 b= 0 c= 0 d= 632.0232017 e= 0 f= 0 AmF2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 280.9960 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 F- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.8000 a= -5.800000024 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2355.722843 e= 0 f= 0 AmH2PO4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 339.9860 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -9.6720 a= -9.672 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AmHCO3++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 304.0160 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.1000 a= -3.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AmHPO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 338.9780 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.2000 a= -6.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AmNO3++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 305.0040 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 NO3- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -1.2800 a= -1.279999997 b= 0 c= 0 d= 94.01998042 e= 0 f= 0 AmO2(CO3)2--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 395.0140 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 HCO3- 1.000 AmO2+ * log10 K(298 K) = 13.9580 a= 13.958 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AmO2(CO3)3----- charge= -5 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 455.0220 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 HCO3- 1.000 AmO2+ * log10 K(298 K) = 25.8870 a= 25.887 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AmO2(OH)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 309.0120 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 1.000 AmO2+ * log10 K(298 K) = 23.6000 a= 23.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AmO2CO3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 335.0060 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 AmO2+ * log10 K(298 K) = 5.2290 a= 5.229 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AmO2OH charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 292.0050 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 AmO2+ * log10 K(298 K) = 11.3000 a= 11.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AmOH++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 260.0070 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 7.2000 a= 7.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AmSCN++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 301.0850 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 S 1.000 HCN 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.7445 a= -11.744543 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AmSiO(OH)3++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 338.1060 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.0100 a= 2.010000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2120.672892 e= 0 f= 0 AmSO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 339.0630 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.5000 a= -3.499999994 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2089.332898 e= 0 f= 0 As(OH)4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 142.9500 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 As(OH)3 * log10 K(298 K) = 9.2320 a= 9.232000013 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1428.215736 e= 0 f= 0 AsO4--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 138.9180 g 2 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HAsO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = 11.6030 a= 11.60299999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 950.6464687 e= 0 f= 0 Ba2UO2(CO3)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 724.7070 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 3.000 HCO3- 2.000 Ba++ * log10 K(298 K) = 1.2370 a= 1.237 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 BaCO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 197.3360 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Ba++ * log10 K(298 K) = 7.6490 a= 7.648999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1506.751198 e= 0 f= 0.2357289938 BaF+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 156.3260 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 F- 1.000 Ba++ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.6700 a= -0.6699999985 b= 0 c= 0 d= 611.1298727 e= 0 f= 0 BaH2PO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 234.3140 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ 1.000 Ba++ * log10 K(298 K) = -7.8120 a= -7.812 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 BaHCO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 198.3440 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Ba++ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.9900 a= -0.9900000169 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2993.38202 e= 0 f= -13.89406433 BaHPO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 233.3060 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Ba++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.2500 a= -2.25 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 BaOH+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 154.3350 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Ba++ * log10 K(298 K) = 13.3200 a= 13.32000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3181.009338 e= 0 f= 0 BaPO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 232.2980 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Ba++ * log10 K(298 K) = 7.6500 a= 7.65 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 BaSO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 233.3910 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Ba++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.2700 a= -2.26999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 167.1466319 e= 0 f= 0 BaUO2(CO3)3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 587.3790 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 3.000 HCO3- 1.000 Ba++ * log10 K(298 K) = 5.3870 a= 5.387 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ca(Cit)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 229.1770 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cit--- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.8000 a= -4.800000023 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ca(Edta)-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 328.2900 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Edta---- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -12.6900 a= -12.69000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1159.579759 e= 0 f= 0 Ca(H2Cit)+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 231.1930 g 3 species in reaction 2.000 H+ 1.000 Cit--- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -12.6700 a= -12.67 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ca(H2Isa) charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 221.2380 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H3Isa- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 10.4000 a= 10.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ca(H3Isa)+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 222.2460 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 H3Isa- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -1.7000 a= -1.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ca(HCit) charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 230.1850 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 H+ 1.000 Cit--- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -9.2800 a= -9.28 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ca(HEdta)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 329.2980 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 H+ 1.000 Edta---- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -16.2300 a= -16.23 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ca(Oxa) charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 128.0980 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Oxa-- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.1900 a= -3.19 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ca(Oxa)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 216.1180 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 Oxa-- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.0200 a= -4.02 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ca2Am(OH)4+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 391.1840 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 4.000 H2O 2.000 Ca++ 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 37.2000 a= 37.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ca2Cm(OH)4+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 395.1840 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 4.000 H2O 1.000 Cm+++ 2.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 37.2000 a= 37.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ca2UO2(CO3)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 530.2070 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 3.000 HCO3- 2.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 0.1870 a= 0.1870000084 b= 0 c= 0 d= -119.9799417 e= 0 f= 0 Ca2Zr(OH)6++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 273.4220 g 4 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 1.000 Zr++++ 6.000 H2O 2.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 22.6000 a= 22.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ca3Am(OH)6+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 465.2760 g 4 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 6.000 H2O 3.000 Ca++ 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 60.7000 a= 60.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ca3Cm(OH)6+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 469.2760 g 4 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 6.000 H2O 1.000 Cm+++ 3.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 60.7000 a= 60.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ca3NpO2(OH)5++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 474.2670 g 4 species in reaction -5.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2+ 5.000 H2O 3.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 54.8000 a= 54.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ca3Zr(OH)6++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 313.5000 g 4 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 1.000 Zr++++ 6.000 H2O 3.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 23.2000 a= 23.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ca4Np(OH)8++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 533.3680 g 4 species in reaction -8.000 H+ 1.000 Np++++ 8.000 H2O 4.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 56.1000 a= 56.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ca4Pu(OH)8++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 538.3680 g 4 species in reaction -8.000 H+ 1.000 Pu++++ 8.000 H2O 4.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 56.2000 a= 56.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ca4Th(OH)8++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 528.4060 g 4 species in reaction -8.000 H+ 1.000 Th++++ 8.000 H2O 4.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 62.4000 a= 62.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CaAm(OH)3++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 334.0990 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 1.000 Ca++ 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 26.3000 a= 26.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CaCm(OH)3++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 338.0990 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 1.000 Cm+++ 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 26.3000 a= 26.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CaCO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 100.0860 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 7.0990 a= 7.099000003 b= 0 c= 0 d= -932.6572628 e= 0 f= -8.173836261 CaF+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 59.0760 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 F- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -1.3300 a= -1.32999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 668.5865274 e= 0 f= 0 CaH2PO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 137.0640 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.2020 a= -8.201999975 b= 0 c= 0 d= -31.33999347 e= 0 f= 0 CaHCO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 101.0940 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -1.0700 a= -1.069999977 b= 0 c= 0 d= 454.4299054 e= 0 f= 0 CaHPO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 136.0560 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.5800 a= -2.580000021 b= 0 c= 0 d= 684.2565242 e= 0 f= 0 CaMoO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 200.0150 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 MoO4-- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.5000 a= -2.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 365.6332572 e= 0 f= 0 CaNpO2(OH)2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 343.0900 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2+ 2.000 H2O 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 20.6000 a= 20.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CaOH+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 57.0850 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 12.5700 a= 12.57000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= 9773.555603 e= 0 f= 23.33784942 CaPO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 135.0480 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 5.8900 a= 5.890000009 b= 0 c= 0 d= 710.3731854 e= 0 f= 0 CaSeO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 183.0370 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HSeO4- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.2500 a= -0.25 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CaSiO(OH)3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 135.1840 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 8.6400 a= 8.64 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CaSiO2(OH)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 134.1760 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 18.6400 a= 18.64 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CaSO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 136.1410 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.3100 a= -2.310000018 b= 0 c= 0 d= 360.409925 e= 0 f= 0 CaUO2(CO3)3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 490.1290 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 3.000 HCO3- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 3.9870 a= 3.986999968 b= 0 c= 0 d= -119.9799417 e= 0 f= 0 CaZr(OH)6 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 233.3440 g 4 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 1.000 Zr++++ 6.000 H2O 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 24.6000 a= 24.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cd(CO3)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 232.4260 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 HCO3- 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = 14.4580 a= 14.458 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cd(HS)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 178.5600 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 HS- 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = -14.4300 a= -14.43 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cd(HS)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 211.6350 g 2 species in reaction 3.000 HS- 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = -16.3000 a= -16.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cd(HS)4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 244.7100 g 2 species in reaction 4.000 HS- 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = -18.4300 a= -18.43 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cd(OH)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 146.4240 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = 20.1900 a= 20.19 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cd(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 163.4310 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = 33.5000 a= 33.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cd(OH)4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 180.4380 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 4.000 H2O 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = 47.2800 a= 47.28 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cd(SO4)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 304.5360 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 SO4-- 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.3200 a= -3.319999979 b= 0 c= 0 d= 297.729938 e= 0 f= 0 Cd2OH+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 241.8270 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 2.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = 8.7400 a= 8.739999987 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2381.839504 e= 0 f= 0 CdCl+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 147.8630 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cl- 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = -1.9800 a= -1.979999976 b= 0 c= 0 d= 172.3699641 e= 0 f= 0 CdCl2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 183.3160 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 Cl- 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.6400 a= -2.639999993 b= 0 c= 0 d= 412.6432474 e= 0 f= 0 CdCl3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 218.7690 g 2 species in reaction 3.000 Cl- 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.3000 a= -2.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CdCl4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 254.2220 g 2 species in reaction 4.000 Cl- 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = -1.7000 a= -1.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CdCO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 172.4180 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = 5.9290 a= 5.929 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CdH2PO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 209.3960 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = -9.1120 a= -9.112 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CdHCO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 173.4260 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = -1.7000 a= -1.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CdHPO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 208.3880 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.7200 a= -3.72 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CdHS+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 145.4850 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HS- 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = -7.4000 a= -7.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CdOH+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 129.4170 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = 9.8000 a= 9.800000008 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2862.386071 e= 0 f= 0 CdS(HS)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 177.5520 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 2.000 HS- 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.8000 a= -6.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CdSO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 208.4730 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.3600 a= -2.359999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 433.5365764 e= 0 f= 0 CfF++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 270.0780 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 F- 1.000 Cf+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.0000 a= -3.999999997 b= 0 c= 0 d= 616.353205 e= 0 f= 0 CfSCN++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 309.1650 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 S 1.000 HCN 1.000 Cf+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.9445 a= -11.944543 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CfSO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 347.1430 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Cf+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.6000 a= -3.600000006 b= 0 c= 0 d= 945.4231365 e= 0 f= 0 Cm(CO3)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 367.0160 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 HCO3- 1.000 Cm+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 7.7580 a= 7.758 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cm(CO3)3--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 427.0240 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 HCO3- 1.000 Cm+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 15.9870 a= 15.987 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cm(NO3)2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 371.0080 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 NO3- 1.000 Cm+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.8800 a= -0.8799999863 b= 0 c= 0 d= 564.1198825 e= 0 f= 0 Cm(OH)2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 281.0140 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 1.000 Cm+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 15.1000 a= 15.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cm(OH)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 298.0210 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 1.000 Cm+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 26.2000 a= 26.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cm(SO4)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 439.1260 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 SO4-- 1.000 Cm+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.0000 a= -4.999999982 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3656.332572 e= 0 f= 0 CmCl++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 282.4530 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cm+++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.2400 a= -0.24 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CmCl2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 317.9060 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cm+++ 2.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = 0.8100 a= 0.8100000089 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2867.609403 e= 0 f= 0 CmCO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 307.0080 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Cm+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.3290 a= 2.329 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CmF++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 265.9980 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 F- 1.000 Cm+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.4000 a= -3.400000004 b= 0 c= 0 d= 632.0232017 e= 0 f= 0 CmF2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 284.9960 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 F- 1.000 Cm+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.8000 a= -5.800000024 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2355.722843 e= 0 f= 0 CmH2PO4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 343.9860 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ 1.000 Cm+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -9.6720 a= -9.672 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CmHCO3++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 308.0160 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Cm+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.1000 a= -3.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CmHPO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 342.9780 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Cm+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.2000 a= -6.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CmNO3++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 309.0040 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 NO3- 1.000 Cm+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -1.2800 a= -1.279999997 b= 0 c= 0 d= 94.01998042 e= 0 f= 0 CmOH++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 264.0070 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Cm+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 7.2000 a= 7.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CmSCN++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 305.0850 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 S 1.000 HCN 1.000 Cm+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.7445 a= -11.744543 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CmSiO(OH)3++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 342.1060 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 Cm+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.0100 a= 2.009999956 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2162.45955 e= 0 f= 0 CmSO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 343.0630 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Cm+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.5000 a= -3.499999994 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2089.332898 e= 0 f= 0 CN- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 26.0180 g 2 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = 9.2100 a= 9.210000026 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2277.372859 e= 0 f= 0 CO2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 44.0090 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H2O 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.3520 a= -6.351999995 b= 0 c= 0 d= -6185.892232 e= 0 f= -19.15176632 CO3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 60.0080 g 2 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 10.3290 a= 10.329 b= 0 c= 0 d= 5302.59375 e= 0 f= 15.17445982 Cu(CO3)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 183.5660 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 HCO3- 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = 10.3000 a= 10.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cu(CO3)OH- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 140.5650 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 H2O 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = 13.1190 a= 13.119 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cu(H2PO4)(HPO4)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 256.5140 g 3 species in reaction 2.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = -12.6120 a= -12.612 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cu(H2PO4)(HPO4)-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 256.5140 g 3 species in reaction 2.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ 1.000 Cu+ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.4240 a= -11.424 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cu(H2PO4)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 257.5220 g 3 species in reaction 2.000 HPO4-- 2.000 H+ 1.000 Cu+ * log10 K(298 K) = -16.2240 a= -16.224 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cu(H2PO4)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 257.5220 g 3 species in reaction 2.000 HPO4-- 2.000 H+ 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = -16.3240 a= -16.324 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cu(HPO4)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 255.5060 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = -7.4000 a= -7.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cu(HS)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 129.7000 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 HS- 1.000 Cu+ * log10 K(298 K) = -17.1800 a= -17.18 b= 0 c= 0 d= -5327.798891 e= 0 f= 0 Cu(OH)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 97.5640 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 1.000 Cu+ * log10 K(298 K) = 18.6400 a= 18.63999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 7500.0548 e= 0 f= 14.4686309 Cu(OH)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 97.5640 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = 16.2000 a= 16.19999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= -13587.35493 e= 0 f= -61.32192304 Cu(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 114.5710 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = 26.6000 a= 26.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cu(OH)4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 131.5780 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 4.000 H2O 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = 39.7400 a= 39.73999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= -4732.422588 e= 0 f= -45.12959243 Cu2(OH)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 161.1140 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 2.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = 10.4300 a= 10.42999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3729.459223 e= 0 f= 0 Cu2Cl4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 268.9120 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 Cu+ 4.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -10.3200 a= -10.32 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cu2OH+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 144.1070 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 2.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = 6.4000 a= 6.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cu2S(HS)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 225.3170 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 3.000 HS- 2.000 Cu+ * log10 K(298 K) = -29.8700 a= -29.87 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cu3(OH)4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 258.6780 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 4.000 H2O 3.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = 21.1000 a= 21.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CuCl charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 99.0030 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cu+ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -3.3000 a= -3.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CuCl+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 99.0030 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cu++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.8300 a= -0.83 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CuCl2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 134.4560 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cu+ 2.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -5.4800 a= -5.48 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CuCl2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 134.4560 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cu++ 2.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.6000 a= -0.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CuCl3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 169.9090 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cu+ 3.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -4.8100 a= -4.81 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CuCO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 123.5580 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = 3.5600 a= 3.56 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CuH2PO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 160.5360 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ 1.000 Cu+ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.0820 a= -8.082 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CuH2PO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 160.5360 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.3520 a= -8.352 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CuHCO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 124.5660 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = -1.8400 a= -1.84 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CuHPO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 159.5280 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.1100 a= -4.11 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CuHS charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 96.6250 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HS- 1.000 Cu+ * log10 K(298 K) = -13.0000 a= -13 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CuOH charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 80.5570 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Cu+ * log10 K(298 K) = 7.8500 a= 7.849999975 b= 0 c= 0 d= 15363.44981 e= 0 f= 44.29385923 CuOH+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 80.5570 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = 7.9500 a= 7.949999988 b= 0 c= 0 d= -12250.55273 e= 0 f= -52.65119116 CuSO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 159.6130 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.3500 a= -2.350000005 b= 0 c= 0 d= 381.3032539 e= 0 f= 0 Eu(CO3)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 271.9820 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 HCO3- 1.000 Eu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 8.5580 a= 8.558 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Eu(OH)2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 185.9800 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 1.000 Eu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 15.1000 a= 15.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Eu(OH)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 202.9870 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 1.000 Eu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 23.7000 a= 23.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Eu(OH)4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 219.9940 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 4.000 H2O 1.000 Eu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 36.2000 a= 36.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Eu(SO4)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 344.0920 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 SO4-- 1.000 Eu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.7000 a= -5.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 EuCO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 211.9740 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Eu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.2290 a= 2.229 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 EuF++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 170.9640 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 F- 1.000 Eu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.2800 a= -4.280000003 b= 0 c= 0 d= 423.0899119 e= 0 f= 0 EuF2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 189.9620 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 F- 1.000 Eu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.8100 a= -6.810000009 b= 0 c= 0 d= 966.3164655 e= 0 f= 0 EuH2PO4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 248.9520 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ 1.000 Eu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -10.2420 a= -10.24199998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1022.728454 e= 0 f= 0 EuOH++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 168.9730 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Eu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 7.6400 a= 7.64 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 EuSiO(OH)3++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 247.0720 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 Eu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.0100 a= 2.00999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2094.556231 e= 0 f= 0 EuSO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 248.0290 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Eu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.9500 a= -3.95 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Fe(CN)6--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 211.9530 g 3 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 6.000 HCN 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 7.8700 a= 7.870000149 b= 0 c= 0 d= 28649.97737 e= 0 f= 0 Fe(CN)6---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 211.9530 g 3 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 6.000 HCN 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = 14.8500 a= 14.85000017 b= 0 c= 0 d= -5082.302275 e= 0 f= 0 Fe(CO3)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 175.8610 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 HCO3- 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = 13.3300 a= 13.33 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Fe(CO3)3--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 235.8690 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 HCO3- 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 6.9870 a= 6.987 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Fe(H2PO4)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 346.8030 g 3 species in reaction 3.000 HPO4-- 3.000 H+ 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -31.5560 a= -31.556 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Fe(HSeO4)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 343.7790 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 HSeO4- 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.7000 a= -5.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Fe(OH)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 89.8590 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = 20.5200 a= 20.52000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 6027.725412 e= 0 f= 0 Fe(OH)2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 89.8590 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 5.7100 a= 5.71 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Fe(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 106.8660 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = 32.6800 a= 32.68000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= 7328.335141 e= 0 f= 0 Fe(OH)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 106.8660 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 12.2600 a= 12.25999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 9977.739839 e= 0 f= 7.834998685 Fe(OH)4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 123.8730 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 4.000 H2O 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 21.6000 a= 21.60000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 7667.851737 e= 0 f= 0 Fe(OH)CO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 132.8600 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 H2O 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.3710 a= -0.371 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Fe(SCN)2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 172.0150 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 S 2.000 HCN 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -26.1791 a= -26.179087 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Fe(SO4)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 247.9710 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 SO4-- 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.2200 a= -6.22 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Fe(SO4)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 247.9710 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 SO4-- 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.0000 a= -2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Fe2(OH)2++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 145.7040 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 2.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.9100 a= 2.910000018 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1572.223006 e= 0 f= 0 Fe3(OH)4+++++ charge= 5 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 235.5630 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 4.000 H2O 3.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 6.3000 a= 6.300000004 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3123.552683 e= 0 f= 0 FeCl+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 91.2980 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Fe++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = 1.0000 a= 1.00000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1125.628099 e= 0 f= 0 FeCl++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 91.2980 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Fe+++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.5200 a= -1.520000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1174.205089 e= 0 f= 0 FeCl2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 126.7510 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Fe+++ 2.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.2000 a= -2.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 FeCl3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 162.2040 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Fe+++ 3.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.0000 a= -1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 FeCl4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 197.6570 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Fe+++ 4.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = 1.0000 a= 1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 FeCO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 115.8530 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = 4.7700 a= 4.77 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 FeF+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 74.8430 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Fe++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.7000 a= -1.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 FeF++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 74.8430 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Fe+++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.0900 a= -6.089999997 b= 0 c= 0 d= 668.5865274 e= 0 f= 0 FeF2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 93.8410 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Fe+++ 2.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -10.4100 a= -10.41000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1149.133094 e= 0 f= 0 FeH2PO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 152.8310 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -9.9120 a= -9.912 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 FeHPO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 151.8230 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.6000 a= -3.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 FeHSeO3(H2SeO3)+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 312.7890 g 3 species in reaction 2.000 SeO3-- 3.000 H+ 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -26.3600 a= -26.36 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 FeHSeO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 183.8130 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 SeO3-- 1.000 H+ 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -12.0600 a= -12.06 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 FeHSO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 152.9160 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 H+ 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.0680 a= -3.068 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 FeHSO4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 152.9160 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 H+ 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.7180 a= -3.718 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 FeOH+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 72.8520 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = 9.4300 a= 9.429999978 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2851.939406 e= 0 f= 0 FeOH++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 72.8520 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.2000 a= 2.199999984 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2261.702862 e= 0 f= 0 FePO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 150.8150 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -10.0520 a= -10.052 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 FeS charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 87.9120 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HS- 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = 1.8100 a= 1.81 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 FeSCN++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 113.9300 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 S 1.000 HCN 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -13.5045 a= -13.504543 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 FeSeO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 182.8050 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SeO3-- 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.9000 a= -11.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 FeSiO(OH)3++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 150.9510 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 0.1200 a= 0.12 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 FeSO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 151.9080 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.4400 a= -2.44 b= 0 c= 0 d= 438.7599086 e= 0 f= 0 FeSO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 151.9080 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.2500 a= -4.25 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 H2AsO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 140.9340 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HAsO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.7640 a= -6.764 b= 0 c= 0 d= -168.1912983 e= 0 f= 0 H2Cit- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 191.1150 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 H+ 1.000 Cit--- * log10 K(298 K) = -11.1400 a= -11.14000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= -6011.02903 e= 0 f= -20.31876326 H2Edta-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 290.2280 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 H+ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -18.0400 a= -18.03999997 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1828.166286 e= 0 f= 0 H2Fe(CN)6-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 213.9690 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 6.000 HCN 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = 8.1700 a= 8.17 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 H2MoO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 161.9530 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 MoO4-- 2.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.1000 a= -8.09999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1829.210952 e= 0 f= 0 H2Nb6O19------ charge= -6 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 863.4330 g 3 species in reaction -5.000 H2O -12.000 H+ 6.000 Nb(OH)4+ * log10 K(298 K) = 43.5400 a= 43.54 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 H2Oxa charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 90.0360 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Oxa-- 2.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.6500 a= -5.650000025 b= 0 c= 0 d= 553.673218 e= 0 f= 0 H2Po charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 210.9980 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Po-- 2.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.8254 a= -11.825421 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 H2PO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 96.9860 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -7.2120 a= -7.211999997 b= 0 c= 0 d= -188.0399608 e= 0 f= 0 H2S charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 34.0830 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HS- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.9900 a= -6.989999984 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1164.803091 e= 0 f= 0 H2SeO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 128.9760 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SeO3-- 2.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.0000 a= -11 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 H3AsO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 141.9420 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HAsO4-- 2.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -9.0270 a= -9.027000024 b= 0 c= 0 d= 200.5759582 e= 0 f= 0 H3Cit charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 192.1230 g 2 species in reaction 3.000 H+ 1.000 Cit--- * log10 K(298 K) = -14.2700 a= -14.27000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= -8052.589332 e= 0 f= -26.37782891 H3Edta- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 291.2360 g 2 species in reaction 3.000 H+ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -21.1900 a= -21.18999997 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1457.309697 e= 0 f= 0 H3Nb6O19----- charge= -5 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 864.4410 g 3 species in reaction -5.000 H2O -11.000 H+ 6.000 Nb(OH)4+ * log10 K(298 K) = 31.9400 a= 31.94 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 H3PO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 97.9940 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 2.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -9.3520 a= -9.351999982 b= 0 c= 0 d= 254.8986136 e= 0 f= 0 H4Edta charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 292.2440 g 2 species in reaction 4.000 H+ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -23.4200 a= -23.41999996 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1358.066384 e= 0 f= 0 H4Isa charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 183.1760 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 H3Isa- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.0000 a= -4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 H5Edta+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 293.2520 g 2 species in reaction 5.000 H+ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -24.7200 a= -24.72 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 H6Edta++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 294.2600 g 2 species in reaction 6.000 H+ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -24.2200 a= -24.22 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HCit-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 190.1070 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 H+ 1.000 Cit--- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.3600 a= -6.360000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= -3284.917086 e= 0 f= -11.59579805 HEdta--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 289.2200 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 H+ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -11.2400 a= -11.23999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1034.219785 e= 0 f= 0 HF charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 20.0060 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 H+ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -3.1760 a= -3.176000021 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1553.039869 e= 0 f= -7.540193801 HF2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 39.0040 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 H+ 2.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -3.6200 a= -3.620000023 b= 0 c= 0 d= -3466.926187 e= 0 f= -14.2910376 HFe(CN)6--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 212.9610 g 3 species in reaction -5.000 H+ 6.000 HCN 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = 10.5700 a= 10.57000018 b= 0 c= 0 d= -4972.612298 e= 0 f= 0 Hg(HS)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 266.7400 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 HS- 1.000 Hg++ * log10 K(298 K) = -37.8000 a= -37.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Hg(OH)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 234.6040 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Hg++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 5.9800 a= 5.97999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2663.899445 e= 0 f= 0 Hg(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 251.6110 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Hg++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 21.1000 a= 21.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Hg(SO4)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 392.7160 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 SO4-- 1.000 Hg++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.8000 a= -3.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Hg2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 401.1800 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Hg++ 1.000 Hg * log10 K(298 K) = -8.4748 a= -8.474772728 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1375.825714 e= 0 f= 0 Hg2OH+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 418.1870 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Hg++ 1.000 Hg 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -3.8746 a= -3.874625 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HgCl+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 236.0430 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Hg++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -7.3100 a= -7.309999994 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1112.569768 e= 0 f= 0 HgCl2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 271.4960 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Hg++ 2.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -14.0000 a= -14 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2564.656133 e= 0 f= 0 HgCl3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 306.9490 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Hg++ 3.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -14.9250 a= -14.925 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2538.539471 e= 0 f= 0 HgCl4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 342.4020 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Hg++ 4.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -15.5350 a= -15.53499999 b= 0 c= 0 d= -3086.989357 e= 0 f= 0 HgCO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 260.5980 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Hg++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.1400 a= -1.14 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HgHCO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 261.6060 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Hg++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -5.4700 a= -5.47 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HgHPO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 296.5680 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Hg++ * log10 K(298 K) = -10.9000 a= -10.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HgOH+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 217.5970 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Hg++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 3.4000 a= 3.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HgOHCl charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 253.0500 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Hg++ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -4.2700 a= -4.27 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HgOHCO3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 277.6050 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Hg++ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 5.0000 a= 5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HgPO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 295.5600 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Hg++ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.3000 a= -5.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HgS(HS)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 265.7320 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 2.000 HS- 1.000 Hg++ * log10 K(298 K) = -31.5000 a= -31.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HgS2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 264.7240 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 HS- 1.000 Hg++ * log10 K(298 K) = -22.3000 a= -22.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HgSO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 296.6530 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Hg++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.8000 a= -2.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HIO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 175.9090 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 IO3- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.7880 a= -0.788 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HMoO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 160.9450 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 MoO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.1000 a= -4.099999982 b= 0 c= 0 d= 818.4961629 e= 0 f= 0 HNb6O19------- charge= -7 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 862.4250 g 3 species in reaction -5.000 H2O -13.000 H+ 6.000 Nb(OH)4+ * log10 K(298 K) = 56.5400 a= 56.54 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ho(CO3)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 284.9460 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Ho+++ 2.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 8.5580 a= 8.558 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ho(OH)2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 198.9440 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Ho+++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 14.8700 a= 14.87 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ho(OH)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 215.9510 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Ho+++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 23.4700 a= 23.47 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ho(OH)4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 232.9580 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Ho+++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 35.9700 a= 35.97 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HoSiO(OH)3++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 260.0360 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 Ho+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.0100 a= 2.010000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2120.672892 e= 0 f= 0 Ho(SO4)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 357.0560 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 SO4-- 1.000 Ho+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.7000 a= -5.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HoCO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 224.9380 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Ho+++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 2.2290 a= 2.229 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HoF++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 183.9280 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Ho+++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -4.2900 a= -4.289999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 513.4535598 e= 0 f= 0 HoF2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 202.9260 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Ho+++ 2.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.7300 a= -6.730000023 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1096.899772 e= 0 f= 0 HoH2PO4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 261.9160 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Ho+++ 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -10.2420 a= -10.24199998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1022.728454 e= 0 f= 0 HoOH++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 181.9370 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Ho+++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 7.4100 a= 7.410000023 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2559.4328 e= 0 f= 0 HoSO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 260.9930 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Ho+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.9500 a= -3.95 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HOxa- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 89.0280 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Oxa-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.2500 a= -4.250000011 b= 0 c= 0 d= 381.3032539 e= 0 f= 0 HP2O7--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 174.9490 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H2O 2.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.0100 a= -6.01 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HPo- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 209.9900 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Po-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.3349 a= -11.334885 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HSe- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 79.9710 g 2 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2Se * log10 K(298 K) = 3.8500 a= 3.85 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HSe4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 316.8600 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 3.000 Se 1.000 H2Se * log10 K(298 K) = -14.6066 a= -14.606616 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HSeO3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 127.9680 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SeO3-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.3600 a= -8.36 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HSO3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 81.0720 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO3-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -7.2200 a= -7.220000003 b= 0 c= 0 d= 6317.620351 e= 0 f= 0 HSO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 97.0710 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -1.9880 a= -1.987999988 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2883.30612 e= 0 f= -12.49614387 I3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 380.7120 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 I2 1.000 I- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.8700 a= -2.87 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 KCO3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 99.1060 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 K+ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 9.4290 a= 9.428999984 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1749.868536 e= 0 f= 0 KEdta--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 327.3100 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 K+ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.8000 a= -1.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 KFe(CN)6-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 251.0510 g 4 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 1.000 K+ 6.000 HCN 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 6.4100 a= 6.41000015 b= 0 c= 0 d= 28759.66734 e= 0 f= 0 KFe(CN)6--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 251.0510 g 4 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 1.000 K+ 6.000 HCN 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = 12.5000 a= 12.50000017 b= 0 c= 0 d= -4894.262314 e= 0 f= 0 KH2PO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 136.0840 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 K+ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -7.5020 a= -7.502000021 b= 0 c= 0 d= 73.12665144 e= 0 f= 0 KHCO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 100.1140 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 K+ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 0.3400 a= 0.3399999858 b= 0 c= 0 d= 652.9165307 e= 0 f= 0 KHPO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 135.0760 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 K+ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.8800 a= -0.8800000213 b= 0 c= 0 d= 940.1998042 e= 0 f= 0 KOH charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 56.1050 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 K+ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 14.5000 a= 14.50000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3081.766025 e= 0 f= 0 KPO4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 134.0680 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 K+ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = 10.8900 a= 10.89000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1076.006443 e= 0 f= 0 KSO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 135.1610 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 K+ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.8400 a= -0.8399999946 b= 0 c= 0 d= 673.8098597 e= 0 f= 0 LiF charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 25.9390 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Li+ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.2300 a= -0.2300000017 b= 0 c= 0 d= 313.3999347 e= 0 f= 0 LiH2PO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 103.9270 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Li+ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -7.8120 a= -7.812 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 LiHPO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 102.9190 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Li+ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.2800 a= -1.279999991 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1044.666449 e= 0 f= 0 LiOH charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 23.9480 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Li+ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 13.8400 a= 13.83999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3886.755434 e= 0 f= 3.348156105 LiPO4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 101.9110 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Li+ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = 10.5500 a= 10.55 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 LiSO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 103.0040 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Li+ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.9000 a= -0.8999999946 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Mg(Cit)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 213.4040 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Mg++ 1.000 Cit--- * log10 K(298 K) = -4.8100 a= -4.81 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Mg(Edta)-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 312.5170 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Mg++ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -10.9000 a= -10.89999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1034.219785 e= 0 f= 0 Mg(H2Cit)+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 215.4200 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Mg++ 2.000 H+ 1.000 Cit--- * log10 K(298 K) = -12.4500 a= -12.45 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Mg(HCit) charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 214.4120 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Mg++ 1.000 H+ 1.000 Cit--- * log10 K(298 K) = -8.9600 a= -8.96 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Mg(HEdta)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 313.5250 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Mg++ 1.000 H+ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -15.4000 a= -15.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Mg(Oxa) charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 112.3250 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Oxa-- 1.000 Mg++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.5600 a= -3.56 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Mg(Oxa)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 200.3450 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 Oxa-- 1.000 Mg++ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.1700 a= -5.17 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Mg2UO2(CO3)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 498.6610 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 2.000 Mg++ 3.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 3.8870 a= 3.887 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 MgCO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 84.3130 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Mg++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 7.3490 a= 7.348999984 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4475.557439 e= 0 f= 10.47346061 MgF+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 43.3030 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Mg++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.8800 a= -1.879999994 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1023.437521 e= 0 f= 1.593116399 MgH2PO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 121.2910 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Mg++ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.3220 a= -8.322 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 MgHCO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 85.3210 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Mg++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.0700 a= -1.070000007 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2566.481948 e= 0 f= -9.177395126 MgHPO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 120.2830 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Mg++ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.7300 a= -2.730000005 b= 0 c= 0 d= 694.7031887 e= 0 f= 0 MgOH+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 41.3120 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Mg++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 11.7000 a= 11.70000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3698.11923 e= 0 f= 0 MgPO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 119.2750 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Mg++ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = 7.4500 a= 7.45 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 MgSeO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 167.2640 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Mg++ 1.000 HSeO4- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.4500 a= -0.45 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 MgSiO(OH)3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 119.4110 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 Mg++ * log10 K(298 K) = 8.4500 a= 8.45 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 MgSiO2(OH)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 118.4030 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 Mg++ * log10 K(298 K) = 17.6200 a= 17.62 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 MgSO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 120.3680 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Mg++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.2500 a= -2.250000006 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1060.336446 e= 0 f= 0 MgUO2(CO3)3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 474.3560 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 Mg++ 3.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 4.7870 a= 4.787 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Mn(OH)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 88.9520 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Mn++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 22.1800 a= 22.18000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 6132.192056 e= 0 f= 0 Mn(OH)2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 88.9520 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Mn+++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -1.5000 a= -1.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Mn(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 105.9590 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Mn++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 34.3400 a= 34.33999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 8978.90813 e= 0 f= 0 Mn(OH)4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 122.9660 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Mn++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 48.2800 a= 48.27999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 13392.62388 e= 0 f= 0 MnCl+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 90.3910 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Mn++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.1000 a= -0.1000000169 b= 0 c= 0 d= -4429.513716 e= 0 f= -16.87136383 MnCl++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 90.3910 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Mn+++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.8000 a= -0.7999999893 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1175.249755 e= 0 f= 0 MnCO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 114.9460 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Mn++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 5.7290 a= 5.729000003 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1614.061897 e= 0 f= 0 MnF+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 73.9360 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Mn++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.3500 a= -1.349999983 b= 0 c= 0 d= 788.7231691 e= 0 f= 0 MnF++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 73.9360 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Mn+++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.6000 a= -6.600000019 b= 0 c= 0 d= 250.7199478 e= 0 f= 0 MnF2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 92.9340 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Mn+++ 2.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -11.9000 a= -11.90000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 423.0899119 e= 0 f= 0 MnF3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 111.9320 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Mn+++ 3.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -15.3000 a= -15.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 464.8765699 e= 0 f= 0 MnHCO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 115.9540 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Mn++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.2700 a= -1.270000008 b= 0 c= 0 d= -3378.067382 e= 0 f= -12.06589797 MnOH+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 71.9450 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Mn++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 10.5800 a= 10.58000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2992.969377 e= 0 f= 0 MnOH++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 71.9450 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Mn+++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -1.2000 a= -1.199999974 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1196.143084 e= 0 f= 0 MnOHF+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 90.9430 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Mn+++ 1.000 H2O 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -7.3000 a= -7.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 MnSeO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 197.8970 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Mn++ 1.000 HSeO4- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.6800 a= -0.68 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 MnSO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 151.0010 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Mn++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.2300 a= -2.230000019 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2139.842521 e= 0 f= -9.401998422 Na(Edta)--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 311.2020 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Na+ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.8000 a= -2.799999987 b= 0 c= 0 d= -208.9332898 e= 0 f= 0 NaCO3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 82.9980 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Na+ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 9.3190 a= 9.319000009 b= 0 c= 0 d= 6242.793555 e= 0 f= 15.17445982 NaF charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 41.9880 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Na+ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = 0.2800 a= 0.2799999902 b= 0 c= 0 d= 710.3731854 e= 0 f= 0 NaH2PO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 119.9760 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Na+ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -7.5120 a= -7.511999975 b= 0 c= 0 d= 699.9265209 e= 0 f= 0 NaHCO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 84.0060 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Na+ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 0.1800 a= 0.1799999802 b= 0 c= 0 d= 605.9065405 e= 0 f= 0 NaHPO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 118.9680 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Na+ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.0300 a= -1.030000011 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1201.366417 e= 0 f= 0 NaOH charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 39.9970 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Na+ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 14.4000 a= 14.40000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2710.909436 e= 0 f= 0 NaPO4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 117.9600 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Na+ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = 10.7900 a= 10.79000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1128.239765 e= 0 f= 0 NaSO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 119.0530 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Na+ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.7100 a= -0.7100000179 b= 0 c= 0 d= 245.4966155 e= 0 f= 0 Nb(OH)5 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 177.9410 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Nb(OH)4+ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 1.8900 a= 1.889999984 b= 0 c= 0 d= 470.0999021 e= 0 f= 0 Nb(OH)6- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 194.9480 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Nb(OH)4+ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 6.6900 a= 6.689999976 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1358.066384 e= 0 f= 0 Nb(OH)7-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 211.9550 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Nb(OH)4+ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 16.0900 a= 16.08999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3290.699315 e= 0 f= 0 Nb6O19-------- charge= -8 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 861.4170 g 3 species in reaction -5.000 H2O -14.000 H+ 6.000 Nb(OH)4+ * log10 K(298 K) = 70.5400 a= 70.54 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NH3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 17.0310 g 2 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 NH4+ * log10 K(298 K) = 9.2370 a= 9.23699998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2720.833767 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(Cit)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 247.7920 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Ni++ 1.000 Cit--- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.7600 a= -6.76 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(Cit)2---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 436.8910 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Ni++ 2.000 Cit--- * log10 K(298 K) = -8.5000 a= -8.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(CN)4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 162.7650 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Ni++ 4.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = 6.6400 a= 6.640000106 b= 0 c= 0 d= -329.0699315 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(CN)5--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 188.7830 g 3 species in reaction -5.000 H+ 1.000 Ni++ 5.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = 17.5500 a= 17.55000011 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1405.076374 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(CO3)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 178.7090 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Ni++ 2.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 14.6580 a= 14.658 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(Edta)-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 346.9050 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Ni++ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -20.5400 a= -20.54000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1363.289716 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(H2Cit)+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 249.8080 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Ni++ 2.000 H+ 1.000 Cit--- * log10 K(298 K) = -13.1900 a= -13.19 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(H3Isa)+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 240.8610 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Ni++ 1.000 H3Isa- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.4000 a= -2.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(HCit) charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 248.8000 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Ni++ 1.000 H+ 1.000 Cit--- * log10 K(298 K) = -10.5200 a= -10.52 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(HEdta)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 347.9130 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Ni++ 1.000 H+ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -24.2000 a= -24.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1755.039635 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(HS)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 124.8430 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Ni++ 2.000 HS- * log10 K(298 K) = -11.1000 a= -11.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(NH3)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 92.7550 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Ni++ 2.000 NH4+ * log10 K(298 K) = 13.5740 a= 13.574 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(NH3)3++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 109.7860 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Ni++ 3.000 NH4+ * log10 K(298 K) = 21.2110 a= 21.211 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(NH3)4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 126.8170 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Ni++ 4.000 NH4+ * log10 K(298 K) = 29.3480 a= 29.348 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(NH3)5++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 143.8480 g 3 species in reaction -5.000 H+ 1.000 Ni++ 5.000 NH4+ * log10 K(298 K) = 37.8850 a= 37.885 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(NH3)6++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 160.8790 g 3 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 1.000 Ni++ 6.000 NH4+ * log10 K(298 K) = 47.2220 a= 47.222 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(OH)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 92.7070 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Ni++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 18.0000 a= 18 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4700.999021 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 109.7140 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Ni++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 29.2000 a= 29.19999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 6330.678682 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(Oxa) charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 146.7130 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Oxa-- 1.000 Ni++ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.1900 a= -5.190000021 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(Oxa)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 234.7330 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 Oxa-- 1.000 Ni++ * log10 K(298 K) = -7.6400 a= -7.639999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= -407.4199152 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(SCN)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 174.8630 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 S 1.000 Ni++ 2.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = -23.5788 a= -23.57881758 b= 0 c= 0 d= -8989.354795 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(SCN)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 232.9480 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 S 1.000 Ni++ 3.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = -34.3532 a= -34.35322633 b= 0 c= 0 d= -13353.44889 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(SeCN)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 268.6550 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 Se 1.000 Ni++ 2.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = -6.5459 a= -6.545876 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ni2OH+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 134.3930 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 2.000 Ni++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 10.6000 a= 10.60000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2397.509501 e= 0 f= 0 Ni4(OH)4++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 302.8000 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 4.000 Ni++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 27.5200 a= 27.51999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 9924.331267 e= 0 f= 0 NiCl+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 94.1460 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Ni++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.0800 a= -0.08 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NiCO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 118.7010 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Ni++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 6.1290 a= 6.129 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NiF+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 77.6910 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Ni++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.4300 a= -1.430000019 b= 0 c= 0 d= 496.2165633 e= 0 f= 0 NiHAsO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 198.6190 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Ni++ 1.000 HAsO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.9000 a= -2.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NiHCO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 119.7090 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Ni++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.0000 a= -1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NiHP2O7- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 233.6420 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H2O 1.000 Ni++ 2.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.1500 a= -11.15 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NiHPO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 154.6710 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Ni++ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -3.0500 a= -3.05 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NiHS+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 91.7680 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Ni++ 1.000 HS- * log10 K(298 K) = -5.5000 a= -5.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NiNH3++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 75.7240 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Ni++ 1.000 NH4+ * log10 K(298 K) = 6.5370 a= 6.537 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NiNO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 120.6970 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 NO3- 1.000 Ni++ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.5000 a= -0.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NiOH+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 75.7000 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Ni++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 9.5400 a= 9.540000005 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2810.152748 e= 0 f= 0 NiP2O7-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 232.6340 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H2O 1.000 Ni++ 2.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -5.3400 a= -5.34 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NiSCN+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 116.7780 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 S 1.000 Ni++ 1.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = -12.2544 a= -12.25440878 b= 0 c= 0 d= -4562.580717 e= 0 f= 0 NiSeCN+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 163.6740 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Se 1.000 Ni++ 1.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = -3.9229 a= -3.922938 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NiSeO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 201.6520 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Ni++ 1.000 HSeO4- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.9200 a= -0.92 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NiSiO(OH)3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 153.7990 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 Ni++ * log10 K(298 K) = 3.5100 a= 3.51 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NiSO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 154.7560 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Ni++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.3500 a= -2.350000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= 295.6406051 e= 0 f= 0 Np(CO3)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 357.0160 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Np+++ 2.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 7.7580 a= 7.758 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Np(CO3)3--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 417.0240 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Np+++ 3.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 15.9870 a= 15.987 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Np(CO3)4---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 477.0320 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Np++++ 4.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 2.4160 a= 2.416 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Np(CO3)5------ charge= -6 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 537.0400 g 3 species in reaction -5.000 H+ 1.000 Np++++ 5.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 13.8450 a= 13.845 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Np(Edta) charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 525.2120 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Np++++ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -31.2000 a= -31.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Np(OH)2(CO3)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 391.0300 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Np++++ 2.000 HCO3- 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 2.2000 a= 2.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Np(OH)2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 271.0140 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Np+++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 14.7000 a= 14.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Np(OH)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 271.0140 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Np++++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -0.3500 a= -0.35 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Np(OH)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 288.0210 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Np+++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 25.8000 a= 25.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Np(OH)3(H3Isa) charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 470.1890 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Np++++ 1.000 H3Isa- 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -1.5000 a= -1.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Np(OH)3(H3Isa)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 652.3570 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Np++++ 2.000 H3Isa- 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -3.6000 a= -3.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Np(OH)3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 288.0210 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Np++++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 2.8000 a= 2.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Np(OH)4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 305.0280 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Np++++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 8.3000 a= 8.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Np(OH)4(H3Isa)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 487.1960 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Np++++ 1.000 H3Isa- 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 5.9000 a= 5.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Np(OH)4(H3Isa)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 669.3640 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Np++++ 2.000 H3Isa- 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 4.0000 a= 4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Np(OH)4CO3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 365.0360 g 4 species in reaction -5.000 H+ 1.000 Np++++ 1.000 HCO3- 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 15.8290 a= 15.829 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Np(Oxa)++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 325.0200 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Oxa-- 1.000 Np++++ * log10 K(298 K) = -12.1500 a= -12.15 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Np(Oxa)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 413.0400 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 Oxa-- 1.000 Np++++ * log10 K(298 K) = -18.8000 a= -18.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Np(Oxa)3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 501.0600 g 2 species in reaction 3.000 Oxa-- 1.000 Np++++ * log10 K(298 K) = -24.9500 a= -24.95 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Np(SCN)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 353.1700 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 S 1.000 Np++++ 2.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = -24.9888 a= -24.98881756 b= 0 c= 0 d= -8362.554925 e= 0 f= 0 Np(SCN)3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 411.2550 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 S 1.000 Np++++ 3.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = -36.1332 a= -36.13322633 b= 0 c= 0 d= -12517.71573 e= 0 f= 0 Np(SO4)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 429.1260 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 SO4-- 1.000 Np+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.7000 a= -3.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Np(SO4)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 429.1260 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 SO4-- 1.000 Np++++ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.0500 a= -11.04999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2893.726064 e= 0 f= 0 NpCl++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 272.4530 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Np+++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.2400 a= -0.24 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpCl+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 272.4530 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Np++++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.5000 a= -1.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpCl2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 307.9060 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Np+++ 2.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = 0.7400 a= 0.74 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpCO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 297.0080 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Np+++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 2.3290 a= 2.329 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpF++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 255.9980 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Np+++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -3.4000 a= -3.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpF+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 255.9980 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Np++++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -8.9600 a= -8.959999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 78.34998369 e= 0 f= 0 NpF2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 274.9960 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Np+++ 2.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -5.8000 a= -5.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpF2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 274.9960 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Np++++ 2.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -15.7000 a= -15.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpI+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 363.9040 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Np++++ 1.000 I- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.5000 a= -1.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpNO3+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 299.0040 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Np++++ 1.000 NO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.9000 a= -1.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2(CO3)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 389.0140 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2++ 2.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 5.6580 a= 5.658 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2(CO3)2--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 389.0140 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2+ 2.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 14.1280 a= 14.128 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2(CO3)2OH---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 406.0210 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2+ 2.000 HCO3- 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 25.9580 a= 25.958 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2(CO3)3---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 449.0220 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2++ 3.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 11.0870 a= 11.087 b= 0 c= 0 d= 146.4100028 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2(CO3)3----- charge= -5 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 449.0220 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2+ 3.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 25.4870 a= 25.48699997 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1640.283025 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2(H2Edta)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 559.2260 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 NpO2+ 2.000 H+ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -22.5100 a= -22.51 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2(HEdta)-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 558.2180 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 NpO2+ 1.000 H+ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -17.0600 a= -17.06 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2(HPO4)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 460.9540 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 NpO2++ 2.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -9.5000 a= -9.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2(OH) charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 286.0050 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2+ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 11.3000 a= 11.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3383.883562 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2(OH)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 303.0120 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2+ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 23.6000 a= 23.60000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 6195.394377 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2(OH)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 303.0120 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 12.2000 a= 12.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 320.0190 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 21.2000 a= 21.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2(OH)4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 337.0260 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 33.0000 a= 33 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2(Oxa)2--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 445.0380 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 Oxa-- 1.000 NpO2+ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.8000 a= -5.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2(SO4)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 461.1240 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 SO4-- 1.000 NpO2++ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.7000 a= -4.699999991 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1358.066384 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2Cit-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 458.0970 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 NpO2+ 1.000 Cit--- * log10 K(298 K) = -3.6800 a= -3.68 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2Cl+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 304.4510 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 NpO2++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.4000 a= -0.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2CO3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 329.0060 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2+ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 5.3690 a= 5.369 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2CO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 329.0060 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 0.4690 a= 0.469 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2CO3(OH)2--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 363.0200 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2+ 1.000 HCO3- 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 30.6690 a= 30.669 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2CO3OH-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 346.0130 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 17.3290 a= 17.329 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2Edta--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 557.2100 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 NpO2+ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -9.2300 a= -9.23 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2EdtaOH---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 574.2170 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = 3.1700 a= 3.17 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2F charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 287.9960 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 NpO2+ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.4000 a= -1.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2F+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 287.9960 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 NpO2++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -4.5700 a= -4.57 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2F2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 306.9940 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 NpO2+ 2.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.9000 a= -1.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2F2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 306.9940 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 NpO2++ 2.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -7.6000 a= -7.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2H2PO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 365.9840 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 NpO2+ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.6120 a= -8.612 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2H2PO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 365.9840 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 NpO2++ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -10.5320 a= -10.532 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2HPO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 364.9760 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 NpO2+ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.9500 a= -2.949999988 b= 0 c= 0 d= -574.566547 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2HPO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 364.9760 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 NpO2++ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.2000 a= -6.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2IO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 443.8990 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 NpO2+ 1.000 IO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.5000 a= -0.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2IO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 443.8990 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 NpO2++ 1.000 IO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.2000 a= -1.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2OH+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 286.0050 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 5.1000 a= 5.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2Oxa- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 357.0180 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Oxa-- 1.000 NpO2+ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.9000 a= -3.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2SCN charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 327.0830 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 S 1.000 NpO2+ 1.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = -10.5245 a= -10.524543 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2SiO(OH)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 364.1040 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 NpO2+ * log10 K(298 K) = 7.3100 a= 7.31 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2SiO(OH)3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 364.1040 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 NpO2++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.6100 a= 2.61 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2SO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 365.0610 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 NpO2+ * log10 K(298 K) = -1.3000 a= -1.29999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1149.133094 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2SO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 365.0610 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 NpO2++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.2800 a= -3.280000026 b= 0 c= 0 d= 872.296485 e= 0 f= 0 NpOH++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 254.0070 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Np+++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 6.8000 a= 6.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpOH+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 254.0070 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Np++++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -0.5500 a= -0.55 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpSCN+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 295.0850 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 S 1.000 Np++++ 1.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = -13.4444 a= -13.44440876 b= 0 c= 0 d= -4311.860769 e= 0 f= 0 NpSiO(OH)3++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 332.1060 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 Np+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.0100 a= 2.010000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2120.672892 e= 0 f= 0 NpSiO(OH)3+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 332.1060 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 Np++++ * log10 K(298 K) = -1.3400 a= -1.34 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpSO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 333.0630 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Np+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.3000 a= -3.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpSO4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 333.0630 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Np++++ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.8500 a= -6.849999989 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1556.553009 e= 0 f= 0 OH- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 17.0070 g 2 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 14.0000 a= 13.99999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 6205.326344 e= 0 f= 11.01851535 P2O7---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 173.9410 g 2 species in reaction -1.000 H2O 2.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = 3.3900 a= 3.39 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pa(OH)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 265.0500 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Pa++++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -1.9000 a= -1.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pa(OH)3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 282.0570 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Pa++++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -0.9000 a= -0.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PaO(OH)2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 281.0490 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 PaO(OH)++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 1.2600 a= 1.260000005 b= 0 c= 0 d= 245.4966155 e= 0 f= 0 PaO(OH)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 298.0560 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 PaO(OH)++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 6.3000 a= 6.300000015 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3222.795996 e= 0 f= 0 PaO(OH)4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 315.0630 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 PaO(OH)++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 15.7000 a= 15.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PaO(SO4)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 439.1610 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H2O 2.000 SO4-- 1.000 PaO(OH)++ 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -7.0000 a= -7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PaO(SO4)3--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 535.2240 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H2O 3.000 SO4-- 1.000 PaO(OH)++ 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.5900 a= -8.59 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PaO+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 247.0350 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H2O 1.000 PaO(OH)++ 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.0400 a= -0.04 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PaOF++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 266.0330 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H2O 1.000 PaO(OH)++ 1.000 H+ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.9760 a= -6.976 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PaOF2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 285.0310 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H2O 1.000 PaO(OH)++ 1.000 H+ 2.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -14.2520 a= -14.252 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PaOF3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 304.0290 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H2O 1.000 PaO(OH)++ 1.000 H+ 3.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -20.4280 a= -20.428 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PaOH+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 248.0430 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Pa++++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -1.3000 a= -1.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PaOSO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 343.0980 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H2O 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 PaO(OH)++ 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.8900 a= -3.89 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pb(CO3)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 327.0160 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Pb++ 2.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 10.5280 a= 10.528 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pb(CO3)Cl- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 302.4610 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Pb++ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = 3.8590 a= 3.859 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pb(CO3)OH- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 284.0150 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Pb++ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 13.4290 a= 13.429 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pb(HPO4)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 398.9560 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pb++ 2.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.5000 a= -6.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pb(HS)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 273.1500 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pb++ 2.000 HS- * log10 K(298 K) = -12.5000 a= -12.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pb(OH)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 241.0140 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Pb++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 16.9400 a= 16.93999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4700.999021 e= 0 f= 0 Pb(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 258.0210 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Pb++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 28.0300 a= 28.03 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3184.370552 e= 0 f= -13.11056447 Pb(SO4)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 399.1260 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 SO4-- 1.000 Pb++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.1500 a= -3.150000013 b= 0 c= 0 d= 961.0931332 e= 0 f= 0 Pb2OH+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 431.0070 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 2.000 Pb++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 6.7300 a= 6.73 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pb3(OH)4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 689.0280 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 3.000 Pb++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 23.0100 a= 23.01000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 5818.792122 e= 0 f= 0 Pb4(OH)4++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 896.0280 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 4.000 Pb++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 20.5700 a= 20.57000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4439.832409 e= 0 f= 0 Pb6(OH)8++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 1378.0560 g 3 species in reaction -8.000 H+ 6.000 Pb++ 8.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 42.8900 a= 42.88999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 11016.00771 e= 0 f= 0 PbCl+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 242.4530 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pb++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.5000 a= -1.499999977 b= 0 c= 0 d= 538.0032213 e= 0 f= 0 PbCl2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 277.9060 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pb++ 2.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.1000 a= -2.100000019 b= 0 c= 0 d= 887.9664818 e= 0 f= 0 PbCl3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 313.3590 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pb++ 3.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.0000 a= -1.999999992 b= 0 c= 0 d= 767.8298401 e= 0 f= 0 PbCl4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 348.8120 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pb++ 4.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.4600 a= -1.460000022 b= 0 c= 0 d= 731.2665144 e= 0 f= 0 PbCO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 267.0080 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Pb++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 3.8790 a= 3.879 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PbH2PO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 303.9860 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Pb++ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -10.0120 a= -10.012 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PbHCO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 268.0160 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pb++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -3.0000 a= -3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PbHPO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 302.9780 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pb++ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -4.2000 a= -4.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PbOH+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 224.0070 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Pb++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 7.4600 a= 7.460000008 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2925.066058 e= 0 f= 0 PbS(HS)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 272.1420 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Pb++ 2.000 HS- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.1000 a= -6.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PbSO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 303.0630 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Pb++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.7200 a= -2.720000008 b= 0 c= 0 d= 480.5465666 e= 0 f= 0 Pd(NH3)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 140.4820 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Pd++ 2.000 NH4+ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.0260 a= -0.026 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pd(NH3)3++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 157.5130 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Pd++ 3.000 NH4+ * log10 K(298 K) = 1.7110 a= 1.711 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pd(NH3)4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 174.5440 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Pd++ 4.000 NH4+ * log10 K(298 K) = 4.1480 a= 4.148 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pd(OH)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 140.4340 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Pd++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 4.6000 a= 4.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pd(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 157.4410 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Pd++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 16.6000 a= 16.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PdCl+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 141.8730 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pd++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -5.0200 a= -5.020000023 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2855.916974 e= 0 f= -6.320232273 PdCl2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 177.3260 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pd++ 2.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -8.4700 a= -8.47000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= -5356.35746 e= 0 f= -12.79716452 PdCl3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 212.7790 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pd++ 3.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -10.5700 a= -10.57000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= -6006.375041 e= 0 f= -14.36416426 PdCl4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 248.2320 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pd++ 4.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -11.4500 a= -11.45000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= -8476.538482 e= 0 f= -20.26652993 PdNH3++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 123.4510 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Pd++ 1.000 NH4+ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.3630 a= -0.363 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PdOH+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 123.4270 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Pd++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 2.0000 a= 2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Po(NO3)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 332.9900 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Po++++ 2.000 NO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -3.7000 a= -3.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Po(NO3)3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 394.9940 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Po++++ 3.000 NO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -4.4000 a= -4.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Po(OH)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 242.9960 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Po++++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 1.4951 a= 1.495087 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Po(OH)3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 260.0030 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Po++++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 3.9951 a= 3.995087 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Po(OH)4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 277.0100 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Po++++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 8.4951 a= 8.495087 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Po(OH)6-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 311.0240 g 3 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 1.000 Po++++ 6.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 33.4251 a= 33.425087 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Po(OH)Cl4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 367.8010 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Po++++ 1.000 H2O 4.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -5.6357 a= -5.635668 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Po(SO4)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 401.1080 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 SO4-- 1.000 Po++++ * log10 K(298 K) = -9.1000 a= -9.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Po(SO4)3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 497.1710 g 2 species in reaction 3.000 SO4-- 1.000 Po++++ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.3000 a= -11.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PO4--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 94.9700 g 2 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = 12.3500 a= 12.35000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 762.6065079 e= 0 f= 0 PoCl+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 244.4350 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Po++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -3.7500 a= -3.75 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PoCl2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 279.8880 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Po++ 2.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.1300 a= -6.13 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PoCl3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 315.3410 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Po++ 3.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -7.0200 a= -7.02 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PoCl4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 350.7940 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Po++ 4.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -7.5564 a= -7.556356 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PoCl6-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 421.7000 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Po++++ 6.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -7.7957 a= -7.795668 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PoNO3+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 270.9860 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Po++++ 1.000 NO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.0000 a= -2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PoOH+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 225.9890 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Po++++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 0.4951 a= 0.495087 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PoSO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 305.0450 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Po++ * log10 K(298 K) = -1.1205 a= -1.120524 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PoSO4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 305.0450 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Po++++ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.2000 a= -5.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(Cit) charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 431.0990 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pu+++ 1.000 Cit--- * log10 K(298 K) = -8.7000 a= -8.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(CO3)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 362.0160 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Pu+++ 2.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 7.7580 a= 7.758 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(CO3)3--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 422.0240 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Pu+++ 3.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 15.9870 a= 15.987 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(CO3)4---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 482.0320 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Pu++++ 4.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 4.3160 a= 4.316 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(CO3)5------ charge= -6 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 542.0400 g 3 species in reaction -5.000 H+ 1.000 Pu++++ 5.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 15.9950 a= 15.995 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(Edta)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 530.2120 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pu+++ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -20.1800 a= -20.18000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= -454.4299054 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(Edta) charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 530.2120 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pu++++ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -31.6000 a= -31.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(Edta)(OH)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 564.2260 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Pu++++ 2.000 H2O 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -19.8000 a= -19.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(Edta)OH- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 547.2190 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Pu++++ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -26.9000 a= -26.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(HCit)+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 432.1070 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Pu+++ 1.000 H+ 1.000 Cit--- * log10 K(298 K) = -12.4600 a= -12.46 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(HEdta) charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 531.2200 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Pu+++ 1.000 H+ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -22.0200 a= -22.02 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(OH)2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 276.0140 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Pu+++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 14.8000 a= 14.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(OH)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 276.0140 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Pu++++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 1.2000 a= 1.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(OH)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 293.0210 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Pu+++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 25.9000 a= 25.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(OH)3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 293.0210 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Pu++++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 3.1000 a= 3.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(OH)4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 310.0280 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Pu++++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 9.3000 a= 9.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(Oxa)+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 330.0200 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pu+++ 1.000 Oxa-- * log10 K(298 K) = -8.5000 a= -8.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(Oxa)++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 330.0200 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pu++++ 1.000 Oxa-- * log10 K(298 K) = -12.9500 a= -12.95 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(Oxa)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 418.0400 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pu+++ 2.000 Oxa-- * log10 K(298 K) = -12.7000 a= -12.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(Oxa)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 418.0400 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pu++++ 2.000 Oxa-- * log10 K(298 K) = -21.9000 a= -21.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(Oxa)3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 506.0600 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pu++++ 3.000 Oxa-- * log10 K(298 K) = -27.8500 a= -27.85 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(Oxa)3--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 506.0600 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pu+++ 3.000 Oxa-- * log10 K(298 K) = -12.1000 a= -12.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(SO4)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 434.1260 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 SO4-- 1.000 Pu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.7000 a= -5.700000007 b= 0 c= 0 d= 626.7998695 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(SO4)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 434.1260 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 SO4-- 1.000 Pu++++ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.1400 a= -11.14 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuCl++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 277.4530 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pu+++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.2000 a= -1.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuCl+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 277.4530 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pu++++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.8000 a= -1.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuCO3(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 353.0290 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Pu++++ 1.000 HCO3- 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 4.3290 a= 4.329 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuCO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 302.0080 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Pu+++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 2.3290 a= 2.329 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuF++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 260.9980 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pu+++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -3.4000 a= -3.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuF+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 260.9980 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pu++++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -8.8400 a= -8.840000005 b= 0 c= 0 d= 475.3232344 e= 0 f= 0 PuF2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 279.9960 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pu+++ 2.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -5.8000 a= -5.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuF2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 279.9960 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pu++++ 2.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -15.7000 a= -15.69999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 574.566547 e= 0 f= 0 PuH2PO4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 338.9860 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Pu+++ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -9.4120 a= -9.412 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuH3PO4++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 339.9940 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Pu++++ 1.000 HPO4-- 2.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.7520 a= -11.752 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuNO3+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 304.0040 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pu++++ 1.000 NO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.9500 a= -1.95 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2(CO3)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 394.0140 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 PuO2++ 2.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 5.9580 a= 5.957999988 b= 0 c= 0 d= 146.3577695 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2(CO3)2--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 394.0140 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 PuO2+ 2.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 14.3180 a= 14.318 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2(CO3)3---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 454.0220 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 PuO2++ 3.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 12.9870 a= 12.98699997 b= 0 c= 0 d= 318.779967 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2(CO3)3----- charge= -5 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 454.0220 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 PuO2+ 3.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 25.3770 a= 25.37699996 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1336.807422 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2(H2PO4)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 467.9700 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 PuO2++ 2.000 HPO4-- 2.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -19.3440 a= -19.344 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2(OH)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 308.0120 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 PuO2++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 13.2000 a= 13.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 325.0190 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 PuO2++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 24.0000 a= 24 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2(SO4)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 466.1240 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 SO4-- 1.000 PuO2++ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.4000 a= -4.400000025 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2246.032866 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2Cl+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 309.4510 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 PuO2++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.2300 a= -0.23 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2Cl2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 344.9040 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 PuO2++ 2.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = 1.1500 a= 1.15 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2CO3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 334.0060 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 PuO2+ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 5.2990 a= 5.299 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2CO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 334.0060 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 PuO2++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 0.8290 a= 0.829 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2F+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 292.9960 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 PuO2++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -4.5600 a= -4.56 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2F2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 311.9940 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 PuO2++ 2.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -7.2500 a= -7.25 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2H2PO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 370.9840 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 PuO2++ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -10.4720 a= -10.472 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2HPO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 369.9760 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 PuO2++ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -7.2400 a= -7.24 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2OH charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 291.0050 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 PuO2+ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 9.7300 a= 9.73 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2OH+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 291.0050 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 PuO2++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 5.5000 a= 5.499999993 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1462.533029 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2PO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 368.9680 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 PuO2++ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = 0.5900 a= 0.59 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2SiO(OH)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 369.1040 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 PuO2+ * log10 K(298 K) = 7.3100 a= 7.31 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2SiO(OH)3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 369.1040 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 PuO2++ * log10 K(298 K) = 3.4100 a= 3.41 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2SO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 370.0610 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 PuO2+ * log10 K(298 K) = -1.2600 a= -1.26 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2SO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 370.0610 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 PuO2++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.3800 a= -3.379999983 b= 0 c= 0 d= 840.9564916 e= 0 f= 0 PuOH++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 259.0070 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Pu+++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 6.9000 a= 6.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuOH+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 259.0070 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Pu++++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 0.0000 a= 0 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuSCN++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 300.0850 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 S 1.000 Pu+++ 1.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = -11.7445 a= -11.744543 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuSiO(OH)3++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 337.1060 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 Pu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.0100 a= 2.010000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2120.672892 e= 0 f= 0 PuSiO(OH)3+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 337.1060 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 Pu++++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.0700 a= -2.07 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuSO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 338.0630 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Pu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.9000 a= -3.899999993 b= 0 c= 0 d= 898.4131463 e= 0 f= 0 PuSO4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 338.0630 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Pu++++ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.8900 a= -6.89 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 RaCO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 286.0080 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Ra++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 7.6590 a= 7.658999993 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1457.36193 e= 0 f= 0 RaF+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 244.9980 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Ra++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.4800 a= -0.4800000158 b= 0 c= 0 d= 605.9065405 e= 0 f= 0 RaHCO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 287.0160 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Ra++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.0800 a= -1.080000007 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1410.299706 e= 0 f= 0 RaOH+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 243.0070 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Ra++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 13.7000 a= 13.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3238.465992 e= 0 f= 0 RaSO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 322.0630 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Ra++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.2800 a= -2.279999986 b= 0 c= 0 d= 73.12665144 e= 0 f= 0 S-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 32.0670 g 2 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HS- * log10 K(298 K) = 19.0000 a= 19 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SCN- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 58.0850 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 S 1.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = -10.4444 a= -10.44440878 b= 0 c= 0 d= -3946.227512 e= 0 f= 0 Se-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 78.9630 g 2 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 H2Se * log10 K(298 K) = 18.7600 a= 18.76 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Se2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 157.9260 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Se 1.000 H2Se * log10 K(298 K) = 9.9666 a= 9.966616 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Se3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 236.8890 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 Se 1.000 H2Se * log10 K(298 K) = 1.8432 a= 1.843231 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Se4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 315.8520 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 3.000 Se 1.000 H2Se * log10 K(298 K) = -5.0566 a= -5.056616 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SeCN- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 104.9810 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Se 1.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = -2.1529 a= -2.152938 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SeO4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 142.9590 g 2 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HSeO4- * log10 K(298 K) = 1.7500 a= 1.750000015 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1086.453107 e= 0 f= 0 Si4O8(OH)4---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 308.3640 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H2O -4.000 H+ 4.000 Si(OH)4 * log10 K(298 K) = 36.2800 a= 36.28 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SiAlO3(OH)4--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 171.0930 g 4 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 3.000 H2O 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 46.4500 a= 46.45 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SiO(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 95.1060 g 2 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 * log10 K(298 K) = 9.8100 a= 9.809999979 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1337.173055 e= 0 f= 0 SiO2(OH)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 94.0980 g 2 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 * log10 K(298 K) = 23.1400 a= 23.14000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3917.499184 e= 0 f= 0 Sm(CO3)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 270.4160 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Sm+++ 2.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 8.5580 a= 8.558 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sm(OH)2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 184.4140 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Sm+++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 15.2200 a= 15.22 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sm(OH)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 201.4210 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Sm+++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 23.8200 a= 23.82 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sm(OH)4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 218.4280 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Sm+++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 36.3200 a= 36.32 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sm(SO4)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 342.5260 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 SO4-- 1.000 Sm+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.7000 a= -5.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sm2(OH)2++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 334.8140 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 Sm+++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 14.5000 a= 14.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sm3(OH)5++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 536.2350 g 3 species in reaction -5.000 H+ 3.000 Sm+++ 5.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 33.9000 a= 33.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SmCO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 210.4080 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Sm+++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 2.2290 a= 2.229 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SmF++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 169.3980 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sm+++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -4.1700 a= -4.169999994 b= 0 c= 0 d= 421.5229122 e= 0 f= 0 SmF2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 188.3960 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sm+++ 2.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.7000 a= -6.700000012 b= 0 c= 0 d= 976.7631299 e= 0 f= 0 SmH2PO4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 247.3860 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Sm+++ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -10.2420 a= -10.24199998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1022.728454 e= 0 f= 0 SmOH++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 167.4070 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Sm+++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 7.7600 a= 7.759999976 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2230.362869 e= 0 f= 0 SmSiO(OH)3++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 245.5060 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 Sm+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.0100 a= 2.010000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2120.672892 e= 0 f= 0 SmSO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 246.4630 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Sm+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.9500 a= -3.95 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sn(H2PO4)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 312.6830 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++ 2.000 HPO4-- 2.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -20.5240 a= -20.524 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sn(HPO4)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 310.6670 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++ 2.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -13.6000 a= -13.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sn(HPO4)3---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 406.6450 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++ 3.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -13.5000 a= -13.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sn(NO3)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 242.7190 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++ 2.000 NO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.3900 a= -1.39 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sn(OH)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 152.7250 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Sn++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 7.6800 a= 7.68 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sn(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 169.7320 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Sn++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 17.0000 a= 17 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sn(OH)4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 186.7390 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Sn++++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -7.5400 a= -7.54 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sn(OH)5- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 203.7460 g 3 species in reaction -5.000 H+ 1.000 Sn++++ 5.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 1.0600 a= 1.06 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sn(OH)6-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 220.7530 g 3 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 1.000 Sn++++ 6.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 11.1300 a= 11.13 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sn(OH)Cl charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 171.1710 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Sn++ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = 2.5000 a= 2.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sn3(OH)4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 424.1610 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 3.000 Sn++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 5.6000 a= 5.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SnBr+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 198.6150 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++ 1.000 Br- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.3300 a= -1.330000019 b= 0 c= 0 d= 266.3899445 e= 0 f= 0 SnBr2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 278.5190 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++ 2.000 Br- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.9700 a= -1.970000023 b= 0 c= 0 d= 673.8098597 e= 0 f= 0 SnBr3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 358.4230 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++ 3.000 Br- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.9300 a= -1.929999989 b= 0 c= 0 d= 376.0799217 e= 0 f= 0 SnCl+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 154.1640 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.4100 a= -1.409999993 b= 0 c= 0 d= 117.5249755 e= 0 f= 0 SnCl+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 154.1640 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -3.1900 a= -3.19 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SnCl2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 189.6170 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++ 2.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.2200 a= -2.219999989 b= 0 c= 0 d= -3163.461553 e= 0 f= -9.767631694 SnCl2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 189.6170 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++++ 2.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -5.9500 a= -5.95 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SnCl3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 225.0700 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++ 3.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.3700 a= -2.370000006 b= 0 c= 0 d= -7241.899439 e= 0 f= -21.31119642 SnCl4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 260.5230 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++ 4.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.0300 a= -2.030000023 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SnCl4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 260.5230 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++++ 4.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -9.5700 a= -9.57 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SnCl5- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 295.9760 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++++ 5.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -10.9300 a= -10.93 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SnCl6-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 331.4290 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++++ 6.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -9.8300 a= -9.83 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SnF+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 137.7090 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -5.2500 a= -5.25 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SnF2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 156.7070 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++ 2.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -8.8900 a= -8.89 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SnF3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 175.7050 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++ 3.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -11.5000 a= -11.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SnF6-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 232.6990 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++++ 6.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -25.0000 a= -25 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SnH2PO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 215.6970 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -10.6120 a= -10.612 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SnH2PO4HPO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 311.6750 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++ 2.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -17.7120 a= -17.712 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SnHPO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 214.6890 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -9.6000 a= -9.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SnNO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 180.7150 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++ 1.000 NO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.2700 a= -1.27 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SnOH+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 135.7180 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Sn++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 3.5300 a= 3.53 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SnPO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 213.6810 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Sn++ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -5.7500 a= -5.75 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SnSCN+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 176.7960 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Sn++ 1.000 S 1.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = -11.9445 a= -11.944543 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SnSO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 214.7740 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Sn++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.4300 a= -3.43 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sr2UO2(CO3)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 625.2930 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 2.000 Sr++ 3.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 1.2870 a= 1.287 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SrCO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 147.6290 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Sr++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 7.5390 a= 7.538999989 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2625.419206 e= 0 f= 2.586228599 SrF+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 106.6190 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sr++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.9200 a= -0.9200000221 b= 0 c= 0 d= 569.3432148 e= 0 f= 0 SrH2PO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 184.6070 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Sr++ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -7.9020 a= -7.902 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SrHCO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 148.6370 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sr++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.1800 a= -1.180000017 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2213.747449 e= 0 f= -11.80473135 SrHPO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 183.5990 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sr++ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.3500 a= -2.350000008 b= 0 c= 0 d= 470.0999021 e= 0 f= 0 SrOH+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 104.6280 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Sr++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 13.1500 a= 13.15000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3217.572663 e= 0 f= 0 SrPO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 182.5910 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Sr++ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = 6.7300 a= 6.73 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SrSO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 183.6840 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sr++ 1.000 SO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.2900 a= -2.290000005 b= 0 c= 0 d= 454.4299054 e= 0 f= 0 SrUO2(CO3)3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 537.6720 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 Sr++ 3.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 5.0870 a= 5.087 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Tc2O2(OH)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 262.0120 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H2O 2.000 TcO(OH)2 2.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -12.9900 a= -12.99 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Tc2OCl10---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 566.5290 g 4 species in reaction -5.000 H2O 2.000 TcO(OH)2 6.000 H+ 10.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -12.5900 a= -12.59 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 TcCl5- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 275.2650 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H2O 1.000 TcO(OH)2 4.000 H+ 5.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -4.5300 a= -4.53 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 TcCl6-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 310.7180 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H2O 1.000 TcO(OH)2 4.000 H+ 6.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.4500 a= -2.45 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 TcCO3(OH)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 192.0220 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H2O 1.000 TcO(OH)2 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.9710 a= -8.971 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 TcCO3(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 209.0290 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 TcO(OH)2 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.6710 a= -0.671 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 TcO(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 165.0200 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 TcO(OH)2 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 10.9200 a= 10.92 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Th(CO3)5------ charge= -6 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 532.0780 g 3 species in reaction -5.000 H+ 1.000 Th++++ 5.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 20.6450 a= 20.645 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Th(H2PO4)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 426.0100 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Th++++ 2.000 HPO4-- 2.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -24.9040 a= -24.904 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Th(H3PO4)(H2PO4)+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 427.0180 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Th++++ 2.000 HPO4-- 3.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -24.1240 a= -24.124 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Th(IO3)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 581.8400 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Th++++ 2.000 IO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.9700 a= -6.97 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Th(IO3)3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 756.7410 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Th++++ 3.000 IO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -9.8700 a= -9.87 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Th(NO3)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 356.0460 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Th++++ 2.000 NO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.3000 a= -2.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Th(OH)2(CO3)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 386.0680 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Th++++ 2.000 HCO3- 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 11.8580 a= 11.858 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Th(OH)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 266.0520 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Th++++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 6.2000 a= 6.200000021 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4476.395735 e= 0 f= 0 Th(OH)2CO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 326.0600 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Th++++ 1.000 HCO3- 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 7.8290 a= 7.829 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Th(OH)3(SiO(OH)3)3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 568.3770 g 4 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 1.000 Th++++ 3.000 Si(OH)4 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 27.8000 a= 27.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Th(OH)3CO3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 343.0670 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Th++++ 1.000 HCO3- 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 14.0290 a= 14.029 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Th(OH)4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 300.0660 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Th++++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 17.4000 a= 17.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Th(OH)4CO3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 360.0740 g 4 species in reaction -5.000 H+ 1.000 Th++++ 1.000 HCO3- 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 25.9290 a= 25.929 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Th(SCN)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 348.2080 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Th++++ 2.000 S 2.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = -24.2891 a= -24.289087 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Th(SO4)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 424.1640 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Th++++ 2.000 SO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -9.6900 a= -9.690000013 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2109.181561 e= 0 f= 0 Th(SO4)3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 520.2270 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Th++++ 3.000 SO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -10.7480 a= -10.748 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Th2(OH)2++++++ charge= 6 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 498.0900 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 Th++++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 5.9000 a= 5.900000007 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3045.202699 e= 0 f= 0 Th2(OH)3+++++ charge= 5 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 515.0970 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 2.000 Th++++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 6.8000 a= 6.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Th4(OH)12++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 1132.2360 g 3 species in reaction -12.000 H+ 4.000 Th++++ 12.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 26.6000 a= 26.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Th4(OH)8++++++++ charge= 8 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 1064.2080 g 3 species in reaction -8.000 H+ 4.000 Th++++ 8.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 20.4000 a= 20.40000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 12692.69736 e= 0 f= 0 Th6(OH)14++++++++++ charge= 10 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 1630.3260 g 3 species in reaction -14.000 H+ 6.000 Th++++ 14.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 36.8000 a= 36.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Th6(OH)15+++++++++ charge= 9 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 1647.3330 g 3 species in reaction -15.000 H+ 6.000 Th++++ 15.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 36.8000 a= 36.79999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 24695.91486 e= 0 f= 0 ThCl+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 267.4910 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Th++++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.7000 a= -1.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ThF+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 251.0360 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Th++++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -8.8700 a= -8.870000012 b= 0 c= 0 d= -20.89332898 e= 0 f= 0 ThF2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 270.0340 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Th++++ 2.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -15.6300 a= -15.63000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= -172.3699641 e= 0 f= 0 ThF3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 289.0320 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Th++++ 3.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -20.6700 a= -20.67 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ThF4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 308.0300 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Th++++ 4.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -25.5800 a= -25.58 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ThF6-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 346.0260 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Th++++ 6.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -29.2300 a= -29.23 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ThH2PO4+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 329.0240 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Th++++ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -12.8020 a= -12.802 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ThH3PO4++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 330.0320 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Th++++ 1.000 HPO4-- 2.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.2420 a= -11.242 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ThIO3+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 406.9390 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Th++++ 1.000 IO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -4.1400 a= -4.14 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ThNO3+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 294.0420 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Th++++ 1.000 NO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.3000 a= -1.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ThOH(CO3)4----- charge= -5 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 489.0770 g 4 species in reaction -5.000 H+ 1.000 Th++++ 4.000 HCO3- 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 19.7160 a= 19.716 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ThOH+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 249.0450 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Th++++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 2.5000 a= 2.500000024 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2308.712853 e= 0 f= 0 ThSCN+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 290.1230 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Th++++ 1.000 S 1.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = -12.4445 a= -12.444543 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ThSO4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 328.1010 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Th++++ 1.000 SO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.1700 a= -6.170000008 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1092.721106 e= 0 f= 0 Ti2(OH)2++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 129.7480 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 Ti+++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 2.6400 a= 2.64 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 TiO(OH)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 97.8800 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 TiO++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 5.4900 a= 5.49 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 TiO(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 114.8870 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 TiO++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 17.4000 a= 17.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 TiOH++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 64.8740 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Ti+++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 1.6500 a= 1.65 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 TiOOH+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 80.8730 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 TiO++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 2.4800 a= 2.48 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 U(CO3)4---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 478.0610 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 U++++ 4.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 6.0960 a= 6.096 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 U(CO3)5------ charge= -6 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 538.0690 g 3 species in reaction -5.000 H+ 1.000 U++++ 5.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 17.7450 a= 17.74499999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2846.977241 e= 0 f= 0 U(NO3)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 362.0370 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 U++++ 2.000 NO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.3000 a= -2.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 U(OH)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 272.0430 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 U++++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 1.9000 a= 1.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 U(OH)3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 289.0500 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 U++++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 5.2000 a= 5.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 U(OH)4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 306.0570 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 U++++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 10.0000 a= 10 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 U(Oxa)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 414.0690 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 U++++ 2.000 Oxa-- * log10 K(298 K) = -19.0000 a= -19 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 U(Oxa)3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 502.0890 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 U++++ 3.000 Oxa-- * log10 K(298 K) = -24.0000 a= -24 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 U(Oxa)4---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 590.1090 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 U++++ 4.000 Oxa-- * log10 K(298 K) = -27.0000 a= -27 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 U(SCN)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 354.1990 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 U++++ 2.000 S 2.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = -25.1488 a= -25.14881757 b= 0 c= 0 d= -8832.654827 e= 0 f= 0 U(SO4)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 430.1550 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 U++++ 2.000 SO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -10.5100 a= -10.50999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1708.029644 e= 0 f= 0 UCl+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 273.4820 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 U++++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.7200 a= -1.720000021 b= 0 c= 0 d= -992.4331267 e= 0 f= 0 UCO3(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 349.0580 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 U++++ 1.000 HCO3- 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 6.3290 a= 6.329 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UEdta charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 526.2410 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 U++++ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -29.5000 a= -29.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UEdta(OH)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 560.2550 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 U++++ 2.000 H2O 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -16.5000 a= -16.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UEdtaOH- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 543.2480 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 U++++ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -24.6000 a= -24.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UF+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 257.0270 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 U++++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -9.4200 a= -9.419999997 b= 0 c= 0 d= -292.5066058 e= 0 f= 0 UF2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 276.0250 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 U++++ 2.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -16.5600 a= -16.55999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= -182.8166286 e= 0 f= 0 UF3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 295.0230 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 U++++ 3.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -21.8900 a= -21.89 b= 0 c= 0 d= 26.11666123 e= 0 f= 0 UF4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 314.0210 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 U++++ 4.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -26.3400 a= -26.33999997 b= 0 c= 0 d= -440.3269083 e= 0 f= 0 UF5- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 333.0190 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 U++++ 5.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -27.7300 a= -27.73 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UF6-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 352.0170 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 U++++ 6.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -29.8000 a= -29.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UH2PO4+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 335.0150 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 U++++ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -14.0120 a= -14.012 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UI+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 364.9330 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 U++++ 1.000 I- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.2500 a= -1.25 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UNO3+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 300.0330 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 U++++ 1.000 NO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.4700 a= -1.47 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(CO3)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 390.0430 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 2.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 4.0480 a= 4.048000005 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2522.973941 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(CO3)3---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 450.0510 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 3.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 9.1470 a= 9.146999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 287.4399735 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(CO3)3----- charge= -5 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 450.0510 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 UO2+ 3.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 23.7970 a= 23.797 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(H2AsO4)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 551.8950 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 2.000 HAsO4-- 2.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -18.3440 a= -18.344 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(H2PO4)(H3PO4)+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 465.0070 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 2.000 HPO4-- 3.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -20.3540 a= -20.354 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(H2PO4)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 463.9990 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 2.000 HPO4-- 2.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -19.3440 a= -19.344 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(H3Isa)+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 452.1950 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 H3Isa- * log10 K(298 K) = -3.5000 a= -3.499999984 b= 0 c= 0 d= -52.23332246 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(H3Isa)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 634.3630 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 2.000 H3Isa- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.2000 a= -6.199999997 b= 0 c= 0 d= 73.12665144 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(H3Isa)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 816.5310 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 3.000 H3Isa- * log10 K(298 K) = -8.0000 a= -7.999999981 b= 0 c= 0 d= -323.8465992 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(HCit) charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 460.1340 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 H+ 1.000 Cit--- * log10 K(298 K) = -11.3600 a= -11.36 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(HEdta)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 559.2470 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 H+ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -19.6100 a= -19.61 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(HSeO3)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 525.9630 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 2.000 SeO3-- 2.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -22.2300 a= -22.23 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(IO3)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 619.8290 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 2.000 IO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -3.5900 a= -3.59 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(OH)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 304.0410 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 12.1500 a= 12.15 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 321.0480 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 20.2500 a= 20.25 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(OH)4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 338.0550 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 32.4000 a= 32.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(Oxa)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 446.0670 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 2.000 Oxa-- * log10 K(298 K) = -11.6500 a= -11.65 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(Oxa)3---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 534.0870 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 3.000 Oxa-- * log10 K(298 K) = -13.8000 a= -13.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(SCN)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 386.1970 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 2.000 S 2.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = -22.1288 a= -22.12881755 b= 0 c= 0 d= -7427.578453 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(SCN)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 444.2820 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 3.000 S 3.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = -33.4332 a= -33.43322634 b= 0 c= 0 d= -11525.2826 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(SeO4)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 555.9450 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 2.000 HSeO4- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.5300 a= -0.5299999903 b= 0 c= 0 d= -553.673218 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(SO4)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 462.1530 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 2.000 SO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -4.1400 a= -4.139999983 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1833.389618 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(SO4)3---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 558.2160 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 3.000 SO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -3.0200 a= -3.02 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2Cit- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 459.1260 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 Cit--- * log10 K(298 K) = -8.9600 a= -8.96 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2Cl+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 305.4800 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.1700 a= -0.1700000089 b= 0 c= 0 d= 417.8665797 e= 0 f= 0 UO2Cl2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 340.9330 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 2.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = 1.1000 a= 1.100000003 b= 0 c= 0 d= 783.4998369 e= 0 f= 0 UO2CO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 330.0350 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 0.3890 a= 0.3889999942 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1039.49535 e= 0 f= 0 UO2CO3F- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 349.0330 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -3.4210 a= -3.421 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2CO3F2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 368.0310 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 HCO3- 2.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -5.2410 a= -5.241 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2CO3F3--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 387.0290 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 HCO3- 3.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.0510 a= -6.051 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2Edta-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 558.2390 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -13.7000 a= -13.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2F+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 289.0250 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -5.1600 a= -5.160000015 b= 0 c= 0 d= -28.20599413 e= 0 f= 0 UO2F2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 308.0230 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 2.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -8.8300 a= -8.830000018 b= 0 c= 0 d= -69.99265209 e= 0 f= 0 UO2F3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 327.0210 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 3.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -10.9000 a= -10.90000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= -61.6353205 e= 0 f= 0 UO2F4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 346.0190 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 4.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -11.8400 a= -11.84000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= -110.7346436 e= 0 f= 0 UO2H2AsO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 410.9610 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 HAsO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -10.3670 a= -10.367 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2H2PO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 367.0130 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -10.4720 a= -10.472 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2H3PO4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 368.0210 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 HPO4-- 2.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -10.1120 a= -10.112 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2HAsO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 409.9530 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 HAsO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -7.1600 a= -7.16 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2HPO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 366.0050 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -7.2400 a= -7.24 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2HSeO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 397.9950 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 SeO3-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.6300 a= -11.63 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2IO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 444.9280 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 IO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.0000 a= -2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2NO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 332.0310 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 NO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 0.1900 a= 0.1899999894 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1091.676439 e= 0 f= 0 UO2OH+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 287.0340 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 5.2500 a= 5.250000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2261.702862 e= 0 f= 0 UO2Oxa charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 358.0470 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 Oxa-- * log10 K(298 K) = -7.1300 a= -7.130000021 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1326.72639 e= 0 f= 0 UO2PO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 364.9970 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = 1.3400 a= 1.34 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UO2SCN+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 328.1120 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 S 1.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = -11.8444 a= -11.84440875 b= 0 c= 0 d= -3778.036213 e= 0 f= 0 UO2SeO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 412.9860 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 HSeO4- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.1800 a= -1.179999966 b= 0 c= 0 d= -41.78665797 e= 0 f= 0 UO2SiO(OH)3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 365.1330 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 Si(OH)4 * log10 K(298 K) = 1.8800 a= 1.879999994 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1854.282947 e= 0 f= 0 UO2SO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 366.0900 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 SO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -3.1500 a= -3.150000008 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1018.549788 e= 0 f= 0 UOH+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 255.0360 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 U++++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 0.5400 a= 0.5399999942 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2450.265156 e= 0 f= 0 UOxa++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 326.0490 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 U++++ 1.000 Oxa-- * log10 K(298 K) = -11.0000 a= -11 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 USCN+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 296.1140 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 U++++ 1.000 S 1.000 HCN * log10 K(298 K) = -13.2744 a= -13.27440876 b= 0 c= 0 d= -5356.527218 e= 0 f= 0 USO4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 334.0920 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 U++++ 1.000 SO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.5800 a= -6.580000005 b= 0 c= 0 d= 417.8665797 e= 0 f= 0 Zn(CO3)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 185.4160 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Zn++ 2.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 13.9080 a= 13.908 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Zn(H2PO4)(HPO4)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 258.3640 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Zn++ 2.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.2120 a= -11.212 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Zn(H2PO4)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 259.3720 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Zn++ 2.000 HPO4-- 2.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -16.4240 a= -16.424 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Zn(HPO4)(PO4)--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 256.3480 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Zn++ 2.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.1500 a= -0.15 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Zn(HPO4)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 257.3560 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zn++ 2.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -7.1000 a= -7.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Zn(HPO4)3---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 353.3340 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zn++ 3.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -7.4000 a= -7.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Zn(HS)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 131.5500 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zn++ 2.000 HS- * log10 K(298 K) = -9.3000 a= -9.300000005 b= 0 c= 0 d= -715.5965177 e= 0 f= 0 Zn(HS)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 164.6250 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zn++ 3.000 HS- * log10 K(298 K) = -13.3000 a= -13.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2648.229449 e= 0 f= 0 Zn(OH)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 99.4140 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Zn++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 17.8900 a= 17.89000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= 6606.457566 e= 0 f= 3.395166097 Zn(OH)2HPO4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 195.3920 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Zn++ 1.000 HPO4-- 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 17.0000 a= 17 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Zn(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 116.4210 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Zn++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 27.9800 a= 27.97999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 10547.86133 e= 0 f= 10.23773162 Zn(OH)4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 133.4280 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Zn++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 40.3500 a= 40.34999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 14732.73245 e= 0 f= 18.17719695 Zn(SO4)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 257.5260 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zn++ 2.000 SO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -3.2000 a= -3.199999997 b= 0 c= 0 d= 522.3332246 e= 0 f= 0 Zn2CO3++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 190.8080 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 2.000 Zn++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 5.0290 a= 5.029 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Zn2OH+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 147.8070 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 2.000 Zn++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 7.9000 a= 7.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ZnCl+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 100.8530 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zn++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.4000 a= -0.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ZnCl2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 136.3060 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zn++ 2.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.6900 a= -0.69 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ZnCl3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 171.7590 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zn++ 3.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.4800 a= -0.48 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ZnCl4-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 207.2120 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zn++ 4.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = 2.0000 a= 2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ZnCO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 125.4080 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Zn++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 5.5790 a= 5.579 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ZnH2PO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 162.3860 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Zn++ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.1120 a= -8.112 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ZnHCO3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 126.4160 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zn++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.6200 a= -1.62 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ZnHPO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 161.3780 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zn++ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -3.3000 a= -3.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ZnOH+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 82.4070 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Zn++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 8.9400 a= 8.939999991 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2961.629383 e= 0 f= 0 ZnS(HS)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 130.5420 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Zn++ 2.000 HS- * log10 K(298 K) = -3.3600 a= -3.359999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1352.843052 e= 0 f= 0 ZnSO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 161.4630 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zn++ 1.000 SO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.3000 a= -2.300000007 b= 0 c= 0 d= 315.4892676 e= 0 f= 0 Zr(CO3)4---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 331.2560 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Zr++++ 4.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.5840 a= -1.584 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Zr(NO3)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 215.2320 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zr++++ 2.000 NO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.6400 a= -2.64 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Zr(OH)2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 125.2380 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Zr++++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -0.9800 a= -0.98 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Zr(OH)4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 159.2520 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Zr++++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 2.1900 a= 2.19 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Zr(OH)6-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 193.2660 g 3 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 1.000 Zr++++ 6.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 29.0000 a= 29 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Zr(SO4)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 283.3500 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zr++++ 2.000 SO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -11.5400 a= -11.54 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3519.481267 e= 0 f= 0 Zr(SO4)3-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 379.4130 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zr++++ 3.000 SO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -14.3000 a= -14.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Zr3(OH)4++++++++ charge= 8 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 341.7000 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 3.000 Zr++++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -0.4000 a= -0.399999991 b= 0 c= 0 d= -103.4219785 e= 0 f= 0 Zr3(OH)9+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 426.7350 g 3 species in reaction -9.000 H+ 3.000 Zr++++ 9.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -12.1900 a= -12.19 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Zr4(OH)15+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 620.0010 g 3 species in reaction -15.000 H+ 4.000 Zr++++ 15.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -12.5800 a= -12.58 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Zr4(OH)16 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 637.0080 g 3 species in reaction -16.000 H+ 4.000 Zr++++ 16.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -8.3900 a= -8.389999994 b= 0 c= 0 d= 15728.49806 e= 0 f= 0 Zr4(OH)8++++++++ charge= 8 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 500.9520 g 3 species in reaction -8.000 H+ 4.000 Zr++++ 8.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -6.5200 a= -6.52 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ZrCl+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 126.6770 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zr++++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.5900 a= -1.59 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ZrCl2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 162.1300 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zr++++ 2.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.1700 a= -2.17 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ZrF+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 110.2220 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zr++++ 1.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -10.1200 a= -10.12000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= -276.836609 e= 0 f= 0 ZrF2++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 129.2200 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zr++++ 2.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -18.5500 a= -18.55 b= 0 c= 0 d= -517.1098923 e= 0 f= 0 ZrF3+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 148.2180 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zr++++ 3.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -24.7200 a= -24.72000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= -464.8765699 e= 0 f= 0 ZrF4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 167.2160 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zr++++ 4.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -30.1100 a= -30.10999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= -976.7631299 e= 0 f= 0 ZrF5- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 186.2140 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zr++++ 5.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -34.6000 a= -34.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ZrF6-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 205.2120 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zr++++ 6.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -38.1100 a= -38.11 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ZrNO3+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 153.2280 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zr++++ 1.000 NO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.5900 a= -1.59 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ZrOH+++ charge= 3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 108.2310 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Zr++++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -0.3200 a= -0.32 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ZrSO4++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 187.2870 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Zr++++ 1.000 SO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -7.0400 a= -7.039999987 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1929.498932 e= 0 f= 0 B3O5- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 112.4310 g 3 species in reaction 2.000 H+ 3.000 B(OH)4- -7.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -20.9000 a= -20.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 B4O7-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 155.2410 g 3 species in reaction 2.000 H+ 4.000 B(OH)4- -9.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -21.9000 a= -21.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 BaB(OH)4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 216.1680 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Ba++ 1.000 B(OH)4- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.4900 a= -1.49 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 BF(OH)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 80.8310 g 4 species in reaction 1.000 H+ 1.000 F- 1.000 B(OH)4- -1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -8.9400 a= -8.939991266 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2041.18 e= 0 f= 0 BF2(OH)2- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 82.8220 g 4 species in reaction 2.000 H+ 2.000 F- 1.000 B(OH)4- -2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -16.9700 a= -16.96997838 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2021.54 e= 0 f= 0 BF3(OH)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 84.8130 g 4 species in reaction 3.000 H+ 3.000 F- 1.000 B(OH)4- -3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -23.0100 a= -23.0100055 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2001.9 e= 0 f= 0 BF4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 86.8040 g 4 species in reaction 4.000 H+ 4.000 F- 1.000 B(OH)4- -4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -29.6200 a= -29.62003297 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3848.57 e= 0 f= 0 CaB(OH)4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 118.9180 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Ca++ 1.000 B(OH)4- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.8000 a= -1.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cu(B(OH)4)+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 142.3900 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cu++ 1.000 B(OH)4- * log10 K(298 K) = -7.1300 a= -7.13 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cu(B(OH)4)2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 221.2300 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cu++ 2.000 B(OH)4- * log10 K(298 K) = -12.4500 a= -12.45 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cu(B(OH)4)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 300.0700 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cu++ 3.000 B(OH)4- * log10 K(298 K) = -15.1700 a= -15.17 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Fe(B(OH)4)++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 134.6850 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Fe+++ 1.000 B(OH)4- * log10 K(298 K) = -8.5800 a= -8.58 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Fe(B(OH)4)2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 213.5250 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Fe+++ 2.000 B(OH)4- * log10 K(298 K) = -15.5400 a= -15.54 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HB2O4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 86.6280 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 H+ 2.000 B(OH)4- -4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -9.1700 a= -9.17 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 MgB(OH)4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 103.1450 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Mg++ 1.000 B(OH)4- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.6000 a= -1.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NaB(OH)4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 101.8300 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Na+ 1.000 B(OH)4- * log10 K(298 K) = 0.1000 a= 0.09999951065 b= 0 c= 0 d= 64.0383 e= 0 f= 0 Pb(B(OH)4)+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 285.8400 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pb++ 1.000 B(OH)4- * log10 K(298 K) = -5.2000 a= -5.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pb(B(OH)4)3- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 443.5200 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pb++ 3.000 B(OH)4- * log10 K(298 K) = -11.1800 a= -11.18 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SrB(OH)4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 166.4610 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sr++ 1.000 B(OH)4- * log10 K(298 K) = -1.5500 a= -1.55 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CaCrO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 156.0701 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Ca++ 1.000 CrO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.7700 a= -2.77 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cr(H2PO4)++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 148.9821 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 H2PO4- 1.000 Cr+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.5600 a= -2.56 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cr(HPO4)+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 147.9741 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2PO4- 1.000 Cr+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.2500 a= -2.25 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cr(OH)(CO3)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 189.0191 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 2.000 CO3-- 1.000 Cr+++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -9.7300 a= -9.73 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cr(OH)+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 69.0031 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Cr++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 5.3000 a= 5.300009394 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1584.09 e= 0 f= 0 Cr(OH)++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 69.0031 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Cr+++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 3.4200 a= 3.420012913 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1944.24 e= 0 f= 0 Cr(OH)2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 86.0101 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Cr+++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 8.9000 a= 8.899993245 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4868.06 e= 0 f= 0 Cr(OH)3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 103.0171 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Cr+++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 14.3400 a= 14.34001754 b= 0 c= 0 d= 7506.17 e= 0 f= 0 Cr(OH)3(H2PO4)- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 200.0031 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 H2PO4- 1.000 Cr+++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 11.5600 a= 11.56 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cr(OH)3(H2PO4)2-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 296.9891 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 2.000 H2PO4- 1.000 Cr+++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 10.8600 a= 10.86 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cr(OH)3(HPO4)-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 198.9951 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 H2PO4- 1.000 Cr+++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 19.5800 a= 19.58 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cr(OH)3(PO4)--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 197.9871 g 4 species in reaction -5.000 H+ 1.000 H2PO4- 1.000 Cr+++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 30.2400 a= 30.24 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cr(OH)4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 120.0241 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Cr+++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 25.8598 a= 25.85983361 b= 0 c= 0 d= 10113.1 e= 0 f= 0 Cr(OH)4(CO3)--- charge= -3 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 180.0321 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 CO3-- 1.000 Cr+++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 25.6900 a= 25.69 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cr(OH)4(HPO4)(H2PO4)---- charge= -4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 312.9881 g 4 species in reaction -5.000 H+ 2.000 H2PO4- 1.000 Cr+++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 28.7600 a= 28.7599916 b= 0 c= 0 d= 731.27 e= 0 f= 0 Cr(OH)Cl2 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 139.9091 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 2.000 Cl- 1.000 Cr+++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 5.7300 a= 5.729992888 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1709.08 e= 0 f= 0 Cr(OH)CO3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 129.0111 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 CO3-- 1.000 Cr+++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -4.0000 a= -4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cr2(OH)2++++ charge= 4 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 138.0062 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 Cr+++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 4.0000 a= 4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cr2O7-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 215.9852 g 3 species in reaction 2.000 H+ 2.000 CrO4-- -1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -14.7500 a= -14.75002014 b= 0 c= 0 d= -195.98 e= 0 f= 0 Cr3(OH)4+++++ charge= 5 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 224.0163 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 3.000 Cr+++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 7.6000 a= 7.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CrBr++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 131.9001 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Br- 1.000 Cr+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 0.6200 a= 0.6199962905 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1179.85 e= 0 f= 0 CrCl+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 87.4491 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cl- 1.000 Cr++ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.6000 a= -5.600009821 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1055.12 e= 0 f= 0 CrCl++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 87.4491 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cl- 1.000 Cr+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.6200 a= -0.6199856213 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1092.73 e= 0 f= 0 CrCl2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 122.9021 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 Cl- 1.000 Cr+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 0.7100 a= 0.7100143787 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1092.73 e= 0 f= 0 CrF++ charge= 2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 70.9941 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 F- 1.000 Cr+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.2100 a= -5.210001679 b= 0 c= 0 d= -131.106 e= 0 f= 0 CrF2+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 89.9921 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 F- 1.000 Cr+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -9.3100 a= -9.310000253 b= 0 c= 0 d= -21.8336 e= 0 f= 0 CrF3 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 108.9901 g 2 species in reaction 3.000 F- 1.000 Cr+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.9100 a= -11.91 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CrO3Cl- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 135.4461 g 4 species in reaction 2.000 H+ 1.000 Cl- 1.000 CrO4-- -1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -8.0800 a= -8.080002079 b= 0 c= 0 d= 284.673 e= 0 f= 0 CrSO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 148.0591 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Cr+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.6100 a= -4.61 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 FeCrO4+ charge= 1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 171.8371 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Fe+++ 1.000 CrO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -7.8000 a= -7.80002861 b= 0 c= 0 d= 997.661 e= 0 f= 0 H2CrO4 charge= 0 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 118.0081 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 H+ 1.000 CrO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.3200 a= -6.319989049 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2068.24 e= 0 f= 0 H2CrPO7- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 196.9791 g 4 species in reaction 2.000 H+ 1.000 H2PO4- 1.000 CrO4-- -1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -9.0200 a= -9.020013197 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2689.51 e= 0 f= 0 HCrO4- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 117.0001 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 H+ 1.000 CrO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.5200 a= -6.520003938 b= 0 c= 0 d= 314.237 e= 0 f= 0 HCrPO7-- charge= -2 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 195.9711 g 4 species in reaction 1.000 H+ 1.000 H2PO4- 1.000 CrO4-- -1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -6.3700 a= -6.370002379 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1900.78 e= 0 f= 0 -end- 1 free electron e- charge= -1 ion size= 0.0 A mole wt.= 0.0000 g 3 species in reaction -.250 O2(aq) -1.000 H+ .500 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 21.4960 a= 21.49599999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 6777.446536 e= 0 f= -1.777656735 -end- 396 minerals Mercury type= formula= Hg mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 200.5900 g 1 species in reaction 1.000 Hg * log10 K(298 K) = 6.5300 a= 6.529999995 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1201.366417 e= 0 f= 0 (HgOH)3PO4(s) type= formula= (HgOH)3PO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 747.7610 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 HPO4-- 3.000 Hg++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -14.0000 a= -14 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 (NH4)4NpO2(CO3)3(s) type= formula= (NH4)4NpO2(CO3)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 521.1780 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2++ 4.000 NH4+ 3.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 3.6470 a= 3.647 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 (PuO2)3(PO4)2:4(H2O)(am) type= formula= (PuO2)3(PO4)2(H2O)4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1083.9940 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 3.000 PuO2++ 2.000 HPO4-- 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -24.2700 a= -24.27 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Soddyite type= formula= (UO2)2SiO4(H2O)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 668.1660 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 1.000 Si(OH)4 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 5.7500 a= 5.75 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Troegerite type= formula= (UO2)3(AsO4)2(H2O)12 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1304.0970 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 3.000 UO2++ 2.000 HAsO4-- 12.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -22.1240 a= -22.124 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 * Trögerite (UO2)3(PO4)2:4H2O(cr) type= formula= (UO2)3(PO4)2(H2O)4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1072.0810 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 3.000 UO2++ 2.000 HPO4-- 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -24.6640 a= -24.664 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ac(OH)3(aged) type= formula= Ac(OH)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 278.0490 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 1.000 Ac+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 21.1000 a= 21.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ac(OH)3(fresh) type= formula= Ac(OH)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 278.0490 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 1.000 Ac+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 23.3000 a= 23.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ac2(Oxa)3(s) type= formula= Ac2(Oxa)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 718.1160 g 2 species in reaction 3.000 Oxa-- 2.000 Ac+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -25.7000 a= -25.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Silver type= formula= Ag mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 107.8680 g 1 species in reaction 1.000 Ag * log10 K(298 K) = -6.4000 a= -6.400000023 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1760.262967 e= 0 f= 0 Ag2CO3(cr) type= formula= Ag2CO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 275.7440 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 2.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.7410 a= -0.741 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ag2O(am) type= formula= Ag2O mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 231.7350 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 2.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = 12.6200 a= 12.62000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1671.466319 e= 0 f= 0 Ag2O(cr) type= formula= Ag2O mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 231.7350 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 2.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = 11.8200 a= 11.82000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2026.652911 e= 0 f= 0 Ag2S(cr) type= formula= Ag2S mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 247.8030 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HS- 2.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -35.8300 a= -35.82999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= -11977.10084 e= 0 f= 0 Ag2Se(alpha) type= formula= Ag2Se mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 294.6990 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 H2Se 2.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -38.9973 a= -38.99732321 b= 0 c= 0 d= -13894.53387 e= 0 f= 0 Ag2SeO3(cr) type= formula= Ag2SeO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 342.6960 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SeO3-- 2.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -15.8000 a= -15.80000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= -3542.463929 e= 0 f= 0 Ag2SeO4(cr) type= formula= Ag2SeO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 358.6950 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HSeO4- 2.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.1100 a= -6.109999976 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2684.270441 e= 0 f= 0 Ag2SO4(s) type= formula= Ag2SO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 311.7990 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 2.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.9400 a= -4.940000022 b= 0 c= 0 d= -903.6364785 e= 0 f= 0 Ag3PO4(s) type= formula= Ag3PO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 418.5740 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HPO4-- 3.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -9.0500 a= -9.05 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AgBr(cr) type= formula= AgBr mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 187.7720 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Br- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -12.3000 a= -12.29999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= -4465.94907 e= 0 f= 0 AgCl(cr) type= formula= AgCl mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 143.3210 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cl- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -9.7480 a= -9.747999984 b= 0 c= 0 d= -3432.773952 e= 0 f= 0 AgCN(s) type= formula= AgCN mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 133.8860 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HCN 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.6300 a= -6.63 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AgI(cr) type= formula= AgI mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 234.7720 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 I- 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -16.0800 a= -16.07999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= -5766.558799 e= 0 f= 0 AgSeCN(cr) type= formula= AgSeCN mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 212.8490 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Se 1.000 HCN 1.000 Ag+ * log10 K(298 K) = -16.2034 a= -16.203384 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Gibbsite type= formula= Al(OH)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 78.0030 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 7.7500 a= 7.749999978 b= 0 c= 0 d= 5447.935532 e= 0 f= 0 Kaolinite type= formula= Al2Si2O5(OH)4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 258.1590 g 4 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 2.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 H2O 2.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 7.4400 a= 7.440000003 b= 0 c= 0 d= 9025.918121 e= 0 f= 0 Boehmite type= formula= AlOOH mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 59.9880 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 9.4000 a= 9.39999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 7756.648385 e= 0 f= 0 Am(OH)3(am) type= formula= Am(OH)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 294.0210 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 16.9000 a= 16.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Am(OH)3(cr) type= formula= Am(OH)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 294.0210 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 15.6000 a= 15.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Am2(CO3)3(am_hyd) type= formula= Am2(CO3)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 666.0240 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 HCO3- 2.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.4130 a= -2.413 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AmO2OH(am) type= formula= AmO2OH mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 292.0050 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 AmO2+ * log10 K(298 K) = 5.3000 a= 5.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AmOHCO3(am_hyd) type= formula= AmOHCO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 320.0150 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 H2O 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 4.1290 a= 4.129 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 AmOHCO3:0.5H2O(cr) type= formula= AmOHCO3(H2O)0.5 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 329.0225 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.500 H2O 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 1.9290 a= 1.929 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Analcime type= formula= Na2Al2Si4O12(H2O)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 440.3060 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H2O -8.000 H+ 4.000 Si(OH)4 2.000 Na+ 2.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 21.2101 a= 21.21012108 b= 0 c= 0 d= 13521.74465 e= 0 f= 0 Ba[(UO2)(AsO4)]2:7H2O(cr) type= formula= Ba(UO2)2(AsO4)2(H2O)7 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1081.3230 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 2.000 HAsO4-- 7.000 H2O 1.000 Ba++ * log10 K(298 K) = -21.4940 a= -21.494 b= 0 c= 0 d= 439.9612751 e= 0 f= 0 Meta-uranocircite_II type= formula= Ba(UO2)2(PO4)2(H2O)6 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 975.4120 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 2.000 HPO4-- 6.000 H2O 1.000 Ba++ * log10 K(298 K) = -27.5000 a= -27.49999997 b= 0 c= 0 d= -781.5149706 e= 0 f= 0 Ba3(PO4)2(s) type= formula= Ba3(PO4)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 601.9240 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 HPO4-- 3.000 Ba++ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.3000 a= -4.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Witherite type= formula= BaCO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 197.3360 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Ba++ * log10 K(298 K) = 1.7590 a= 1.758999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2781.04568 e= 0 f= -11.36006906 BaHPO4(cr) type= formula= BaHPO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 233.3060 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Ba++ * log10 K(298 K) = -7.2000 a= -7.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 BaSeO3(cr) type= formula= BaSeO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 264.2880 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SeO3-- 1.000 Ba++ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.5000 a= -6.49999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 276.836609 e= 0 f= 0 BaSeO4(cr) type= formula= BaSeO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 280.2870 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HSeO4- 1.000 Ba++ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.5000 a= -5.499999959 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1384.183045 e= 0 f= 0 Barite type= formula= BaSO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 233.3910 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Ba++ * log10 K(298 K) = -9.9600 a= -9.95999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= -7943.036467 e= 0 f= -22.06857963 Beidellite_SBld-1 type= formula= (Ca0.185K0.104)(Si3.574Al0.426)(Al1.812Mg0.090Fe0.112)O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 374.6918 g 8 species in reaction -2.296 H2O -7.704 H+ 3.574 Si(OH)4 .090 Mg++ .104 K+ .112 Fe+++ .185 Ca++ 2.238 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 7.3773 a= 7.377319816 b= 0 c= 0 d= 11947.52644 e= 0 f= 0 Beidellite(Ca) type= formula= Ca0.17Al2.34Si3.66O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 366.7499 g 5 species in reaction -2.640 H2O -7.360 H+ 3.660 Si(OH)4 .170 Ca++ 2.340 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 5.5630 a= 5.563035294 b= 0 c= 0 d= 11068.81455 e= 0 f= 0 Beidellite(K) type= formula= K0.34Al2.34Si3.66O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 373.2300 g 5 species in reaction -2.640 H2O -7.360 H+ 3.660 Si(OH)4 .340 K+ 2.340 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 4.3943 a= 4.39426382 b= 0 c= 0 d= 10100.80573 e= 0 f= 0 Beidellite(Mg) type= formula= Mg0.17Al2.34Si3.66O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 364.0685 g 5 species in reaction -2.640 H2O -7.360 H+ 3.660 Si(OH)4 .170 Mg++ 2.340 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 5.0178 a= 5.017810262 b= 0 c= 0 d= 11130.44987 e= 0 f= 0 Beidellite(Na) type= formula= Na0.34Al2.34Si3.66O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 367.7532 g 5 species in reaction -2.640 H2O -7.360 H+ 3.660 Si(OH)4 .340 Na+ 2.340 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 3.1401 a= 3.140128652 b= 0 c= 0 d= 10028.61927 e= 0 f= 0 Berthierine_ISGS type= formula= (Si1.332Al0.668)(Al0.976Fe0.182Fe1.44Mg0.157)O5(OH)4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 324.1884 g 7 species in reaction -8.672 H+ 1.332 Si(OH)4 .157 Mg++ 3.672 H2O .182 Fe+++ 1.440 Fe++ 1.644 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 27.8030 a= 27.80300921 b= 0 c= 0 d= 16784.86038 e= 0 f= 0 Berthierine(FeII) type= formula= (Fe2Al)(SiAl)O5(OH)4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 341.7630 g 5 species in reaction -10.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 5.000 H2O 2.000 Fe++ 2.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 34.4439 a= 34.4438523 b= 0 c= 0 d= 21280.33318 e= 0 f= 4.838111688 Berthierine(FeIII) type= formula= (Fe2.34Fe0.33Al0.33)(Si1.34Al0.66)O5(OH)4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 361.4766 g 6 species in reaction -8.640 H+ 1.340 Si(OH)4 3.640 H2O .330 Fe+++ 2.340 Fe++ .990 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 28.7603 a= 28.76034339 b= 0 c= 0 d= 17541.68026 e= 0 f= 5.768828048 Ca(H3Isa)2(cr) type= formula= Ca(H3Isa)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 404.4140 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 H3Isa- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.4000 a= -6.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Portlandite type= formula= Ca(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 74.0920 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 22.7500 a= 22.74999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 8041.66865 e= 0 f= 5.458382417 Whewellite type= formula= Ca(Oxa)(H2O) mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 146.1130 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Oxa-- 1.000 H2O 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.7300 a= -8.730000018 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1123.016433 e= 0 f= 0 Weddelite type= formula= Ca(Oxa)(H2O)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 164.1280 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Oxa-- 2.000 H2O 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.3000 a= -8.299999993 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1316.279726 e= 0 f= 0 Ca(Oxa):3H2O(cr) type= formula= Ca(Oxa)(H2O)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 182.1430 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Oxa-- 3.000 H2O 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.1900 a= -8.190000009 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1551.329677 e= 0 f= 0 Uranophane type= formula= Ca(UO2)2(SiO3OH)2(H2O)5 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 856.3870 g 5 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 2.000 Si(OH)4 5.000 H2O 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 11.5200 a= 11.52 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4492.065731 e= 0 f= 0 Ca[(UO2)(AsO4)]2:10H2O(cr) type= formula= Ca(UO2)2(AsO4)2(H2O)10 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1038.1180 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 2.000 HAsO4-- 10.000 H2O 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -21.8940 a= -21.89400001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 176.6530965 e= 0 f= 0 Meta-autunite type= formula= Ca(UO2)2(PO4)2(H2O)6 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 878.1620 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 2.000 HPO4-- 6.000 H2O 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -25.3000 a= -25.29999997 b= 0 c= 0 d= 584.5431116 e= 0 f= 0 Ca0.5NpO2(OH)2:1.3H2O(cr) type= formula= Ca0.5NpO2(OH)2(H2O)1.3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 346.4705 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2+ 3.300 H2O .500 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 12.3000 a= 12.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ca3(Cit)2:4H2O(cr) type= formula= Ca3(Cit)2(H2O)4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 570.4920 g 3 species in reaction 4.000 H2O 2.000 Cit--- 3.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -17.9000 a= -17.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Tuite type= formula= Ca3(PO4)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 310.1740 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 HPO4-- 3.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.2000 a= -4.199999954 b= 0 c= 0 d= 5766.558799 e= 0 f= 0 Ca4H(PO4)3:2.5H2O(s) type= formula= Ca4H(PO4)3(H2O)2.5 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 491.2675 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 3.000 HPO4-- 2.500 H2O 4.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.4300 a= -11.42999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3384.719295 e= 0 f= 0 Cl-apatite type= formula= Ca5(PO4)3Cl mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 520.7530 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Cl- 5.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.9500 a= -8.949999964 b= 0 c= 0 d= 8555.818218 e= 0 f= 0 F-apatite type= formula= Ca5(PO4)3F mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 504.2980 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 HPO4-- 1.000 F- 5.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -22.5800 a= -22.57999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 5474.052193 e= 0 f= 0 OH-apatite type= formula= Ca5(PO4)3OH mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 502.3070 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 3.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H2O 5.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -7.2400 a= -7.239999964 b= 0 c= 0 d= 8759.841576 e= 0 f= 0 Aragonite type= formula= CaCO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 100.0860 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.0090 a= 2.008999983 b= 0 c= 0 d= 172.0853421 e= 0 f= -3.942936972 Calcite type= formula= CaCO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 100.0860 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 1.8790 a= 1.878999992 b= 0 c= 0 d= -456.265857 e= 0 f= -5.927803305 Vaterite type= formula= CaCO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 100.0860 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.4190 a= 2.419000013 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1107.936722 e= 0 f= -1.592437366 Fluorite type= formula= CaF2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 78.0740 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 F- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -10.4600 a= -10.45999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= -3054.891981 e= 0 f= -8.879665176 CaHK3(PO4)2(cr) type= formula= CaHK3(PO4)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 348.3200 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 3.000 K+ 2.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.3000 a= 2.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Monetite type= formula= CaHPO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 136.0560 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.8600 a= -6.859999995 b= 0 c= 0 d= -4390.824494 e= 0 f= -18.02049698 Brushite type= formula= CaHPO4(H2O)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 172.0860 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 2.000 H2O 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.5900 a= -6.590000008 b= 0 c= 0 d= -4109.629014 e= 0 f= -14.72979753 Dolomite type= formula= CaMg(CO3)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 184.3990 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Mg++ 2.000 HCO3- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 3.5461 a= 3.546099501 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3417.880247 e= 0 f= 0 Powellite type= formula= CaMoO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 200.0150 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 MoO4-- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.4600 a= -8.459999987 b= 0 c= 0 d= -250.1976146 e= 0 f= 0 Cancrinite-NO3 type= formula= Na8Al6Si6O24(NO3)2(H2O)4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1094.3720 g 6 species in reaction -24.000 H+ 6.000 Si(OH)4 2.000 NO3- 8.000 Na+ 4.000 H2O 6.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 77.6676 a= 77.66757874 b= 0 c= 0 d= 40161.0525 e= 0 f= 0 CaNpO2(OH)2.6Cl0.4:2H2O(cr) type= formula= CaNpO2(OH)2.6Cl0.4(H2O)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 403.5054 g 5 species in reaction -2.600 H+ 1.000 NpO2+ 4.600 H2O .400 Cl- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 19.9000 a= 19.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CaSeO3:H2O(cr) type= formula= CaSeO3(H2O) mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 185.0530 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 SeO3-- 1.000 H2O 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -6.4000 a= -6.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CaSn(OH)6(pr) type= formula= CaSn(OH)6 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 260.8310 g 4 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 1.000 Sn++++ 6.000 H2O 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 1.4300 a= 1.43 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Anhydrite type= formula= CaSO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 136.1410 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.2100 a= -4.209999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= -5256.538797 e= 0 f= -20.73140652 Gypsum type= formula= CaSO4(H2O)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 172.1710 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 2.000 H2O 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.5800 a= -4.579999978 b= 0 c= 0 d= -3221.461957 e= 0 f= -10.88542484 Becquerelite type= formula= CaU6O19(H2O)11 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1970.3980 g 4 species in reaction -14.000 H+ 6.000 UO2++ 18.000 H2O 1.000 Ca++ * log10 K(298 K) = 40.5000 a= 40.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cd(OH)2(s) type= formula= Cd(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 146.4240 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = 13.7200 a= 13.72 b= 0 c= 0 d= -10770.51109 e= 0 f= 0 Cd[(UO2)(AsO4)]2:8H2O(cr) type= formula= Cd(UO2)2(AsO4)2(H2O)8 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1074.4200 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 2.000 HAsO4-- 8.000 H2O 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = -22.1940 a= -22.194 b= 0 c= 0 d= -29.61629383 e= 0 f= 0 Cd[(UO2)(PO4)]2:10H2O(cr) type= formula= Cd(UO2)2(PO4)2(H2O)10 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1022.5540 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 2.000 HPO4-- 10.000 H2O 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = -25.6400 a= -25.64 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cd3(PO4)2(s) type= formula= Cd3(PO4)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 527.1700 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 HPO4-- 3.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = -12.2000 a= -12.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cd5H2(PO4)4:4H2O(s) type= formula= Cd5H2(PO4)4(H2O)4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1016.0060 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 4.000 HPO4-- 4.000 H2O 5.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = -31.8000 a= -31.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Otavite type= formula= CdCO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 172.4180 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = -1.7310 a= -1.73100001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4884.727171 e= 0 f= 15.17445982 CdS(s) type= formula= CdS mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 144.4770 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HS- 1.000 Cd++ * log10 K(298 K) = -14.1000 a= -14.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Chabazite-Ca type= formula= CaAl2Si4O12(H2O)6 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 506.4640 g 5 species in reaction -8.000 H+ 4.000 Si(OH)4 2.000 H2O 1.000 Ca++ 2.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 16.5079 a= 16.50794915 b= 0 c= 0 d= 12202.33093 e= 0 f= 0 Chabazite-Na type= formula= Na2Al2Si4O12(H2O)6 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 512.3660 g 5 species in reaction -8.000 H+ 4.000 Si(OH)4 2.000 Na+ 2.000 H2O 2.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 16.0803 a= 16.08025696 b= 0 c= 0 d= 8865.143954 e= 0 f= 0 Clinoptilolite type= formula= Ca0.52Al1.04Si4.96O12(H2O)3.1 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 436.0429 g 5 species in reaction -4.740 H2O -4.160 H+ 4.960 Si(OH)4 .520 Ca++ 1.040 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.0557 a= 2.055737206 b= 0 c= 0 d= 5038.837883 e= 0 f= 0 Cronstedtite type= formula= (Fe2Fe)(SiFe)O5(OH)4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 399.4890 g 5 species in reaction -10.000 H+ 1.000 Si(OH)4 5.000 H2O 2.000 Fe+++ 2.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = 16.1067 a= 16.10668643 b= 0 c= 0 d= 14906.27012 e= 0 f= 4.967650333 Cs(UO2)(AsO4):2.5H2O(cr) type= formula= Cs(UO2)(AsO4)(H2O)2.5 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 586.8875 g 5 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 HAsO4-- 2.500 H2O 1.000 Cs+ * log10 K(298 K) = -13.5970 a= -13.59699999 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1952.690527 e= 0 f= 0 Cs(UO2)(BO3):H2O(cr) type= formula= Cs(UO2)(BO3)(H2O) mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 479.7560 g 5 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Cs+ 1.000 B(OH)3 * log10 K(298 K) = 6.7300 a= 6.73000003 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2018.243346 e= 0 f= 0 Cs(UO2)(PO4):2.5H2O(cr) type= formula= Cs(UO2)(PO4)(H2O)2.5 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 542.9395 g 5 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 HPO4-- 2.500 H2O 1.000 Cs+ * log10 K(298 K) = -13.5500 a= -13.54999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1505.78222 e= 0 f= 0 Cu(OH)2(s) type= formula= Cu(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 97.5640 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = 8.6700 a= 8.67 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Metazeunerite type= formula= Cu(UO2)2(AsO4)2(H2O)8 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1025.5600 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 2.000 HAsO4-- 8.000 H2O 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = -22.4940 a= -22.494 b= 0 c= 0 d= 39.80179171 e= 0 f= 0 Cu[(UO2)(PO4)]2:8H2O(cr) type= formula= Cu(UO2)2(PO4)2(H2O)8 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 937.6640 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 2.000 HPO4-- 8.000 H2O 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = -28.1000 a= -28.09999996 b= 0 c= 0 d= -781.3060373 e= 0 f= 0 Malachite type= formula= Cu2CO3(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 221.1220 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 2.000 H2O 2.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = 5.1690 a= 5.169 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cuprite type= formula= Cu2O mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 143.0990 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 2.000 Cu+ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.5000 a= -0.5000000149 b= 0 c= 0 d= -898.4131463 e= 0 f= 0 Chalcotite type= formula= Cu2S mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 159.1670 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HS- 2.000 Cu+ * log10 K(298 K) = -34.6200 a= -34.62 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Azurite type= formula= Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 344.6800 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 2.000 HCO3- 2.000 H2O 3.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = 3.7580 a= 3.758 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CuCl(s) type= formula= CuCl mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 99.0030 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Cu+ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.7000 a= -6.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Tenorite type= formula= CuO mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 79.5490 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = 7.6400 a= 7.63999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= -15075.90799 e= 0 f= -61.37415637 Covellite type= formula= CuS mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 95.6170 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HS- 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = -22.0500 a= -22.05 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Eu(OH)3(am) type= formula= Eu(OH)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 202.9870 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 1.000 Eu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 17.6000 a= 17.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Eu(OH)3(cr) type= formula= Eu(OH)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 202.9870 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 1.000 Eu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 14.9000 a= 14.89999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= -6497.30298 e= 0 f= 0 Eu2(CO3)3(cr) type= formula= Eu2(CO3)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 483.9560 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 HCO3- 2.000 Eu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.0130 a= -4.013 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 EuF3(cr) type= formula= EuF3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 208.9600 g 2 species in reaction 3.000 F- 1.000 Eu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -18.7000 a= -18.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 EuOHCO3(cr) type= formula= EuOHCO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 228.9810 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 H2O 1.000 Eu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.6290 a= 2.629 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Eu-rhabdophane type= formula= EuPO4(H2O)0.667 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 258.9520 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HPO4-- .667 H2O 1.000 Eu+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -12.5500 a= -12.54999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1650.57299 e= 0 f= 0 Faujasite-X type= formula= Na2Al2Si2.5O9(H2O)6.2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 425.8430 g 5 species in reaction -8.000 H+ 2.500 Si(OH)4 2.000 Na+ 5.200 H2O 2.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 25.6853 a= 25.68531194 b= 0 c= 0 d= 12701.23751 e= 0 f= 0 Faujasite-Y type= formula= Na2Al2Si4O12(H2O)8 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 548.3960 g 5 species in reaction -8.000 H+ 4.000 Si(OH)4 2.000 Na+ 4.000 H2O 2.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 18.4638 a= 18.46378619 b= 0 c= 0 d= 10293.72532 e= 0 f= 0 Fe(OH)2(s) type= formula= Fe(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 89.8590 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = 12.2600 a= 12.26 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ferrihydrite type= formula= Fe(OH)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 106.8660 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 3.5000 a= 3.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Metakahlerite type= formula= Fe(UO2)2(AsO4)2(H2O)8 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1017.8550 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 2.000 HAsO4-- 8.000 H2O 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -22.8940 a= -22.89400001 b= 0 c= 0 d= -45.65192383 e= 0 f= 0 Pyrrhotite-4C type= formula= Fe0.625Fe0.25S mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 80.9314 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HS- .250 Fe+++ .625 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.5000 a= -8.499999964 b= 0 c= 0 d= -536.9585549 e= 0 f= 0 Fe0.875Se(cr) type= formula= Fe0.625Fe0.25Se mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 127.8274 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 H2Se .250 Fe+++ .625 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -5.1000 a= -5.099999982 b= 0 c= 0 d= -547.4052193 e= 0 f= 0 Pyrrhotite-5C type= formula= Fe0.7Fe0.2S mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 82.3275 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HS- .200 Fe+++ .700 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -7.6000 a= -7.600000008 b= 0 c= 0 d= -332.7262641 e= 0 f= 0 Fe1.042Se(cr) type= formula= Fe1.042Se mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 137.1535 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 H2Se 1.042 Fe++ .084 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.3900 a= -0.3900000244 b= 0 c= 0 d= 265.3452781 e= 0 f= 0 Fe2(SeO3)3:3H2O(cr) type= formula= Fe2(SeO3)3(H2O)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 546.6150 g 3 species in reaction 3.000 SeO3-- 3.000 H2O 2.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -44.3000 a= -44.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Fe-hibbingite type= formula= Fe2Cl(OH)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 198.1640 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 2.000 Fe++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = 17.2000 a= 17.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Hematite type= formula= Fe2O3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 159.6870 g 3 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 2.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 0.7200 a= 0.7199999945 b= 0 c= 0 d= 7135.071848 e= 0 f= 0 Maghemite type= formula= Fe2O3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 159.6870 g 3 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 3.000 H2O 2.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 3.2200 a= 3.22 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Vivianite type= formula= Fe3(PO4)2(H2O)8 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 501.5950 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 HPO4-- 8.000 H2O 3.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.3000 a= -11.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Magnetite type= formula= Fe3O4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 231.5310 g 4 species in reaction -8.000 H+ 4.000 H2O 2.000 Fe+++ 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = 9.2129 a= 9.212925347 b= 0 c= 0 d= 7607.786495 e= 0 f= -7.373621729 Greigite type= formula= Fe3S4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 295.8030 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 4.000 HS- 2.000 Fe+++ 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -41.1400 a= -41.14 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Fe3Se4(gamma) type= formula= Fe3Se4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 483.3870 g 4 species in reaction -8.000 H+ 4.000 H2Se 2.000 Fe+++ 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -38.5100 a= -38.51 b= 0 c= 0 d= -5996.385418 e= 0 f= 0 Fe4(OH)8Cl:nH2O(s) type= formula= Fe3Fe(OH)8Cl mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 394.8890 g 5 species in reaction -8.000 H+ 8.000 H2O 1.000 Fe+++ 3.000 Fe++ 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = 26.6505 a= 26.650491 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Fe6(OH)12CO3:nH2O(s) type= formula= Fe2Fe4(OH)12CO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 599.1620 g 5 species in reaction -13.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 12.000 H2O 2.000 Fe+++ 4.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = 36.6300 a= 36.629982 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Fe6(OH)12SO4:nH2O(s) type= formula= Fe4Fe2(OH)12SO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 635.2170 g 5 species in reaction -12.000 H+ 1.000 SO4-- 12.000 H2O 2.000 Fe+++ 4.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = 29.1010 a= 29.100982 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Siderite type= formula= FeCO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 115.8530 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.5710 a= -0.5709999951 b= 0 c= 0 d= -200.2739086 e= 0 f= -6.024696122 Goethite type= formula= FeOOH mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 88.8510 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 0.3300 a= 0.3300000227 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3421.282621 e= 0 f= 0 Lepidocrocite type= formula= FeOOH mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 88.8510 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 2.000 H2O 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 1.8600 a= 1.860000016 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3786.915878 e= 0 f= 0 Rodolicoite type= formula= FePO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 150.8150 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.6020 a= -8.601999975 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4257.01578 e= 0 f= 0 FePO4:2H2O(s) type= formula= FePO4(H2O)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 186.8450 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HPO4-- 2.000 H2O 1.000 Fe+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -15.3120 a= -15.312 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Mackinawite type= formula= FeS mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 87.9120 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HS- 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.1900 a= -3.19 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Troilite type= formula= FeS mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 87.9120 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HS- 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.9900 a= -3.989999958 b= 0 c= 0 d= 296.6852716 e= 0 f= 0 Marcasite type= formula= FeS2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 119.9790 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 S 1.000 HS- 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -20.6434 a= -20.64340872 b= 0 c= 0 d= -5799.988126 e= 0 f= 0 Pyrite type= formula= FeS2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 119.9790 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 S 1.000 HS- 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -21.3234 a= -21.32340875 b= 0 c= 0 d= -6019.36808 e= 0 f= 0 Ferroselite type= formula= FeSe2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 213.7710 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Se 1.000 H2Se 1.000 Fe++ * log10 K(298 K) = -13.4423 a= -13.44228325 b= 0 c= 0 d= -4087.688521 e= 0 f= 0 Glauconite type= formula= K0.75(Mg0.25Fe0.25Fe1.25Al0.25)(Al0.25Si3.75)O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 431.9848 g 8 species in reaction -3.000 H2O -7.000 H+ 3.750 Si(OH)4 .250 Mg++ .750 K+ 1.250 Fe+++ .250 Fe++ .500 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 1.7695 a= 1.769491668 b= 0 c= 0 d= 6975.433756 e= 0 f= 0 H4Edta(cr) type= formula= H4Edta mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 292.2440 g 2 species in reaction 4.000 H+ 1.000 Edta---- * log10 K(298 K) = -27.2200 a= -27.21999995 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2872.832735 e= 0 f= 0 Sabugalite type= formula= HAl(UO2)4(PO4)4(H2O)16 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1776.2180 g 5 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 4.000 UO2++ 4.000 HPO4-- 16.000 H2O 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -41.9480 a= -41.948 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Heulandite_1 type= formula= Ca1.07Al2.14Si6.86O18(H2O)4.4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 660.5429 g 5 species in reaction -5.040 H2O -8.560 H+ 6.860 Si(OH)4 1.070 Ca++ 2.140 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 11.6165 a= 11.61648714 b= 0 c= 0 d= 10632.74988 e= 0 f= 0 Heulandite_2 type= formula= Ca1.07Al2.14Si6.86O18(H2O)4.5 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 662.3444 g 5 species in reaction -4.940 H2O -8.560 H+ 6.860 Si(OH)4 1.070 Ca++ 2.140 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 12.6926 a= 12.69261083 b= 0 c= 0 d= 11467.59507 e= 0 f= 0 Hg2Cl2(cr) type= formula= Hg2Cl2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 472.0860 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Hg++ 1.000 Hg 2.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -26.3188 a= -26.31882126 b= 0 c= 0 d= -6498.86998 e= 0 f= 0 Hg3(PO4)2(s) type= formula= Hg3(PO4)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 791.7100 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 HPO4-- 3.000 Hg++ * log10 K(298 K) = -30.0000 a= -30 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HgCO3(HgO)2(s) type= formula= HgCO3(HgO)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 693.7760 g 4 species in reaction -5.000 H+ 3.000 Hg++ 1.000 HCO3- 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -1.1500 a= -1.15 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HgHPO4(s) type= formula= HgHPO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 296.5680 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Hg++ * log10 K(298 K) = -15.2000 a= -15.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Montroydite(red) type= formula= HgO mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 216.5890 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Hg++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 2.4440 a= 2.444009071 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1296.953397 e= 0 f= 0 HgS(s) type= formula= HgS mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 232.6570 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HS- 1.000 Hg++ * log10 K(298 K) = -36.7700 a= -36.77 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ho(OH)3(cr) type= formula= Ho(OH)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 215.9510 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Ho+++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 14.7000 a= 14.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ho2(CO3)3(cr) type= formula= Ho2(CO3)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 509.8840 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 2.000 Ho+++ 3.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -4.0130 a= -4.013 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HoF3(cr) type= formula= HoF3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 221.9240 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Ho+++ 3.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -17.6000 a= -17.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HoOHCO3(cr) type= formula= HoOHCO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 241.9450 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Ho+++ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 2.6290 a= 2.629 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 HoPO4(s) type= formula= HoPO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 259.9000 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Ho+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -12.9500 a= -12.95 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Hydrosodalite type= formula= Na8Al6Si6O24(OH)2(H2O)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 968.3480 g 5 species in reaction -26.000 H+ 6.000 Si(OH)4 8.000 Na+ 4.000 H2O 6.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 105.3026 a= 105.3025697 b= 0 c= 0 d= 49761.53717 e= 0 f= 0 Illite_IMt-2 type= formula= (K0.762Na0.044)(Si3.387Al0.613)(Al1.427Fe0.292Mg0.241Fe0.084)O1 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 401.8340 g 9 species in reaction -1.548 H2O -8.452 H+ 3.387 Si(OH)4 .044 Na+ .241 Mg++ .762 K+ .292 Fe+++ .084 Fe++ 2.040 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 14.7212 a= 14.72116059 b= 0 c= 0 d= 13283.37653 e= 0 f= 0 Illite(Al) type= formula= K0.85Al2.85Si3.15O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 392.6069 g 5 species in reaction -.600 H2O -9.400 H+ 3.150 Si(OH)4 .850 K+ 2.850 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 12.7765 a= 12.77652992 b= 0 c= 0 d= 14149.40376 e= 0 f= 0 Illite(FeII) type= formula= K0.85Fe0.25Al2.35Si3.4O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 400.0986 g 6 species in reaction -1.600 H2O -8.400 H+ 3.400 Si(OH)4 .850 K+ .250 Fe++ 2.350 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 9.2529 a= 9.252877615 b= 0 c= 0 d= 11529.02773 e= 0 f= 0 Illite(FeIII) type= formula= K0.85Fe0.25Al2.6Si3.15O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 399.8226 g 6 species in reaction -.600 H2O -9.400 H+ 3.150 Si(OH)4 .850 K+ .250 Fe+++ 2.600 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 12.1363 a= 12.13627386 b= 0 c= 0 d= 13936.55297 e= 0 f= 0 Illite(Mg) type= formula= K0.85Mg0.25Al2.35Si3.4O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 392.2136 g 6 species in reaction -1.600 H2O -8.400 H+ 3.400 Si(OH)4 .250 Mg++ .850 K+ 2.350 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 10.8036 a= 10.80361101 b= 0 c= 0 d= 12003.17571 e= 0 f= 0 K(UO2)(AsO4):3H2O(cr) type= formula= K(UO2)(AsO4)(H2O)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 502.0880 g 5 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 K+ 1.000 HAsO4-- 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -11.6970 a= -11.69699999 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1387.369278 e= 0 f= 0 K(UO2)(BO3):H2O(cr) type= formula= K(UO2)(BO3)(H2O) mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 385.9490 g 5 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 K+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 B(OH)3 * log10 K(298 K) = 6.7100 a= 6.709999986 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1045.136549 e= 0 f= 0 K(UO2)(PO4):3H2O(cr) type= formula= K(UO2)(PO4)(H2O)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 458.1400 g 5 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 K+ 1.000 HPO4-- 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -13.1500 a= -13.14999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1372.117148 e= 0 f= 0 Boltwoodite type= formula= K(UO2)(SiO3OH)(H2O) mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 420.2300 g 5 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 K+ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 4.4800 a= 4.480000003 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1446.863032 e= 0 f= 0 Compreignacite type= formula= K2U6O19(H2O)11 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 2008.5160 g 4 species in reaction -14.000 H+ 6.000 UO2++ 2.000 K+ 18.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 37.1000 a= 37.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 K3NpO2(CO3)2(s) type= formula= K3NpO2(CO3)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 506.3080 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2+ 3.000 K+ 2.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 5.1980 a= 5.198 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 K4NpO2(CO3)3(s) type= formula= K4NpO2(CO3)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 605.4140 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2++ 4.000 K+ 3.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 4.0570 a= 4.057 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 KNpO2CO3(s) type= formula= KNpO2CO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 368.1040 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2+ 1.000 K+ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.8210 a= -2.821 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Li(UO2)(AsO4):4H2O(cr) type= formula= Li(UO2)(AsO4)(H2O)4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 487.9460 g 5 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 Li+ 1.000 HAsO4-- 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -8.7970 a= -8.797000018 b= 0 c= 0 d= 100.3402124 e= 0 f= 0 Li(UO2)(BO3):1.5H2O(cr) type= formula= Li(UO2)(BO3)(H2O)1.5 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 362.7995 g 5 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 Li+ 1.500 H2O 1.000 B(OH)3 * log10 K(298 K) = 7.3900 a= 7.389999982 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2400.121167 e= 0 f= 0 Li(UO2)(PO4):4H2O(cr) type= formula= Li(UO2)(PO4)(H2O)4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 443.9980 g 5 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 Li+ 1.000 HPO4-- 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -13.1500 a= -13.14999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1185.06962 e= 0 f= 0 Linda_type_A type= type= formula= Na1.98Al1.98Si2.02O8(H2O)5.31 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 379.3299 g 5 species in reaction -7.920 H+ 2.020 Si(OH)4 1.980 Na+ 5.230 H2O 1.980 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 28.7970 a= 28.79704139 b= 0 c= 0 d= 15125.0235 e= 0 f= 0 Low-silica_P-Ca type= formula= CaAl2Si2O8(H2O)4.5 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 359.2735 g 5 species in reaction -8.000 H+ 2.000 Si(OH)4 4.500 H2O 1.000 Ca++ 2.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 23.9453 a= 23.94528576 b= 0 c= 0 d= 15865.4016 e= 0 f= 0 Low-silica_P-Na type= formula= Na2Al2Si2O8(H2O)3.8 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 352.5650 g 5 species in reaction -8.000 H+ 2.000 Si(OH)4 2.000 Na+ 3.800 H2O 2.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 27.8719 a= 27.87192122 b= 0 c= 0 d= 13280.84457 e= 0 f= 0 Brucite type= formula= Mg(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 58.3190 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Mg++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 17.1100 a= 17.10999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 5824.015454 e= 0 f= 0 Glushinskite type= formula= Mg(Oxa)(H2O)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 148.3550 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Oxa-- 1.000 Mg++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -6.4000 a= -6.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Mg[(UO2)(AsO4)]2:10H2O(cr) type= formula= Mg(UO2)2(AsO4)2(H2O)10 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1022.3450 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 1.000 Mg++ 2.000 HAsO4-- 10.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -21.3940 a= -21.39400001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1350.440319 e= 0 f= 0 Meta-saleite type= formula= Mg(UO2)2(PO4)2(H2O)8 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 898.4190 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 1.000 Mg++ 2.000 HPO4-- 8.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -24.5000 a= -24.49999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1179.689588 e= 0 f= 0 Mg2KH(PO4)2:15H2O(cr) type= formula= Mg2KH(PO4)2(H2O)15 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 548.8810 g 5 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 2.000 Mg++ 1.000 K+ 2.000 HPO4-- 15.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -3.9700 a= -3.969999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1551.329677 e= 0 f= 0 Farringtonite type= formula= Mg3(PO4)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 262.8550 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 3.000 Mg++ 2.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = 2.2900 a= 2.290000046 b= 0 c= 0 d= 11151.81434 e= 0 f= 0 Cattite type= formula= Mg3(PO4)2(H2O)22 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 659.1850 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 3.000 Mg++ 2.000 HPO4-- 22.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 1.6700 a= 1.670000012 b= 0 c= 0 d= 355.1865927 e= 0 f= 0 Mg3(PO4)2:4H2O(cr) type= formula= Mg3(PO4)2(H2O)4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 334.9150 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 3.000 Mg++ 2.000 HPO4-- 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 1.2000 a= 1.200000031 b= 0 c= 0 d= 13643.34383 e= 0 f= 0 Bobierrite type= formula= Mg3(PO4)2(H2O)8 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 406.9750 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 3.000 Mg++ 2.000 HPO4-- 8.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -0.6000 a= -0.5999999844 b= 0 c= 0 d= 11130.92102 e= 0 f= 0 Magnesite type= formula= MgCO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 84.3130 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Mg++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 2.6690 a= 2.668999972 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1139.976381 e= 0 f= -5.076400115 Newberyite type= formula= MgHPO4(H2O)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 174.3280 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Mg++ 1.000 HPO4-- 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -5.5800 a= -5.580000014 b= 0 c= 0 d= 804.3931658 e= 0 f= 0 Phosphorroeslerite type= formula= MgHPO4(H2O)7 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 246.3880 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Mg++ 1.000 HPO4-- 7.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -4.6600 a= -4.659999965 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2219.916204 e= 0 f= 0 * Phosphorröslerite MgKPO4:H2O(cr) type= formula= MgKPO4(H2O) mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 176.3880 g 5 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Mg++ 1.000 K+ 1.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 1.4000 a= 1.400000024 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2637.782784 e= 0 f= 0 K-struvite type= formula= MgKPO4(H2O)6 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 266.4630 g 5 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Mg++ 1.000 K+ 1.000 HPO4-- 6.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 1.3900 a= 1.390000012 b= 0 c= 0 d= 438.7599086 e= 0 f= 0 MgSeO3:6H2O(cr) type= formula= MgSeO3(H2O)6 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 259.3550 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 SeO3-- 1.000 Mg++ 6.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -5.8200 a= -5.819999982 b= 0 c= 0 d= -941.7668039 e= 0 f= 0 Pyrochroite type= formula= Mn(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 88.9520 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Mn++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 15.1900 a= 15.19 b= 0 c= 0 d= 6424.698662 e= 0 f= 0 Mn[(UO2)(AsO4)]2:8H2O(cr) type= formula= Mn(UO2)2(AsO4)2(H2O)8 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1016.9480 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 1.000 Mn++ 2.000 HAsO4-- 8.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -21.1940 a= -21.19400002 b= 0 c= 0 d= 16.24456328 e= 0 f= 0 Mn[(UO2)(PO4)]2:10H2O(cr) type= formula= Mn(UO2)2(PO4)2(H2O)10 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 965.0820 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 1.000 Mn++ 2.000 HPO4-- 10.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -25.5200 a= -25.52 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Bixbyite type= formula= Mn2O3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 157.8730 g 3 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 2.000 Mn+++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -0.8132 a= -0.8132456718 b= 0 c= 0 d= 6502.526313 e= 0 f= 0 Hausmannite type= formula= Mn3O4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 228.8100 g 4 species in reaction -8.000 H+ 2.000 Mn+++ 1.000 Mn++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 10.5768 a= 10.57682331 b= 0 c= 0 d= 10740.21576 e= 0 f= 0 Rhodochrosite type= formula= MnCO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 114.9460 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Mn++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.5227 a= -0.5227288594 b= 0 c= 0 d= 984.5859162 e= 0 f= 0 Manganosite type= formula= MnO mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 70.9370 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Mn++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 17.9605 a= 17.96048723 b= 0 c= 0 d= 6341.64768 e= 0 f= 0 Manganite type= formula= MnOOH mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 87.9440 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Mn+++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -0.0800 a= -0.07999999153 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3342.932637 e= 0 f= 0 MnSeO3:2H2O(cr) type= formula= MnSeO3(H2O)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 217.9280 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 SeO3-- 1.000 Mn++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -7.6000 a= -7.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Molecular_sieve_4A type= formula= Na2Al2Si2O8(H2O)4.5 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 365.1755 g 5 species in reaction -8.000 H+ 2.000 Si(OH)4 2.000 Na+ 4.500 H2O 2.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 26.9679 a= 26.96786599 b= 0 c= 0 d= 14771.63582 e= 0 f= 0 * Molecular_sieve_4Å Montmorillonite(HcCa) type= formula= Ca0.3Mg0.6Al1.4Si4O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 370.7292 g 6 species in reaction -4.000 H2O -6.000 H+ 4.000 Si(OH)4 .600 Mg++ .300 Ca++ 1.400 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 6.7468 a= 6.746800635 b= 0 c= 0 d= 8744.484979 e= 0 f= 0 Montmorillonite(HcK) type= formula= K0.6Mg0.6Al1.4Si4O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 382.1646 g 6 species in reaction -4.000 H2O -6.000 H+ 4.000 Si(OH)4 .600 Mg++ .600 K+ 1.400 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 4.2931 a= 4.293092354 b= 0 c= 0 d= 6919.661626 e= 0 f= 0 Montmorillonite(HcMg) type= formula= Mg0.3Mg0.6Al1.4Si4O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 365.9973 g 5 species in reaction -4.000 H2O -6.000 H+ 4.000 Si(OH)4 .900 Mg++ 1.400 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 5.8400 a= 5.840011324 b= 0 c= 0 d= 8869.844953 e= 0 f= 0 Montmorillonite(HcNa) type= formula= Na0.6Mg0.6Al1.4Si4O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 372.4998 g 6 species in reaction -4.000 H2O -6.000 H+ 4.000 Si(OH)4 .600 Na+ .600 Mg++ 1.400 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 5.3145 a= 5.314508887 b= 0 c= 0 d= 7756.961785 e= 0 f= 0 Montmorillonite(MgCa) type= formula= Ca0.17Mg0.34Al1.66Si4O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 366.2151 g 6 species in reaction -4.000 H2O -6.000 H+ 4.000 Si(OH)4 .340 Mg++ .170 Ca++ 1.660 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 4.0462 a= 4.046167088 b= 0 c= 0 d= 8345.631329 e= 0 f= 0 Montmorillonite(MgK) type= formula= K0.34Mg0.34Al1.66Si4O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 372.6951 g 6 species in reaction -4.000 H2O -6.000 H+ 4.000 Si(OH)4 .340 Mg++ .340 K+ 1.660 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.6544 a= 2.654380174 b= 0 c= 0 d= 7311.286184 e= 0 f= 0 Montmorillonite(MgMg) type= formula= Mg0.17Mg0.34Al1.66Si4O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 363.5337 g 5 species in reaction -4.000 H2O -6.000 H+ 4.000 Si(OH)4 .510 Mg++ 1.660 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 3.5320 a= 3.531954178 b= 0 c= 0 d= 8416.668647 e= 0 f= 0 Montmorillonite(MgNa) type= formula= Na0.34Mg0.34Al1.66Si4O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 367.2184 g 6 species in reaction -4.000 H2O -6.000 H+ 4.000 Si(OH)4 .340 Na+ .340 Mg++ 1.660 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 3.2345 a= 3.234499194 b= 0 c= 0 d= 7785.982619 e= 0 f= 0 Molybdite type= formula= MoO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 143.9380 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H2O 1.000 MoO4-- 2.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.9276 a= -11.92758859 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1756.241001 e= 0 f= 0 Mordenite-Ca type= formula= Ca0.34Al0.68Si5.32O12(H2O)2.9 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 425.6233 g 5 species in reaction -6.380 H2O -2.720 H+ 5.320 Si(OH)4 .340 Ca++ .680 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.3067 a= -4.306675277 b= 0 c= 0 d= 787.3107801 e= 0 f= 0 Mordenite-Na type= formula= Na0.72Al0.72Si5.28O12(H2O)2.71 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 425.0826 g 5 species in reaction -6.410 H2O -2.880 H+ 5.280 Si(OH)4 .720 Na+ .720 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.2247 a= -4.224651143 b= 0 c= 0 d= 247.5828144 e= 0 f= 0 Na(UO2)(AsO4):3H2O(cr) type= formula= Na(UO2)(AsO4)(H2O)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 485.9800 g 5 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 Na+ 1.000 HAsO4-- 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -11.1970 a= -11.19700001 b= 0 c= 0 d= -681.5926247 e= 0 f= 0 Na(UO2)(BO3):H2O(cr) type= formula= Na(UO2)(BO3)(H2O) mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 369.8410 g 5 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 Na+ 1.000 H2O 1.000 B(OH)3 * log10 K(298 K) = 7.2800 a= 7.279999982 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2033.495477 e= 0 f= 0 Na(UO2)(PO4):3H2O(cr) type= formula= Na(UO2)(PO4)(H2O)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 442.0320 g 5 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 Na+ 1.000 HPO4-- 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -11.9500 a= -11.94999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= -660.0202626 e= 0 f= 0 Na-boltwoodite type= formula= Na(UO2)(SiO3OH)(H2O) mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 404.1220 g 5 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 Na+ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 5.8100 a= 5.810000014 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2340.052846 e= 0 f= 0 Na2Np2O7:0.1H2O(cr) type= formula= Na2Np2O7(H2O)0.1 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 633.7745 g 4 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 2.000 NpO2++ 2.000 Na+ 3.100 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 25.2000 a= 25.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Na2U2O7:H2O(cr) type= formula= Na2U2O7(H2O)1 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 652.0460 g 4 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 2.000 Na+ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 24.4000 a= 24.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Na3NpO2(CO3)2(cr) type= formula= Na3NpO2(CO3)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 457.9840 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2+ 3.000 Na+ 2.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 6.4380 a= 6.438 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Na6Th(CO3)5:12H2O(cr) type= formula= Na6Th(CO3)5(H2O)12 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 886.1980 g 5 species in reaction -5.000 H+ 1.000 Th++++ 6.000 Na+ 5.000 HCO3- 12.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 9.4450 a= 9.445 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Na7HNb6O19:15H2O(cr) type= formula= Na7HNb6O19(H2O)15 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1293.5800 g 4 species in reaction -13.000 H+ 6.000 Nb(OH)4+ 7.000 Na+ 10.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 44.9400 a= 44.94 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Dawsonite type= formula= NaAlCO3(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 143.9940 g 5 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Na+ 1.000 HCO3- 2.000 H2O 1.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 5.0200 a= 5.019999987 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4824.08554 e= 0 f= -0.182816636 NaAm(CO3)2:5H2O(cr) type= formula= NaAm(CO3)2(H2O)5 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 476.0810 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Na+ 2.000 HCO3- 5.000 H2O 1.000 Am+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.3420 a= -0.342 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NaAmO2CO3(s) type= formula= NaAmO2CO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 357.9960 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Na+ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 AmO2+ * log10 K(298 K) = -0.5710 a= -0.571 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NaNpO2CO3:3.5H2O(cr) type= formula= NaNpO2CO3(H2O)3.5 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 415.0485 g 5 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2+ 1.000 Na+ 1.000 HCO3- 3.500 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -0.6710 a= -0.671 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Natrolite type= formula= Na2Al2Si3O10(H2O)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 380.2220 g 4 species in reaction -8.000 H+ 3.000 Si(OH)4 2.000 Na+ 2.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 21.1474 a= 21.14742171 b= 0 c= 0 d= 12412.15218 e= 0 f= 0 Nb2O5(pr) type= formula= Nb2O5 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 265.8070 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H2O -2.000 H+ 2.000 Nb(OH)4+ * log10 K(298 K) = -12.2200 a= -12.22 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NH4(UO2)(AsO4):3H2O(cr) type= formula= NH4(UO2)(AsO4)(H2O)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 481.0290 g 5 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 NH4+ 1.000 HAsO4-- 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -13.0970 a= -13.09700002 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1648.483657 e= 0 f= 0 NH4(UO2)(PO4):3H2O(cr) type= formula= NH4(UO2)(PO4)(H2O)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 437.0810 g 5 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 NH4+ 1.000 HPO4-- 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -13.7500 a= -13.75000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1597.086067 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(OH)2(cr_beta) type= formula= Ni(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 92.7070 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Ni++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 11.0200 a= 11.02000001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4757.347614 e= 0 f= 1.180577602 Ni(Oxa):2H2O(cr) type= formula= Ni(Oxa)(H2O)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 182.7430 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Oxa-- 1.000 Ni++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 9.9600 a= 9.96 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Rauchite type= formula= Ni(UO2)2(AsO4)2(H2O)10 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1056.7330 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 1.000 Ni++ 2.000 HAsO4-- 10.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -22.6940 a= -22.69400001 b= 0 c= 0 d= -301.6996705 e= 0 f= 0 Ni[(UO2)(PO4)]2w8(cr) type= formula= Ni(UO2)2(PO4)2(H2O)8 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 932.8070 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 1.000 Ni++ 2.000 HPO4-- 8.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -25.2000 a= -25.19999996 b= 0 c= 0 d= 609.6673397 e= 0 f= 0 Ni3(AsO3)2:xH2O(s) type= formula= Ni3(AsO3)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 421.9170 g 3 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 3.000 Ni++ 2.000 As(OH)3 * log10 K(298 K) = 28.7000 a= 28.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ni[(UO2)(PO4)]2:8H2O(cr) type= formula= Ni3(AsO4)2(H2O)8 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 598.0350 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 3.000 Ni++ 2.000 HAsO4-- 8.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -4.8940 a= -4.894000004 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4458.740872 e= 0 f= 0 NiCO3(cr) type= formula= NiCO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 118.7010 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Ni++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.6710 a= -0.6710000114 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1650.050656 e= 0 f= 0 NiCO3:5.5H2O(s) type= formula= NiCO3(H2O)5.5 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 217.7835 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Ni++ 1.000 HCO3- 5.500 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 2.7990 a= 2.799000018 b= 0 c= 0 d= 208.0975567 e= 0 f= 0 NiO(cr) type= formula= NiO mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 74.6920 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Ni++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 12.4800 a= 12.47999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3711.59755 e= 0 f= 1.616673629 NiSeO3:2H2O(s) type= formula= NiSeO3(H2O)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 221.6830 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 SeO3-- 1.000 Ni++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -5.8000 a= -5.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Nontronite_Nau-1 type= formula= (Ca0.247K0.020)(Si3.458Al0.542)(Fe1.688Al0.276Mg0.068)O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 419.7970 g 8 species in reaction -1.832 H2O -8.168 H+ 3.458 Si(OH)4 .068 Mg++ .020 K+ 1.688 Fe+++ .247 Ca++ .818 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 1.2078 a= 1.207799216 b= 0 c= 0 d= 10026.59649 e= 0 f= 0 Nontronite(Ca) type= formula= Ca0.17Fe1.67Al0.67Si3.66O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 414.9511 g 6 species in reaction -2.640 H2O -7.360 H+ 3.660 Si(OH)4 1.670 Fe+++ .170 Ca++ .670 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -2.9388 a= -2.938751402 b= 0 c= 0 d= 7850.834467 e= 0 f= 0 Nontronite(K) type= formula= K0.34Fe1.67Al0.67Si3.66O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 421.4312 g 6 species in reaction -2.640 H2O -7.360 H+ 3.660 Si(OH)4 .340 K+ 1.670 Fe+++ .670 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -4.1080 a= -4.10804521 b= 0 c= 0 d= 6882.825642 e= 0 f= 0 Nontronite(Mg) type= formula= Mg0.17Fe1.67Al0.67Si3.66O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 412.2697 g 6 species in reaction -2.640 H2O -7.360 H+ 3.660 Si(OH)4 .170 Mg++ 1.670 Fe+++ .670 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.4845 a= -3.484498767 b= 0 c= 0 d= 7912.469788 e= 0 f= 0 Nontronite(Na) type= formula= Na0.34Fe1.67Al0.67Si3.66O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 415.9545 g 6 species in reaction -2.640 H2O -7.360 H+ 3.660 Si(OH)4 .340 Na+ 1.670 Fe+++ .670 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.6097 a= -3.609743824 b= 0 c= 0 d= 7332.972415 e= 0 f= 0 Np(Oxa)2:6H2O(cr) type= formula= Np(Oxa)2(H2O)6 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 521.1300 g 3 species in reaction 2.000 Oxa-- 1.000 Np++++ 6.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -24.0000 a= -24 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2(am_hyd) type= formula= NpO2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 268.9980 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Np++++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -0.7000 a= -0.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2(OH)2:H2O(cr_hex) type= formula= NpO2(OH)2(H2O) mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 321.0270 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 5.4700 a= 5.47 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2CO3(cr) type= formula= NpO2CO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 329.0060 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -4.5010 a= -4.501 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 NpO2OH(am) type= formula= NpO2OH mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 286.0050 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 NpO2+ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 5.3000 a= 5.299999975 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2146.789553 e= 0 f= 0 Pa2O5(act) type= formula= Pa2O5 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 542.0670 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 2.000 PaO(OH)++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -1.4800 a= -1.48 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Lead type= formula= Pb mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 207.0000 g 1 species in reaction 1.000 Pb * log10 K(298 K) = -7.3000 a= -7.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pb[(UO2)(AsO4)]2:10H2O(cr) type= formula= Pb(UO2)2(AsO4)2(H2O)10 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1205.0400 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 1.000 Pb++ 2.000 HAsO4-- 10.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -23.0940 a= -23.09400003 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2434.59516 e= 0 f= 0 Pb[(UO2)(PO4)]2:8H2O(cr) type= formula= Pb(UO2)2(PO4)2(H2O)8 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1081.1140 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 1.000 Pb++ 2.000 HPO4-- 8.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -25.1500 a= -25.15 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pb2(CO3)Cl2(s) type= formula= Pb2(CO3)Cl2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 544.9140 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 2.000 Pb++ 1.000 HCO3- 2.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -9.5310 a= -9.531 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Parsonite type= formula= Pb2(UO2)(PO4)2(H2O)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 909.9970 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 2.000 Pb++ 2.000 HPO4-- 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -27.5000 a= -27.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pb3(PO4)2(s) type= formula= Pb3(PO4)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 810.9400 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 3.000 Pb++ 2.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -19.7000 a= -19.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pb5(PO4)3Cl(s) type= formula= Pb5(PO4)3Cl mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1355.3630 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 5.000 Pb++ 3.000 HPO4-- 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = -47.3500 a= -47.35 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PbClOH(s) type= formula= PbClOH mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 259.4600 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Pb++ 1.000 H2O 1.000 Cl- * log10 K(298 K) = 0.7300 a= 0.73 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PbCO3(s) type= formula= PbCO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 267.0080 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Pb++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -2.8510 a= -2.851 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PbHPO4(s) type= formula= PbHPO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 302.9780 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pb++ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -11.4000 a= -11.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PbO(s_red) type= formula= PbO mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 222.9990 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Pb++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 12.6200 a= 12.61999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3452.622614 e= 0 f= 0 PbO(s_yellow) type= formula= PbO mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 222.9990 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Pb++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 12.9000 a= 12.9 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PbS(s) type= formula= PbS mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 239.0670 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Pb++ 1.000 HS- * log10 K(298 K) = -12.2800 a= -12.28 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PbSO4(cr) type= formula= PbSO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 303.0630 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Pb++ * log10 K(298 K) = -7.8475 a= -7.847476378 b= 0 c= 0 d= -603.2948744 e= 0 f= 0 Palladium type= formula= Pd mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 106.4200 g 1 species in reaction 1.000 Pd * log10 K(298 K) = -9.5000 a= -9.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PdO(cr) type= formula= PdO mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 122.4190 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Pd++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -3.6671 a= -3.667076974 b= 0 c= 0 d= -191.1739602 e= 0 f= 0 Phillipsite-Na type= formula= Na2.5Al2.5Si5.5O16(H2O)5 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 625.4620 g 5 species in reaction -1.000 H2O -10.000 H+ 5.500 Si(OH)4 2.500 Na+ 2.500 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 20.7493 a= 20.74933343 b= 0 c= 0 d= 13804.03964 e= 0 f= 0 Phillipsite-NaK type= formula= Na1.5KAl2.5Si5.5O16(H2O)5 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 641.5700 g 6 species in reaction -1.000 H2O -10.000 H+ 5.500 Si(OH)4 1.500 Na+ 1.000 K+ 2.500 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 20.2454 a= 20.24542377 b= 0 c= 0 d= 13221.6381 e= 0 f= 0 Polonium type= formula= Po mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 208.9820 g 1 species in reaction 1.000 Po * log10 K(298 K) = -7.0000 a= -7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Po(SO4)2:H2O(s) type= formula= Po(SO4)2(H2O) mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 419.1230 g 3 species in reaction 2.000 SO4-- 1.000 Po++++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -15.6420 a= -15.642 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PoO2(s) type= formula= PoO2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 240.9800 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Po++++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 0.9951 a= 0.995087 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PoSO4(s) type= formula= PoSO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 305.0450 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Po++ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.9100 a= -8.91 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(HPO4)2(am_hyd) type= formula= Pu(HPO4)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 433.9560 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pu++++ 2.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -30.4500 a= -30.45 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(OH)3(am) type= formula= Pu(OH)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 293.0210 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Pu+++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 14.5800 a= 14.58 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu(Oxa)2:6H2O(cr) type= formula= Pu(Oxa)2(H2O)6 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 526.1300 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Pu++++ 2.000 Oxa-- 6.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -26.5000 a= -26.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Pu2(Oxa)3:10H2O(cr) type= formula= Pu2(Oxa)3(H2O)10 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 928.2100 g 3 species in reaction 2.000 Pu+++ 3.000 Oxa-- 10.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -24.4500 a= -24.45 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2(am_hyd) type= formula= PuO2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 273.9980 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Pu++++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -2.3300 a= -2.33 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2(OH)2(am_hyd) type= formula= PuO2(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 308.0120 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 PuO2++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 5.1700 a= 5.17 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2CO3(cr) type= formula= PuO2CO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 334.0060 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 PuO2++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -4.4910 a= -4.491 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuO2OH(am) type= formula= PuO2OH mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 291.0050 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 PuO2+ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 5.0000 a= 5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PuPO4(am_hyd) type= formula= PuPO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 336.9700 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Pu+++ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -12.0900 a= -12.09 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 RaCO3(cr) type= formula= RaCO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 286.0080 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Ra++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 2.7590 a= 2.758999977 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1584.005227 e= 0 f= -7.327656403 RaSO4(cr) type= formula= RaSO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 322.0630 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 SO4-- 1.000 Ra++ * log10 K(298 K) = -10.2600 a= -10.26000003 b= 0 c= 0 d= -8696.72518 e= 0 f= -22.37153291 Ripidolite_Cca-2 type= formula= (Si2.633Al1.367)(Al1.116Fe0.215Mg2.952Fe1.712Mn0.012)(Ca0.011)O mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 617.4545 g 9 species in reaction -17.468 H+ 2.633 Si(OH)4 .012 Mn++ 2.952 Mg++ 7.468 H2O .215 Fe+++ 1.712 Fe++ .011 Ca++ 2.483 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 60.6470 a= 60.64695057 b= 0 c= 0 d= 33169.79357 e= 0 f= 0 S(orth) type= formula= S mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 32.0670 g 1 species in reaction 1.000 S * log10 K(298 K) = -6.6500 a= -6.650000003 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2517.646142 e= 0 f= 0 Saponite_SapCa-2 type= formula= (Na0.394K0.021Ca0.038)(Si3.569Al0.397)(Mg2.949Fe0.034Fe0.021)O1 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 391.1038 g 10 species in reaction -2.276 H2O -7.724 H+ 3.569 Si(OH)4 .394 Na+ 2.949 Mg++ .021 K+ .034 Fe+++ .021 Fe++ .038 Ca++ .397 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 31.3976 a= 31.39764563 b= 0 c= 0 d= 15034.11543 e= 0 f= 0 Saponite(Ca) type= formula= Ca0.17Mg3Al0.34Si3.66O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 385.7009 g 6 species in reaction -2.640 H2O -7.360 H+ 3.660 Si(OH)4 3.000 Mg++ .170 Ca++ .340 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 29.2839 a= 29.2838686 b= 0 c= 0 d= 14290.04355 e= 0 f= 0 Saponite(FeCa) type= formula= Ca0.17Mg2FeAl0.34Si3.66O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 417.2409 g 7 species in reaction -2.640 H2O -7.360 H+ 3.660 Si(OH)4 2.000 Mg++ 1.000 Fe++ .170 Ca++ .340 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 26.5180 a= 26.51803297 b= 0 c= 0 d= 13671.60101 e= 0 f= 0 Saponite(FeK) type= formula= K0.34Mg2FeAl0.34Si3.66O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 423.7210 g 7 species in reaction -2.640 H2O -7.360 H+ 3.660 Si(OH)4 2.000 Mg++ .340 K+ 1.000 Fe++ .340 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 25.3470 a= 25.34698725 b= 0 c= 0 d= 12703.06985 e= 0 f= 0 Saponite(FeMg) type= formula= Mg0.17Mg2FeAl0.34Si3.66O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 414.5595 g 6 species in reaction -2.640 H2O -7.360 H+ 3.660 Si(OH)4 2.170 Mg++ 1.000 Fe++ .340 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 25.9705 a= 25.97053369 b= 0 c= 0 d= 13732.714 e= 0 f= 0 Saponite(FeNa) type= formula= Na0.34Mg2FeAl0.34Si3.66O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 418.2442 g 7 species in reaction -2.640 H2O -7.360 H+ 3.660 Si(OH)4 .340 Na+ 2.000 Mg++ 1.000 Fe++ .340 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 25.6718 a= 25.67184913 b= 0 c= 0 d= 13101.50563 e= 0 f= 0 Saponite(K) type= formula= K0.34Mg3Al0.34Si3.66O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 392.1810 g 6 species in reaction -2.640 H2O -7.360 H+ 3.660 Si(OH)4 3.000 Mg++ .340 K+ .340 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 28.1151 a= 28.11509712 b= 0 c= 0 d= 13322.03472 e= 0 f= 0 Saponite(Mg) type= formula= Mg0.17Mg3Al0.34Si3.66O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 383.0195 g 5 species in reaction -2.640 H2O -7.360 H+ 3.660 Si(OH)4 3.170 Mg++ .340 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 28.7386 a= 28.73864356 b= 0 c= 0 d= 14351.67887 e= 0 f= 0 Saponite(Na) type= formula= Na0.34Mg3Al0.34Si3.66O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 386.7042 g 6 species in reaction -2.640 H2O -7.360 H+ 3.660 Si(OH)4 .340 Na+ 3.000 Mg++ .340 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 28.6129 a= 28.61287617 b= 0 c= 0 d= 13772.18149 e= 0 f= 0 Scolecite type= formula= CaAl2Si3O10(H2O)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 392.3350 g 5 species in reaction -8.000 H+ 3.000 Si(OH)4 1.000 H2O 1.000 Ca++ 2.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 23.0183 a= 23.01825192 b= 0 c= 0 d= 14685.34638 e= 0 f= 0 Selenium type= formula= Se mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 78.9630 g 1 species in reaction 1.000 Se * log10 K(298 K) = -6.0000 a= -6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Silica(am) type= formula= SiO2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 60.0840 g 2 species in reaction -2.000 H2O 1.000 Si(OH)4 * log10 K(298 K) = -2.7140 a= -2.714000021 b= 0 c= 0 d= -725.6957 e= 0 f= 0.1227483127 Quartz type= formula= SiO2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 60.0840 g 2 species in reaction -2.000 H2O 1.000 Si(OH)4 * log10 K(298 K) = -3.7465 a= -3.746478781 b= 0 c= 0 d= -422.8298996 e= 0 f= 2.197247031 Sm(OH)3(cr) type= formula= Sm(OH)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 201.4210 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Sm+++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 15.0000 a= 15 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sm2(CO3)3(cr) type= formula= Sm2(CO3)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 480.8240 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 2.000 Sm+++ 3.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -4.0130 a= -4.013 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Smectite_MX80 type= formula= (Na0.409K0.024Ca0.009)(Si3.738Al0.262)(Al1.598Mg0.214Fe0.173Fe0 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 376.6950 g 10 species in reaction -2.952 H2O -7.048 H+ 3.738 Si(OH)4 .409 Na+ .214 Mg++ .024 K+ .173 Fe+++ .035 Fe++ .009 Ca++ 1.860 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 5.0855 a= 5.085545419 b= 0 c= 0 d= 9823.017634 e= 0 f= 0 SmF3(cr) type= formula= SmF3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 207.3940 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sm+++ 3.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = 19.2000 a= 19.2 b= 0 c= 0 d= -3813.032539 e= 0 f= 0 SmOHCO3(cr) type= formula= SmOHCO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 227.4150 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Sm+++ 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 2.6290 a= 2.629 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sm-rhabdophane type= formula= SmPO4(H2O)0.667 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 257.3860 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Sm+++ 1.000 HPO4-- .667 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -12.8500 a= -12.84999997 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1911.739602 e= 0 f= 0 SnO(s) type= formula= SnO mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 134.7100 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Sn++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 1.6000 a= 1.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 SnO2(am) type= formula= SnO2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 150.7090 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Sn++++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -14.7600 a= -14.76 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cassiterite type= formula= SnO2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 150.7090 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Sn++++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -15.6000 a= -15.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Sodalite type= formula= Na8Al6Si6O24Cl2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 969.2100 g 5 species in reaction -24.000 H+ 6.000 Si(OH)4 8.000 Na+ 2.000 Cl- 6.000 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 73.1011 a= 73.10106542 b= 0 c= 0 d= 41275.71161 e= 0 f= 0 Sr[(UO2)(AsO4)]2:8H2O(cr) type= formula= Sr(UO2)2(AsO4)2(H2O)8 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1049.6310 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 1.000 Sr++ 2.000 HAsO4-- 8.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -21.8940 a= -21.894 b= 0 c= 0 d= 164.1693325 e= 0 f= 0 Sr[(UO2)(PO4)]2:6H2O(cr) type= formula= Sr(UO2)2(PO4)2(H2O)6 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 925.7050 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 2.000 UO2++ 1.000 Sr++ 2.000 HPO4-- 6.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -26.6000 a= -26.59999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= -16.40126325 e= 0 f= 0 Sr3(PO4)2(s) type= formula= Sr3(PO4)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 452.8030 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 3.000 Sr++ 2.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -4.1000 a= -4.1 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Strontianite type= formula= SrCO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 147.6290 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Sr++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = 1.0590 a= 1.059000014 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1948.887891 e= 0 f= -9.427436051 SrHPO4(beta) type= formula= SrHPO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 183.5990 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sr++ 1.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.9400 a= -6.940000018 b= 0 c= 0 d= -4364.707833 e= 0 f= -18.02049698 SrSeO3(cr) type= formula= SrSeO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 214.5810 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sr++ 1.000 SeO3-- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.3000 a= -6.30000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= 323.8465992 e= 0 f= 0 Celestite type= formula= SrSO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 183.6840 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sr++ 1.000 SO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -6.5800 a= -6.580000011 b= 0 c= 0 d= -6371.683146 e= 0 f= -21.59847971 Stilbite type= formula= Ca1.11Al2.22Si6.78O18(H2O)6.8 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 705.2937 g 5 species in reaction -2.320 H2O -8.880 H+ 6.780 Si(OH)4 1.110 Ca++ 2.220 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 13.4191 a= 13.41907736 b= 0 c= 0 d= 12115.74584 e= 0 f= 0 TcO2(am_hyd_ag) type= formula= TcO2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 129.9980 g 2 species in reaction -1.000 H2O 1.000 TcO(OH)2 * log10 K(298 K) = -8.7200 a= -8.72 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 TcO2(am_hyd_fr) type= formula= TcO2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 129.9980 g 2 species in reaction -1.000 H2O 1.000 TcO(OH)2 * log10 K(298 K) = -7.6600 a= -7.66 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Th3(PO4)4(s) type= formula= Th3(PO4)4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1075.9940 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 3.000 Th++++ 4.000 HPO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -62.6000 a= -62.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ThF4(cr_hyd) type= formula= ThF4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 308.0300 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Th++++ 4.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -31.8000 a= -31.8 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ThO2(am_hyd_ag) type= formula= ThO2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 264.0360 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Th++++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 8.5000 a= 8.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 ThO2(am_hyd_fr) type= formula= ThO2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 264.0360 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Th++++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 9.3000 a= 9.3 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 TiO2(am_hyd) type= formula= TiO2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 79.8650 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 TiO++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 0.1900 a= 0.19 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 U(OH)2SO4(cr) type= formula= U(OH)2SO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 368.1060 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 U++++ 1.000 SO4-- 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -3.1700 a= -3.17 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 U(Oxa)2:6H2O(cr) type= formula= U(Oxa)2(H2O)6 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 522.1590 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 U++++ 2.000 Oxa-- 6.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -23.8200 a= -23.82 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 UF4:2.5H2O(cr) type= formula= UF4(H2O)2.5 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 359.0585 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 U++++ 2.500 H2O 4.000 F- * log10 K(298 K) = -30.1200 a= -30.11999998 b= 0 c= 0 d= -247.8993484 e= 0 f= 0 UO2(am_hyd) type= formula= UO2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 270.0270 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 U++++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 1.5000 a= 1.5 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Rutherfordine type= formula= UO2CO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 330.0350 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -4.4310 a= -4.431000019 b= 0 c= 0 d= 921.4480415 e= 0 f= 0 Hydrogen_uranospinite type= formula= UO2HAsO4(H2O)4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 482.0130 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 HAsO4-- 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -11.3970 a= -11.39699999 b= 0 c= 0 d= -764.5391408 e= 0 f= 0 Chernikovite type= formula= UO2HPO4(H2O)4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 438.0650 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 HPO4-- 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -11.8520 a= -11.85199996 b= 0 c= 0 d= -732.0500142 e= 0 f= 0 UO2Oxa:3H2O(cr) type= formula= UO2Oxa(H2O)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 412.0920 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 UO2++ 1.000 Oxa-- 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -8.9300 a= -8.930000009 b= 0 c= 0 d= 271.6132768 e= 0 f= 0 Metaschoepite type= formula= UO3(H2O)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 322.0560 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 UO2++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 5.3500 a= 5.350000019 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4293.557766 e= 0 f= 5.034404522 Coffinite type= formula= USiO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 330.1110 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 U++++ 1.000 Si(OH)4 * log10 K(298 K) = -4.5000 a= -4.500000007 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4126.432474 e= 0 f= 0 Vermiculite_SO type= formula= Ca0.445(Si2.778Al1.222)(Al0.192Mg2.468Fe0.226Fe0.028Ti0.018Mn0. mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 403.4297 g 10 species in reaction -10.852 H+ .018 TiO++ 2.778 Si(OH)4 .007 Mn++ 2.468 Mg++ .870 H2O .226 Fe+++ .028 Fe++ .445 Ca++ 1.414 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 43.6203 a= 43.620277 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Vermiculite(Ca) type= formula= Ca0.43Mg3Al0.86Si3.14O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 395.5471 g 6 species in reaction -.560 H2O -9.440 H+ 3.140 Si(OH)4 3.000 Mg++ .430 Ca++ .860 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 39.4566 a= 39.45661725 b= 0 c= 0 d= 19851.76624 e= 0 f= 0 Vermiculite(K) type= formula= K0.86Mg3Al0.86Si3.14O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 411.9378 g 6 species in reaction -.560 H2O -9.440 H+ 3.140 Si(OH)4 3.000 Mg++ .860 K+ .860 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 37.3543 a= 37.35426004 b= 0 c= 0 d= 17657.98759 e= 0 f= 0 Vermiculite(Mg) type= formula= Mg0.43Mg3Al0.86Si3.14O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 388.7647 g 5 species in reaction -.560 H2O -9.440 H+ 3.140 Si(OH)4 3.430 Mg++ .860 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 37.9518 a= 37.95175524 b= 0 c= 0 d= 19970.33588 e= 0 f= 0 Vermiculite(Na) type= formula= Na0.86Mg3Al0.86Si3.14O10(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 398.0850 g 6 species in reaction -.560 H2O -9.440 H+ 3.140 Si(OH)4 .860 Na+ 3.000 Mg++ .860 Al+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 38.2987 a= 38.29874489 b= 0 c= 0 d= 18702.7585 e= 0 f= 0 Wuelfingite type= formula= Zn(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 99.4140 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Zn++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 11.3800 a= 11.38000003 b= 0 c= 0 d= 5223.332246 e= 0 f= 0 * Wülfingite Zn[(UO2)(AsO4)]2:8H2O(cr) type= formula= Zn(UO2)2(AsO4)2(H2O)8 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1027.4100 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Zn++ 2.000 UO2++ 2.000 HAsO4-- 8.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -21.8940 a= -21.894 b= 0 c= 0 d= 402.4577495 e= 0 f= 0 Zn[(UO2)(PO4)]2:8H2O(cr) type= formula= Zn(UO2)2(PO4)2(H2O)8 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 939.5140 g 5 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Zn++ 2.000 UO2++ 2.000 HPO4-- 8.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -25.1000 a= -25.09999997 b= 0 c= 0 d= 296.8942048 e= 0 f= 0 Zn3(PO4)2:4H2O(s) type= formula= Zn3(PO4)2(H2O)4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 458.2000 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 3.000 Zn++ 2.000 HPO4-- 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -10.6000 a= -10.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Hydrozincite type= formula= Zn5(OH)6(CO3)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 549.0580 g 4 species in reaction -8.000 H+ 5.000 Zn++ 2.000 HCO3- 6.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 29.7080 a= 29.70800001 b= 0 c= 0 d= 23559.05147 e= 0 f= 30.34891964 Smithsonite type= formula= ZnCO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 125.4080 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Zn++ 1.000 HCO3- * log10 K(298 K) = -0.6110 a= -0.6110000063 b= 0 c= 0 d= 5516.750373 e= 0 f= 15.17445982 Zincite type= formula= ZnO mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 81.3990 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Zn++ 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 11.1900 a= 11.19000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4636.229701 e= 0 f= 0 Sphalerite type= formula= ZnS mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 97.4670 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 Zn++ 1.000 HS- * log10 K(298 K) = -10.6700 a= -10.66999997 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2094.556231 e= 0 f= 0 Zr(HPO4)2:H2O(cr) type= formula= Zr(HPO4)2(H2O) mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 301.1950 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Zr++++ 2.000 HPO4-- 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -41.5040 a= -41.50399995 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1370.080048 e= 0 f= 0 Zr(OH)4(am_fr) type= formula= Zr(OH)4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 159.2520 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Zr++++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -3.2400 a= -3.24 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Baddeleyite type= formula= ZrO2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 123.2220 g 3 species in reaction -4.000 H+ 1.000 Zr++++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -7.0000 a= -6.999999999 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4155.683135 e= 0 f= 0 As(cr) type= formula= As mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 74.9220 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H2O 1.000 HAsO4-- 7.000 H+ 5.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -40.9890 a= -40.98900001 b= 0 c= 0 d= -12378.25276 e= 0 f= 0 Graphite type= formula= C mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 12.0110 g 4 species in reaction -3.000 H2O 1.000 HCO3- 5.000 H+ 4.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -21.8190 a= -21.81899999 b= 0 c= 0 d= -8737.329014 e= 0 f= 0 Cu(cr) type= formula= Cu mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 63.5500 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 e- 1.000 Cu++ * log10 K(298 K) = -11.3900 a= -11.39 b= 0 c= 0 d= -3389.942627 e= 0 f= 0 Iron(alpha) type= formula= Fe mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 55.8450 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Fe++ 2.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = 15.8925 a= 15.89246597 b= 0 c= 0 d= 4416.390553 e= 0 f= -1.005387031 Pyrolusite type= formula= MnO2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 86.9360 g 4 species in reaction -4.000 H+ -2.000 e- 1.000 Mn++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 41.6120 a= 41.6119541 b= 0 c= 0 d= 14231.49104 e= 0 f= 0 Tugarinovite type= formula= MoO2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 127.9390 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H2O 1.000 MoO4-- 4.000 H+ 2.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -29.9254 a= -29.92543863 b= 0 c= 0 d= -8498.518264 e= 0 f= 0 Tin(beta) type= formula= Sn mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 118.7110 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sn++++ 4.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = -8.1833 a= -8.183315355 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1645.349657 e= 0 f= 0 Titanium type= formula= Ti mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 47.8670 g 4 species in reaction -1.000 H2O 1.000 TiO++ 2.000 H+ 4.000 e- * log10 K(298 K) = 59.6000 a= 59.6 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 B(cr) type= formula= B mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 10.8120 g 4 species in reaction 1.000 H+ 1.000 B(OH)4- -2.500 H2O -.750 O2(aq) * log10 K(298 K) = 100.4227 a= 100.4226689 b= 0 c= 0 d= 32460.1 e= 0 f= 0 B(OH)3(cr) type= formula= B(OH)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 61.8330 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 H+ 1.000 B(OH)4- -1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -9.3100 a= -9.309987567 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1855.02 e= 0 f= 0 B2O3(am) type= formula= B2O3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 69.6210 g 3 species in reaction 2.000 H+ 2.000 B(OH)4- -5.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -10.6300 a= -10.63000867 b= 0 c= 0 d= 350.592 e= 0 f= 0 B2O3(cr) type= formula= B2O3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 69.6210 g 3 species in reaction 2.000 H+ 2.000 B(OH)4- -5.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -12.7400 a= -12.7400358 b= 0 c= 0 d= -648.636 e= 0 f= 0 Ca3B2O6(s) type= formula= Ca3B2O6 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 237.8520 g 4 species in reaction 3.000 Ca++ -4.000 H+ 2.000 B(OH)4- -2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 40.5802 a= 40.58018345 b= 0 c= 0 d= 16626.3 e= 0 f= 0 CaB2O4(s) type= formula= CaB2O4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 125.6980 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Ca++ 2.000 B(OH)4- -4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -2.1800 a= -2.180040483 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3076.24 e= 0 f= 0 CaB4O7(s) type= formula= CaB4O7 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 195.3190 g 4 species in reaction 1.000 Ca++ 2.000 H+ 4.000 B(OH)4- -9.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -23.4400 a= -23.44002732 b= 0 c= 0 d= -489.481 e= 0 f= 0 CdB2O4(s) type= formula= CdB2O4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 198.0300 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Cd++ 2.000 B(OH)4- -4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -8.6400 a= -8.64 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Na2B4O7:10H2O(s) type= formula= Na2B4O7:10H2O mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 381.3710 g 4 species in reaction 2.000 Na+ 2.000 H+ 4.000 B(OH)4- 1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -24.5800 a= -24.57998606 b= 0 c= 0 d= -7389.53 e= 0 f= 0 Na2B4O7(cr) type= formula= Na2B4O7 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 201.2210 g 4 species in reaction 2.000 Na+ 2.000 H+ 4.000 B(OH)4- -9.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -16.0600 a= -16.05998583 b= 0 c= 0 d= -131.629 e= 0 f= 0 NaBO2(s) type= formula= NaBO2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 65.8000 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Na+ 1.000 B(OH)4- -2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 3.6200 a= 3.619999405 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1921.83 e= 0 f= 0 Ni(BO2)2(s) type= formula= Ni(BO2)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 144.3130 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Ni++ 2.000 B(OH)4- -4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -8.7000 a= -8.7 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 PbB2O4(s) type= formula= PbB2O4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 292.6200 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Pb++ 2.000 B(OH)4- -4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -10.8700 a= -10.87000619 b= 0 c= 0 d= -144.217 e= 0 f= 0 ZnB2O4(s) type= formula= ZnB2O4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 151.0200 g 3 species in reaction 1.000 Zn++ 2.000 B(OH)4- -4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -10.1900 a= -10.19 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Ca4Al2O6(CrO4):15H2O(s) type= formula= Ca4Al2O6(CrO4):15H2O mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 696.4871 g 5 species in reaction 4.000 Ca++ 2.000 Al+++ -12.000 H+ 1.000 CrO4-- 21.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 71.3601 a= 71.36011769 b= 0 c= 0 d= 28518.5 e= 0 f= 0 Ca6(Al(OH)6)2(CrO4)3:26H2O(s) type= formula= Ca6(Al(OH)6)2(CrO4)3:26H2O mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 1314.8823 g 5 species in reaction 6.000 Ca++ 2.000 Al+++ -12.000 H+ 3.000 CrO4-- 38.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 60.2800 a= 60.28000325 b= 0 c= 0 d= 26617.7 e= 0 f= 0 CaCrO4(s) type= formula= CaCrO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 156.0701 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Ca++ 1.000 CrO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -3.1500 a= -3.150003762 b= 0 c= 0 d= 1191.29 e= 0 f= 0 Chromite type= formula= FeCr2O4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 223.8332 g 4 species in reaction 1.000 Fe++ -8.000 H+ 2.000 Cr+++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 15.1199 a= 15.11988637 b= 0 c= 0 d= 14041.4 e= 0 f= 0 Cr(cr) type= formula= Cr mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 51.9961 g 4 species in reaction 2.000 H+ 1.000 CrO4-- -1.000 H2O -1.500 O2(aq) * log10 K(298 K) = 89.6751 a= 89.67506938 b= 0 c= 0 d= 30032.7 e= 0 f= 0 Cr(OH)2(cr) type= formula= Cr(OH)2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 86.0101 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 Cr++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 11.0000 a= 10.99999224 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3941.49 e= 0 f= 0 Cr(OH)2(H2PO4)(s) type= formula= Cr(OH)2(H2PO4) mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 182.9961 g 4 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 H2PO4- 1.000 Cr+++ 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 0.8900 a= 0.89 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 Cr(OH)3(cr) type= formula= Cr(OH)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 103.0171 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 1.000 Cr+++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 7.5000 a= 7.499968003 b= 0 c= 0 d= 5471.52 e= 0 f= 0 Cr2(SO4)3(s) type= formula= Cr2(SO4)3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 392.1812 g 2 species in reaction 3.000 SO4-- 2.000 Cr+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 4.3800 a= 4.379968606 b= 0 c= 0 d= 14506.3 e= 0 f= 0 Cr2O3(cr) type= formula= Cr2O3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 151.9892 g 3 species in reaction -6.000 H+ 2.000 Cr+++ 3.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 7.7499 a= 7.749931763 b= 0 c= 0 d= 10341.7 e= 0 f= 0 Cr2S3(s) type= formula= Cr2S3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 200.1932 g 3 species in reaction -3.000 H+ 3.000 HS- 2.000 Cr+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 3.2601 a= 3.260051568 b= 0 c= 0 d= 10196 e= 0 f= 0 CrCl2(cr) type= formula= CrCl2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 122.9021 g 2 species in reaction 2.000 Cl- 1.000 Cr++ * log10 K(298 K) = 12.7300 a= 12.73001511 b= 0 c= 0 d= 5404.82 e= 0 f= 0 CrCl3(cr) type= formula= CrCl3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 158.3551 g 2 species in reaction 3.000 Cl- 1.000 Cr+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 20.1901 a= 20.19013061 b= 0 c= 0 d= 10307.8 e= 0 f= 0 CrO2(cr) type= formula= CrO2 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 83.9941 g 4 species in reaction 2.000 H+ 1.000 CrO4-- -1.000 H2O -.500 O2(aq) * log10 K(298 K) = -8.6850 a= -8.685001233 b= 0 c= 0 d= -563.966 e= 0 f= 0 CrO3(cr) type= formula= CrO3 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 99.9931 g 3 species in reaction 2.000 H+ 1.000 CrO4-- -1.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -3.0200 a= -3.020004187 b= 0 c= 0 d= 525.992 e= 0 f= 0 Crocoite type= formula= PbCrO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 322.9921 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Pb++ 1.000 CrO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -12.5500 a= -12.54999575 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2556.31 e= 0 f= 0 CrPO4(green) type= formula= CrPO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 146.9661 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 H2PO4- 1.000 Cr+++ * log10 K(298 K) = -3.0600 a= -3.06 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CrPO4(purple) type= formula= CrPO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 146.9661 g 3 species in reaction -2.000 H+ 1.000 H2PO4- 1.000 Cr+++ * log10 K(298 K) = 2.5600 a= 2.56 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 CrS(s) type= formula= CrS mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 84.0631 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H+ 1.000 HS- 1.000 Cr++ * log10 K(298 K) = 1.6600 a= 1.660006383 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2025.15 e= 0 f= 0 KFe(CrO4)2:2H2O(s) type= formula= KFe(CrO4)2:2H2O mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 362.9572 g 4 species in reaction 1.000 K+ 1.000 Fe+++ 2.000 CrO4-- 2.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -19.3900 a= -19.38998618 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1438.51 e= 0 f= 0 KFe3(CrO4)2(OH)6(cr) type= formula= KFe3(CrO4)2(OH)6 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 540.6592 g 5 species in reaction 1.000 K+ 3.000 Fe+++ -6.000 H+ 2.000 CrO4-- 6.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = -18.4000 a= -18.4 b= 0 c= 0 d= 0 e= 0 f= 0 MgCr2O4(s) type= formula= MgCr2O4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 192.2932 g 4 species in reaction 1.000 Mg++ -8.000 H+ 2.000 Cr+++ 4.000 H2O * log10 K(298 K) = 22.1699 a= 22.16991236 b= 0 c= 0 d= 16073.3 e= 0 f= 0 SrCrO4(s) type= formula= SrCrO4 mole vol.= 0.0000 cc mole wt.= 203.6131 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 Sr++ 1.000 CrO4-- * log10 K(298 K) = -4.6500 a= -4.649998098 b= 0 c= 0 d= 528.865 e= 0 f= 0 -end- * Use TEdit to add solid solutions here globally, or add them locally * from the Solid Solutions... dialog in any of the GWB modeling apps. 0 solid solutions -end- 8 gases CH4(g) mole wt.= 16.0430 g 1 species in reaction 1.000 CH4 * log10 K(298 K) = -2.8560 a= -2.855999986 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3951.669205 e= 0 f= 10.83684785 CO2(g) mole wt.= 44.0090 g 3 species in reaction -1.000 H2O 1.000 HCO3- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -7.8200 a= -7.820000002 b= 0 c= 0 d= -2360.596217 e= 0 f= -9.822685618 H2(g) mole wt.= 2.0160 g 1 species in reaction 1.000 H2(aq) * log10 K(298 K) = -3.1060 a= -3.10600002 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2456.546135 e= 0 f= 7.531523069 H2S(g) mole wt.= 34.0830 g 2 species in reaction 1.000 HS- 1.000 H+ * log10 K(298 K) = -8.0100 a= -8.009999987 b= 0 c= 0 d= -224.6032866 e= 0 f= 0 H2Se(g) mole wt.= 80.9790 g 1 species in reaction 1.000 H2Se * log10 K(298 K) = -1.1000 a= -1.100000008 b= 0 c= 0 d= -1514.766351 e= 0 f= 0 Hg(g) mole wt.= 200.5900 g 1 species in reaction 1.000 Hg * log10 K(298 K) = -0.9516 a= -0.9515580048 b= 0 c= 0 d= 2004.714916 e= 0 f= 0 N2(g) mole wt.= 28.0140 g 1 species in reaction 1.000 N2 * log10 K(298 K) = -3.1860 a= -3.185999994 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3988.06196 e= 0 f= 11.54737776 O2(g) mole wt.= 31.9980 g 1 species in reaction 1.000 O2(aq) * log10 K(298 K) = -2.8940 a= -2.894000017 b= 0 c= 0 d= 3741.305334 e= 0 f= 10.43559145 -end- 0 oxides -end- (NpO2)2(OH)2++ Cl- epsilon a= .15 (NpO2)2(OH)2++ ClO4- epsilon a= .57 (NpO2)3(CO3)6------ Na+ epsilon a= -.46 (NpO2)3(OH)5+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 (NpO2)3(OH)5+ ClO4- epsilon a= .45 (PuO2)2(OH)2++ Cl- epsilon a= .15 (PuO2)2(OH)2++ ClO4- epsilon a= .4 (PuO2)3(CO3)6------ Na+ epsilon a= .37 (UEdtaOH)2-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 (UO2)2(OH)2++ Cl- epsilon a= .69 (UO2)2(OH)2++ ClO4- epsilon a= .57 (UO2)2NpO2(CO3)6------ Na+ epsilon a= .09 (UO2)2OH+++ Cl- epsilon a= .25 (UO2)2OH+++ ClO4- epsilon a= .6 (UO2)2PuO2(CO3)6------ Na+ epsilon a= .37 (UO2)3(CO3)6------ Na+ epsilon a= .37 (UO2)3(OH)4++ Cl- epsilon a= .5 (UO2)3(OH)4++ ClO4- epsilon a= .89 (UO2)3(OH)5+ Cl- epsilon a= .81 (UO2)3(OH)5+ ClO4- epsilon a= .45 (UO2)3(OH)7- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 (UO2)3O(OH)2HCO3+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 (UO2)4(OH)7+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 (UO2)4(OH)7+ ClO4- epsilon a= .2 (UO2Cit)2-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 Ac(Edta)- Na+ epsilon a= .01 Ac(Oxa)2- Na+ epsilon a= .21 Ac(Oxa)+ Cl- epsilon a= .08 Ac(Oxa)+ ClO4- epsilon a= .08 AcCl++ Cl- epsilon a= .4 AcCl++ ClO4- epsilon a= .4 AcF2+ Cl- epsilon a= .2 AcF2+ ClO4- epsilon a= .2 AcF++ Cl- epsilon a= .4 AcF++ ClO4- epsilon a= .4 AcH2PO4++ Cl- epsilon a= .4 AcH2PO4++ ClO4- epsilon a= .4 AcOH++ Cl- epsilon a= .4 AcOH++ ClO4- epsilon a= .4 Ac+++ Cl- epsilon a= .6 Ac+++ ClO4- epsilon a= .6 AcSCN++ Cl- epsilon a= .4 AcSCN++ ClO4- epsilon a= .4 AcSO4+ Cl- epsilon a= .2 AcSO4+ ClO4- epsilon a= .2 Ag(CN)2- Na+ epsilon a= .23 Ag(CN)3-- Na+ epsilon a= .3 Ag(HS)2- Na+ epsilon a= .1 Ag(OH)2- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Ag(OH)CN- Na+ epsilon a= .05 Ag(SeCN)3-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 Ag2S(HS)2-- Na+ epsilon a= .1 AgBr2- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 AgBr3-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 AgBr4--- Na+ epsilon a= -.15 AgCl2- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 AgCl3-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 AgCl4--- Na+ epsilon a= -.15 AgCO3- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 AgHPO4- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 AgI2- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 AgI3-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 AgI4--- Na+ epsilon a= -.15 AgSeO3- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 AgSeO4- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 AgSO4- Na+ epsilon a= -.11 Al(OH)2F2- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Al(OH)2+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 Al(OH)4- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Al(SO4)2- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Al2(OH)2++++ Cl- epsilon a= .36 Al3(OH)4+++++ Cl- epsilon a= .51 Al13(OH)32+++++++ Cl- epsilon a= 1.21 AlF2+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 AlF4- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 AlF5-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 AlF6--- Na+ epsilon a= -.15 AlF++ Cl- epsilon a= .15 AlOH++ Cl- epsilon a= .15 Al+++ Cl- epsilon a= .33 AlSiO(OH)3++ Cl- epsilon a= .15 AlSiO(OH)3++ ClO4- epsilon a= .4 AlSO4+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 Am(Cit)2--- Na+ epsilon a= -.15 Am(CO3)2- Na+ epsilon a= -.14 Am(CO3)3--- Na+ epsilon a= -.23 Am(Edta)- Na+ epsilon a= .01 Am(Edta)OH-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 Am(HCit)2- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Am(HCit)+ Cl- epsilon a= .2 Am(HCit)+ ClO4- epsilon a= .2 Am(Isa)- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Am(NO3)2+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 Am(NO3)2+ ClO4- epsilon a= .2 Am(OH)2+ Cl- epsilon a= -.27 Am(OH)2+ ClO4- epsilon a= .17 Am(Oxa)2- Na+ epsilon a= -.21 Am(Oxa)3--- Na+ epsilon a= -.23 Am(Oxa)+ Cl- epsilon a= .08 Am(Oxa)+ ClO4- epsilon a= .08 Am(SO4)2- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 AmCl2+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 AmCl2+ ClO4- epsilon a= .17 AmCl++ Cl- epsilon a= .15 AmCl++ ClO4- epsilon a= .39 AmCO3+ Cl- epsilon a= .01 AmCO3+ ClO4- epsilon a= .17 AmF2+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 AmF2+ ClO4- epsilon a= .17 AmF++ Cl- epsilon a= .15 AmF++ ClO4- epsilon a= .39 AmH2PO4++ Cl- epsilon a= .15 AmH2PO4++ ClO4- epsilon a= .39 AmHCO3++ Cl- epsilon a= .16 AmHCO3++ ClO4- epsilon a= .4 AmHPO4+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 AmHPO4+ ClO4- epsilon a= .2 AmNO3++ Cl- epsilon a= .15 AmNO3++ ClO4- epsilon a= .39 AmO2(CO3)2--- Na+ epsilon a= -.33 AmO2(CO3)3----- Na+ epsilon a= -.53 AmO2(OH)2- Na+ epsilon a= -.01 AmO2CO3- Na+ epsilon a= -.18 AmO2+ Cl- epsilon a= .09 AmO2+ ClO4- epsilon a= .25 AmOH++ Cl- epsilon a= -.04 AmOH++ ClO4- epsilon a= .39 Am+++ Cl- epsilon a= .23 Am+++ ClO4- epsilon a= .49 AmSCN++ Cl- epsilon a= .15 AmSCN++ ClO4- epsilon a= .39 AmSiO(OH)3++ Cl- epsilon a= .42 AmSiO(OH)3++ ClO4- epsilon a= .42 AmSO4+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 AmSO4+ ClO4- epsilon a= .22 AsO4--- Na+ epsilon a= -.15 B(OH)4- Na+ epsilon a= -.07 BaF+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 BaH2PO4+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 BaHCO3+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 BaOH+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 Ba++ Cl- epsilon a= .07 BaPO4- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 BaUO2(CO3)3-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 Br- Na+ epsilon a= .05 Ca(Cit)- Na+ epsilon a= .03 Ca(Edta)-- Na+ epsilon a= -.01 Ca(H2Cit)+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 Ca(H3Isa)+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 Ca(HEdta)- Na+ epsilon a= .11 Ca(Oxa)2-- Na+ epsilon a= -.15 Ca2Am(OH)4+++ Cl- epsilon a= .29 Ca2Am(OH)4+++ ClO4- epsilon a= .6 Ca2Cm(OH)4+++ Cl- epsilon a= .29 Ca2Cm(OH)4+++ ClO4- epsilon a= .6 Ca2Zr(OH)6++ Cl- epsilon a= .1 Ca2Zr(OH)6++ ClO4- epsilon a= .3 Ca3Am(OH)6+++ ClO4- epsilon a= .6 Ca3Cm(OH)6+++ ClO4- epsilon a= .6 Ca3NpO2(OH)5++ Cl- epsilon a= -.2 Ca3NpO2(OH)5++ ClO4- epsilon a= .4 Ca3Zr(OH)6++++ Cl- epsilon a= .4 Ca3Zr(OH)6++++ ClO4- epsilon a= .89 Ca4Np(OH)8++++ Cl- epsilon a= -.01 Ca4Np(OH)8++++ ClO4- epsilon a= .8 Ca4Pu(OH)8++++ Cl- epsilon a= -.01 Ca4Pu(OH)8++++ ClO4- epsilon a= .21 Ca4Th(OH)8++++ Cl- epsilon a= -.01 Ca4Th(OH)8++++ ClO4- epsilon a= .21 CaAm(OH)3++ Cl- epsilon a= .05 CaAm(OH)3++ ClO4- epsilon a= .4 CaCm(OH)3++ Cl- epsilon a= .05 CaCm(OH)3++ ClO4- epsilon a= .4 CaF+ Cl- epsilon a= .1 CaH2PO4+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 CaHCO3+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 CaNpO2(OH)2+ Cl- epsilon a= -.07 CaNpO2(OH)2+ ClO4- epsilon a= .2 CaOH+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 Ca++ Cl- epsilon a= .14 CaPO4- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 CaSiO(OH)3+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 CaSiO(OH)3+ ClO4- epsilon a= .2 CaUO2(CO3)3-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 Cd(CO3)2-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 Cd(HS)3- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Cd(HS)4-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 Cd(OH)3- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Cd(OH)4-- Na+ epsilon a= .2 Cd(SO4)2-- Na+ epsilon a= .1 Cd2OH+++ Cl- epsilon a= .56 Cd2OH+++ ClO4- epsilon a= .56 CdCl3- Na+ epsilon a= -.08 CdCl4-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 CdCl+ Cl- epsilon a= .12 CdCl+ ClO4- epsilon a= .12 CdH2PO4+ Cl- epsilon a= .2 CdH2PO4+ ClO4- epsilon a= .2 CdHCO3+ Cl- epsilon a= .2 CdHCO3+ ClO4- epsilon a= .2 CdHS+ Cl- epsilon a= .2 CdHS+ ClO4- epsilon a= .2 CdOH+ Cl- epsilon a= .04 CdOH+ ClO4- epsilon a= .04 Cd++ Cl- epsilon a= .23 Cd++ ClO4- epsilon a= .23 CdS(HS)- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 CfF++ Cl- epsilon a= .15 CfF++ ClO4- epsilon a= .4 Cf+++ Cl- epsilon a= .25 Cf+++ ClO4- epsilon a= .6 CfSCN++ Cl- epsilon a= .15 CfSCN++ ClO4- epsilon a= .4 CfSO4+ Cl- epsilon a= .05 CfSO4+ ClO4- epsilon a= .2 Cit--- Na+ epsilon a= -.076 Cl- Hg++ epsilon a= .34 Cl- Ni++ epsilon a= .17 ClO4- HgOH+ epsilon a= .06 ClO4- Hg++ epsilon a= .34 ClO4- NiOH+ epsilon a= .14 ClO4- Ni++ epsilon a= .37 Cm(CO3)2- Na+ epsilon a= -.14 Cm(CO3)3--- Na+ epsilon a= -.23 Cl- Cm(NO3)2+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- Cm(NO3)2+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- Cm(OH)2+ epsilon a= -.27 ClO4- Cm(OH)2+ epsilon a= .17 Cm(SO4)2- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Cl- CmCl2+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- CmCl2+ epsilon a= .17 Cl- CmCl++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- CmCl++ epsilon a= .39 Cl- CmCO3+ epsilon a= .01 ClO4- CmCO3+ epsilon a= .17 Cl- CmF2+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- CmF2+ epsilon a= .17 Cl- CmF++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- CmF++ epsilon a= .39 Cl- CmH2PO4++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- CmH2PO4++ epsilon a= .39 Cl- CmHCO3++ epsilon a= .16 ClO4- CmHCO3++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- CmHPO4+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- CmHPO4+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- CmNO3++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- CmNO3++ epsilon a= .39 Cl- CmOH++ epsilon a= -.04 ClO4- CmOH++ epsilon a= .39 Cl- Cm+++ epsilon a= .23 ClO4- Cm+++ epsilon a= .49 Cl- CmSCN++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- CmSCN++ epsilon a= .39 Cl- CmSiO(OH)3++ epsilon a= .42 ClO4- CmSiO(OH)3++ epsilon a= .42 Cl- CmSO4+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- CmSO4+ epsilon a= .22 CN- Na+ epsilon a= .07 CO3-- Na+ epsilon a= -.08 Cl- Cr+++ epsilon a= .3 Cr+++ NO3- epsilon a= .27 Cl- Cs+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- Cs+ epsilon a= .2 Cu(CO3)2-- Na+ epsilon a= .34 Cu(CO3)OH- Na+ epsilon a= .1 Cu(H2PO4)(HPO4)-- Na+ epsilon a= -.06 Cu(H2PO4)(HPO4)- Na+ epsilon a= .007 Cu(H2PO4)2- Na+ epsilon a= -.04 Cu(HPO4)2-- Na+ epsilon a= -.02 Cu(HS)2- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Cu(OH)2- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Cu(OH)3- Na+ epsilon a= .4 Cu(OH)4-- Na+ epsilon a= .19 Cl- Cu2(OH)2++ epsilon a= .29 ClO4- Cu2(OH)2++ epsilon a= .29 Cu2Cl4-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 Cl- Cu2OH+++ epsilon a= .54 ClO4- Cu2OH+++ epsilon a= .54 Cu2S(HS)2-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 Cl- Cu3(OH)4++ epsilon a= .33 ClO4- Cu3(OH)4++ epsilon a= .33 CuCl2- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 CuCl3-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 Cl- CuCl+ epsilon a= .3 ClO4- CuCl+ epsilon a= .3 Cl- CuH2PO4+ epsilon a= .1 ClO4- CuH2PO4+ epsilon a= .1 Cl- CuHCO3+ epsilon a= .46 ClO4- CuHCO3+ epsilon a= .46 Cl- CuOH+ epsilon a= -.15 ClO4- CuOH+ epsilon a= -.15 Cl- Cu++ epsilon a= .32 ClO4- Cu++ epsilon a= .32 Cl- Cu+ epsilon a= .11 ClO4- Cu+ epsilon a= .11 Edta---- Na+ epsilon a= .32 Eu(CO3)2- Na+ epsilon a= -1.17 Cl- Eu(OH)2+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- Eu(OH)2+ epsilon a= .2 Eu(OH)4- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Eu(SO4)2- Na+ epsilon a= .22 Cl- EuCO3+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- EuCO3+ epsilon a= .15 Cl- EuF2+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- EuF2+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- EuF++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- EuF++ epsilon a= .32 Cl- EuH2PO4++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- EuH2PO4++ epsilon a= .18 Cl- EuOH++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- EuOH++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- Eu+++ epsilon a= .26 ClO4- Eu+++ epsilon a= .47 Cl- EuSiO(OH)3++ epsilon a= .42 ClO4- EuSiO(OH)3++ epsilon a= .42 Cl- EuSO4+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- EuSO4+ epsilon a= .27 F- Na+ epsilon a= .02 Fe(CN)6--- Na+ epsilon a= -.15 Fe(CN)6---- Na+ epsilon a= -.2 Fe(CO3)2-- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Fe(CO3)3--- Na+ epsilon a= -.23 Cl- Fe(OH)2+ epsilon a= .43 ClO4- Fe(OH)2+ epsilon a= .43 Fe(OH)3- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Fe(OH)4- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Cl- Fe(SCN)2+ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- Fe(SCN)2+ epsilon a= .2 Fe(SO4)2-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 Fe(SO4)2- Na+ epsilon a= .24 Cl- Fe2(OH)2++++ epsilon a= 1.0 ClO4- Fe2(OH)2++++ epsilon a= 1.0 Cl- Fe3(OH)4+++++ epsilon a= 1.0 ClO4- Fe3(OH)4+++++ epsilon a= 1.0 Cl- FeCl2+ epsilon a= .52 ClO4- FeCl2+ epsilon a= .52 FeCl4- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Cl- FeCl++ epsilon a= .64 ClO4- FeCl++ epsilon a= .63 Cl- FeCl+ epsilon a= .16 ClO4- FeCl+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- FeF2+ epsilon a= .1 ClO4- FeF2+ epsilon a= .1 Cl- FeF++ epsilon a= .46 ClO4- FeF++ epsilon a= .46 Cl- FeF+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- FeF+ epsilon a= .34 Cl- FeH2PO4+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- FeH2PO4+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- FeHSeO3(H2SeO3)+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- FeHSeO3(H2SeO3)+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- FeHSeO3+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- FeHSeO3+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- FeHSO4++ epsilon a= .58 ClO4- FeHSO4++ epsilon a= .58 Cl- FeHSO4+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- FeHSO4+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- FeOH++ epsilon a= .27 ClO4- FeOH++ epsilon a= .27 Cl- FeOH+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- FeOH+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- Fe++ epsilon a= .17 ClO4- Fe++ epsilon a= .37 Cl- Fe+++ epsilon a= .76 ClO4- Fe+++ epsilon a= .73 Cl- FeSCN++ epsilon a= .49 ClO4- FeSCN++ epsilon a= .49 Cl- FeSeO3+ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- FeSeO3+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- FeSiO(OH)3++ epsilon a= .04 ClO4- FeSiO(OH)3++ epsilon a= .04 Cl- FeSO4+ epsilon a= .4 ClO4- FeSO4+ epsilon a= .4 H2AsO4- Na+ epsilon a= -.01 H2Cit- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 H2Edta-- Na+ epsilon a= -.37 H2Fe(CN)6-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 H2Nb6O19------ Na+ epsilon a= .3 H2PO4- Na+ epsilon a= -.08 H3Edta- Na+ epsilon a= -.33 H3Isa- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 H3Nb6O19----- Na+ epsilon a= .25 Cl- H5Edta+ epsilon a= -.23 ClO4- H5Edta+ epsilon a= -.23 Cl- H6Edta++ epsilon a= -.2 ClO4- H6Edta++ epsilon a= -.2 HAsO4-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 HCit-- Na+ epsilon a= -.04 HEdta--- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 HF2- Na+ epsilon a= -.11 HFe(CN)6--- Na+ epsilon a= -.15 Hg(OH)3- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Hg(SO4)2-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 Cl- Hg2OH+ epsilon a= -.13 ClO4- Hg2OH+ epsilon a= -.13 Cl- Hg2++ epsilon a= .09 ClO4- Hg2++ epsilon a= .09 HgCl3- Na+ epsilon a= .05 HgCl4-- Na+ epsilon a= .08 Cl- HgCl+ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- HgCl+ epsilon a= .15 Cl- HgHCO3+ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- HgHCO3+ epsilon a= .2 HgOHCO3- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Cl- HgOH+ epsilon a= .06 HgPO4- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 HgS(HS)- Na+ epsilon a= .08 HgS2-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 HMoO4- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 HNb6O19------- Na+ epsilon a= .35 Ho(CO3)2- Na+ epsilon a= -1.17 Cl- Ho(OH)2+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- Ho(OH)2+ epsilon a= .2 Ho(OH)4- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Ho(SO4)2- Na+ epsilon a= .22 Cl- HoCO3+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- HoCO3+ epsilon a= .15 Cl- HoF2+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- HoF2+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- HoF++ epsilon a= .18 ClO4- HoF++ epsilon a= .34 Cl- HoH2PO4++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- HoH2PO4++ epsilon a= .18 Cl- HoOH++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- HoOH++ epsilon a= -.05 Cl- Ho+++ epsilon a= .29 ClO4- Ho+++ epsilon a= .49 Cl- HoSiO(OH)3++ epsilon a= .42 ClO4- HoSiO(OH)3++ epsilon a= .42 Cl- HoSO4+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- HoSO4+ epsilon a= .27 HOxa- Na+ epsilon a= -.07 HP2O7--- Na+ epsilon a= -.15 Cl- H+ epsilon a= .12 ClO4- H+ epsilon a= .14 HPO4-- Na+ epsilon a= -.15 HS- Na+ epsilon a= .08 HSe- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 HSe4- Na+ epsilon a= -.03 HSeO3- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 HSeO4- Na+ epsilon a= -.01 HSO3- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 HSO4- Na+ epsilon a= -.01 I- Na+ epsilon a= .08 I3- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 IO3- Na+ epsilon a= -.06 KCO3- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 KEdta--- Na+ epsilon a= -.15 KFe(CN)6-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 KFe(CN)6--- Na+ epsilon a= -.15 KHPO4- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 KPO4-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 KSO4- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 LiHPO4- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Cl- Li+ epsilon a= .1 LiPO4-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 LiSO4- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Mg(Cit)- Na+ epsilon a= .03 Mg(Edta)-- Na+ epsilon a= -.01 Cl- Mg(H2Cit)+ epsilon a= .05 Mg(HEdta)- Na+ epsilon a= .11 Mg(Oxa)2-- Na+ epsilon a= -.15 Cl- MgF+ epsilon a= -.02 Cl- MgH2PO4+ epsilon a= .05 Cl- MgHCO3+ epsilon a= .05 Cl- MgOH+ epsilon a= .05 Cl- Mg++ epsilon a= .19 MgPO4- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Cl- MgSiO(OH)3+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- MgSiO(OH)3+ epsilon a= .2 MgUO2(CO3)3-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 Cl- Mn(OH)2+ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- Mn(OH)2+ epsilon a= .2 Mn(OH)3- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Mn(OH)4-- Na+ epsilon a= -.1 Cl- MnCl++ epsilon a= .4 ClO4- MnCl++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- MnCl+ epsilon a= .4 ClO4- MnCl+ epsilon a= .4 Cl- MnF2+ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- MnF2+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- MnF++ epsilon a= .4 ClO4- MnF++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- MnF+ epsilon a= .23 ClO4- MnF+ epsilon a= .23 Cl- MnHCO3+ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- MnHCO3+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- MnOHF+ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- MnOHF+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- MnOH++ epsilon a= .4 ClO4- MnOH++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- MnOH+ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- MnOH+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- Mn++ epsilon a= .38 ClO4- Mn++ epsilon a= .38 Cl- Mn+++ epsilon a= .6 ClO4- Mn+++ epsilon a= .6 MoO4-- Na+ epsilon a= .04 Na(Edta)--- Na+ epsilon a= -.15 Na+ NaCO3- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ NaHPO4- epsilon a= -.05 As(OH)4- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 HPo- Na+ epsilon a= -.05 Na+ Po-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ PoCl4-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ TcO4- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ NaPO4-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ NaSO4- epsilon a= -.05 Cl- Nb(OH)4+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- Nb(OH)4+ epsilon a= .21 Na+ Nb(OH)6- epsilon a= 1.57 Na+ Nb(OH)7-- epsilon a= 1.98 Na+ Nb6O19-------- epsilon a= .4 Cl- NH4+ epsilon a= -.01 ClO4- NH4+ epsilon a= -.08 Na+ Ni(Cit)- epsilon a= .22 Na+ Ni(Cit)2---- epsilon a= -.2 Na+ Ni(CN)4-- epsilon a= .185 Na+ Ni(CN)5--- epsilon a= .25 Na+ Ni(CO3)2-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ Ni(Edta)-- epsilon a= -.1 Cl- Ni(H2Cit)+ epsilon a= .12 ClO4- Ni(H2Cit)+ epsilon a= .12 Cl- Ni(H3Isa)+ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- Ni(H3Isa)+ epsilon a= .2 Na+ Ni(HEdta)- epsilon a= -.05 Cl- Ni(NH3)2++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- Ni(NH3)2++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- Ni(NH3)3++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- Ni(NH3)3++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- Ni(NH3)4++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- Ni(NH3)4++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- Ni(NH3)5++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- Ni(NH3)5++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- Ni(NH3)6++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- Ni(NH3)6++ epsilon a= .4 Na+ Ni(OH)3- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ Ni(Oxa)2-- epsilon a= -.26 Na+ Ni(SCN)3- epsilon a= .66 Cl- Ni2OH+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- Ni2OH+++ epsilon a= .59 Cl- Ni4(OH)4++++ epsilon a= .43 ClO4- Ni4(OH)4++++ epsilon a= 1.08 Cl- NiCl+ epsilon a= .47 ClO4- NiCl+ epsilon a= .47 Cl- NiF+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- NiF+ epsilon a= .34 Cl- NiHCO3+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- NiHCO3+ epsilon a= .2 Na+ NiHP2O7- epsilon a= -.05 Cl- NiHS+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- NiHS+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- NiNH3++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- NiNH3++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- NiNO3+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- NiNO3+ epsilon a= .37 Cl- NiOH+ epsilon a= -.01 Na+ NiP2O7-- epsilon a= -.1 Cl- NiSCN+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- NiSCN+ epsilon a= .31 Cl- NiSeCN+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- NiSeCN+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- NiSiO(OH)3+ epsilon a= .5 ClO4- NiSiO(OH)3+ epsilon a= .5 Na+ NO3- epsilon a= -.04 Na+ Np(CO3)2- epsilon a= -.14 Na+ Np(CO3)3--- epsilon a= -.23 Na+ Np(CO3)4---- epsilon a= -.2 Na+ Np(CO3)5------ epsilon a= -.3 Na+ Np(OH)2(CO3)2-- epsilon a= -.3 Cl- Np(OH)2++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- Np(OH)2++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- Np(OH)2+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- Np(OH)2+ epsilon a= .2 Na+ Np(OH)3(H3Isa)2- epsilon a= -.05 Cl- Np(OH)3+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- Np(OH)3+ epsilon a= .2 Na+ Np(OH)4(H3Isa)- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ Np(OH)4(H3Isa)2-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ Np(Oxa)3-- epsilon a= -.1 Cl- Np(Oxa)++ epsilon a= .4 ClO4- Np(Oxa)++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- Np(SCN)2++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- Np(SCN)2++ epsilon a= .38 Cl- Np(SCN)3+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- Np(SCN)3+ epsilon a= .17 Na+ Np(SO4)2- epsilon a= -.05 Cl- NpCl2+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- NpCl2+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- NpCl++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- NpCl++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- NpCl+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- NpCl+++ epsilon a= .81 Cl- NpCO3+ epsilon a= .01 ClO4- NpCO3+ epsilon a= .17 Cl- NpF2++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- NpF2++ epsilon a= .38 Cl- NpF2+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- NpF2+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- NpF++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- NpF++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- NpF+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- NpF+++ epsilon a= .58 Cl- NpI+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- NpI+++ epsilon a= .88 Cl- NpNO3+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- NpNO3+++ epsilon a= .6 Na+ NpO2(CO3)2-- epsilon a= -.02 Na+ NpO2(CO3)2--- epsilon a= -.33 Na+ NpO2(CO3)2OH---- epsilon a= -.4 Na+ NpO2(CO3)3---- epsilon a= -.4 Na+ NpO2(CO3)3----- epsilon a= -.53 Na+ NpO2(H2Edta)- epsilon a= -.18 Na+ NpO2(HEdta)-- epsilon a= .07 Na+ NpO2(HPO4)2-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ NpO2(OH)2- epsilon a= -.01 Na+ NpO2(OH)3- epsilon a= -.2 Na+ NpO2(OH)4-- epsilon a= -.12 Na+ NpO2(Oxa)2--- epsilon a= -.3 Na+ NpO2(SO4)2-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ NpO2Cit-- epsilon a= -.06 Cl- NpO2Cl+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- NpO2Cl+ epsilon a= .5 Na+ NpO2CO3(OH)2--- epsilon a= -.15 Na+ NpO2CO3- epsilon a= -.18 Na+ NpO2CO3OH-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ NpO2Edta--- epsilon a= .2 Na+ NpO2EdtaOH---- epsilon a= .32 Na+ NpO2F2- epsilon a= -.01 Cl- NpO2F+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- NpO2F+ epsilon a= .29 Cl- NpO2H2PO4+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- NpO2H2PO4+ epsilon a= .2 Na+ NpO2HPO4- epsilon a= -.05 Cl- NpO2IO3+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- NpO2IO3+ epsilon a= .33 Cl- NpO2OH+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- NpO2OH+ epsilon a= -.06 Na+ NpO2Oxa- epsilon a= -.4 Cl- NpO2++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- NpO2++ epsilon a= .46 Cl- NpO2+ epsilon a= .09 ClO4- NpO2+ epsilon a= .25 Cl- NpO2SiO(OH)3+ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- NpO2SiO(OH)3+ epsilon a= .2 Na+ NpO2SO4- epsilon a= .07 Cl- NpOH++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- NpOH++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- NpOH+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- NpOH+++ epsilon a= .5 Cl- Np+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- Np+++ epsilon a= .49 Cl- Np++++ epsilon a= .35 ClO4- Np++++ epsilon a= .84 Cl- NpSCN+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- NpSCN+++ epsilon a= .76 Cl- NpSiO(OH)3++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- NpSiO(OH)3++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- NpSiO(OH)3+++ epsilon a= .44 ClO4- NpSiO(OH)3+++ epsilon a= .44 Cl- NpSO4++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- NpSO4++ epsilon a= .5 Cl- NpSO4+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- NpSO4+ epsilon a= .2 Na+ OH- epsilon a= .04 Na+ Oxa-- epsilon a= -.08 Na+ P2O7---- epsilon a= -.26 Cl- Pa(OH)2++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- Pa(OH)2++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- Pa(OH)3+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- Pa(OH)3+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- PaO(OH)2+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- PaO(OH)2+ epsilon a= .26 Na+ PaO(OH)4- epsilon a= -.05 Cl- PaO(OH)++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- PaO(OH)++ epsilon a= .39 Na+ PaO(SO4)2- epsilon a= .22 Na+ PaO(SO4)3--- epsilon a= .03 Cl- PaOF2+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- PaOF2+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- PaOF++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- PaOF++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- PaOH+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- PaOH+++ epsilon a= .6 Cl- PaO+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- PaO+++ epsilon a= .6 Cl- PaOSO4+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- PaOSO4+ epsilon a= .59 Cl- Pa++++ epsilon a= .35 ClO4- Pa++++ epsilon a= .8 Na+ Pb(CO3)2-- epsilon a= -.2 Na+ Pb(CO3)Cl- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ Pb(CO3)OH- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ Pb(HPO4)2-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ Pb(OH)3- epsilon a= -.01 Na+ Pb(SO4)2-- epsilon a= -.11 Cl- Pb2OH+++ epsilon a= .34 ClO4- Pb2OH+++ epsilon a= .34 Cl- Pb3(OH)4++ epsilon a= -.5 ClO4- Pb3(OH)4++ epsilon a= -.5 Cl- Pb4(OH)4++++ epsilon a= -.15 ClO4- Pb4(OH)4++++ epsilon a= -.15 Cl- Pb6(OH)8++++ epsilon a= -.63 ClO4- Pb6(OH)8++++ epsilon a= -.63 Na+ PbCl3- epsilon a= -.08 Na+ PbCl4-- epsilon a= -.1 Cl- PbCl+ epsilon a= .04 ClO4- PbCl+ epsilon a= .04 Cl- PbH2PO4+ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- PbH2PO4+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- PbHCO3+ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- PbHCO3+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- PbOH+ epsilon a= -.05 ClO4- PbOH+ epsilon a= -.05 Cl- Pb++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- Pb++ epsilon a= .15 Na+ PbS(HS)- epsilon a= .08 Cl- Pd(NH3)2++ epsilon a= .82 ClO4- Pd(NH3)2++ epsilon a= .82 Cl- Pd(NH3)3++ epsilon a= .82 ClO4- Pd(NH3)3++ epsilon a= .82 Cl- Pd(NH3)4++ epsilon a= .82 ClO4- Pd(NH3)4++ epsilon a= .82 Na+ Pd(OH)3- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ PdCl3- epsilon a= -.02 Na+ PdCl4-- epsilon a= -.1 Cl- PdCl+ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- PdCl+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- PdNH3++ epsilon a= .82 ClO4- PdNH3++ epsilon a= .82 Cl- PdOH+ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- PdOH+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- Pd++ epsilon a= .82 ClO4- Pd++ epsilon a= .82 Cl- Po(NO3)2++ epsilon a= .7 ClO4- Po(NO3)2++ epsilon a= .7 Cl- Po(NO3)3+ epsilon a= .5 ClO4- Po(NO3)3+ epsilon a= .5 Cl- Po(OH)2++ epsilon a= .4 ClO4- Po(OH)2++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- Po(OH)3+ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- Po(OH)3+ epsilon a= .2 Na+ Po(OH)6-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ Po(OH)Cl4- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ Po(SO4)3-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ PO4--- epsilon a= -.25 Na+ PoCl3- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ PoCl6-- epsilon a= -.1 Cl- PoCl+ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- PoCl+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- PoNO3+++ epsilon a= .7 ClO4- PoNO3+++ epsilon a= .7 Cl- PoOH+++ epsilon a= .6 ClO4- PoOH+++ epsilon a= .6 Cl- Po++ epsilon a= .4 ClO4- Po++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- Po++++ epsilon a= .8 ClO4- Po++++ epsilon a= .8 Cl- PoSO4++ epsilon a= .4 ClO4- PoSO4++ epsilon a= .4 Na+ Pu(CO3)2- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ Pu(CO3)3--- epsilon a= -.15 Na+ Pu(CO3)4---- epsilon a= -.2 Na+ Pu(CO3)5------ epsilon a= -.3 Na+ Pu(Edta)(OH)2-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ Pu(Edta)- epsilon a= .01 Na+ Pu(Edta)OH- epsilon a= -.05 Cl- Pu(HCit)+ epsilon a= .05 Cl- Pu(OH)2++ epsilon a= .1 ClO4- Pu(OH)2++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- Pu(OH)2+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- Pu(OH)2+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- Pu(OH)3+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- Pu(OH)3+ epsilon a= .2 Na+ Pu(Oxa)2- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ Pu(Oxa)3-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ Pu(Oxa)3--- epsilon a= -.15 Cl- Pu(Oxa)++ epsilon a= .4 ClO4- Pu(Oxa)++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- Pu(Oxa)+ epsilon a= .05 Na+ Pu(SO4)2- epsilon a= -.05 Cl- PuCl++ epsilon a= .39 ClO4- PuCl++ epsilon a= .39 Cl- PuCl+++ epsilon a= .85 ClO4- PuCl+++ epsilon a= .85 Na+ PuCO3(OH)3- epsilon a= -.05 Cl- PuCO3+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- PuCO3+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- PuF2++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- PuF2++ epsilon a= .36 Cl- PuF2+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- PuF2+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- PuF++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- PuF++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- PuF+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- PuF+++ epsilon a= .56 Cl- PuH2PO4++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- PuH2PO4++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- PuH3PO4++++ epsilon a= .35 ClO4- PuH3PO4++++ epsilon a= .8 Cl- PuNO3+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- PuNO3+++ epsilon a= .7 Na+ PuO2(CO3)2-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ PuO2(CO3)2--- epsilon a= -.15 Na+ PuO2(CO3)3---- epsilon a= -.2 Na+ PuO2(CO3)3----- epsilon a= -.25 Na+ PuO2(OH)3- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ PuO2(SO4)2-- epsilon a= -.1 Cl- PuO2Cl+ epsilon a= .36 ClO4- PuO2Cl+ epsilon a= .5 Na+ PuO2CO3- epsilon a= -.18 Cl- PuO2F+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- PuO2F+ epsilon a= .29 Cl- PuO2H2PO4+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- PuO2H2PO4+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- PuO2OH+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- PuO2OH+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- PuO2++ epsilon a= .19 ClO4- PuO2++ epsilon a= .46 Cl- PuO2+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- PuO2+ epsilon a= .24 Na+ PuO2PO4- epsilon a= -.05 Cl- PuO2SiO(OH)3+ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- PuO2SiO(OH)3+ epsilon a= .2 Na+ PuO2SO4- epsilon a= .07 Cl- PuOH++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- PuOH++ epsilon a= .39 Cl- PuOH+++ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- PuOH+++ epsilon a= .5 Cl- Pu+++ epsilon a= .23 ClO4- Pu+++ epsilon a= .49 Cl- Pu++++ epsilon a= .37 ClO4- Pu++++ epsilon a= .82 Cl- PuSCN++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- PuSCN++ epsilon a= .39 Cl- PuSiO(OH)3++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- PuSiO(OH)3++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- PuSiO(OH)3+++ epsilon a= .55 ClO4- PuSiO(OH)3+++ epsilon a= .55 Cl- PuSO4++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- PuSO4++ epsilon a= .36 Cl- PuSO4+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- PuSO4+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- RaF+ epsilon a= .05 Cl- RaHCO3+ epsilon a= .05 Cl- RaOH+ epsilon a= .05 Cl- Ra++ epsilon a= .06 Na+ S-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ S2O3-- epsilon a= -.08 Na+ SCN- epsilon a= .05 Na+ Se-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ Se2-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ Se3-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ Se4-- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ SeCN- epsilon a= .05 Na+ SeO3-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ SeO4-- epsilon a= -.12 Na+ SiAlO3(OH)4--- epsilon a= -.15 Na+ SiO(OH)3- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ SiO2(OH)2-- epsilon a= -.07 Na+ Sm(CO3)2- epsilon a= -1.17 Cl- Sm(OH)2+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- Sm(OH)2+ epsilon a= .2 Na+ Sm(OH)4- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ Sm(SO4)2- epsilon a= .22 Cl- Sm2(OH)2++++ epsilon a= .35 ClO4- Sm2(OH)2++++ epsilon a= .71 Cl- Sm3(OH)5++++ epsilon a= .35 ClO4- Sm3(OH)5++++ epsilon a= .48 Cl- SmCO3+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- SmCO3+ epsilon a= .15 Cl- SmF2+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- SmF2+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- SmF++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- SmF++ epsilon a= .32 Cl- SmH2PO4++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- SmH2PO4++ epsilon a= .18 Cl- SmOH++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- SmOH++ epsilon a= -.2 Cl- Sm+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- Sm+++ epsilon a= .47 Cl- SmSiO(OH)3++ epsilon a= .42 ClO4- SmSiO(OH)3++ epsilon a= .42 Cl- SmSO4+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- SmSO4+ epsilon a= .27 Na+ Sn(HPO4)2-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ Sn(HPO4)3---- epsilon a= -.2 Na+ Sn(OH)3- epsilon a= .22 Na+ Sn(OH)5- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ Sn(OH)6-- epsilon a= -.1 Cl- Sn3(OH)4++ epsilon a= -.02 ClO4- Sn3(OH)4++ epsilon a= -.02 Na+ SnBr3- epsilon a= .16 Cl- SnBr+ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- SnBr+ epsilon a= .15 Cl- SnCl2++ epsilon a= .49 ClO4- SnCl2++ epsilon a= .49 Na+ SnCl3- epsilon a= .07 Na+ SnCl4-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ SnCl5- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ SnCl6-- epsilon a= -.1 Cl- SnCl+++ epsilon a= .56 ClO4- SnCl+++ epsilon a= .56 Cl- SnCl+ epsilon a= .04 ClO4- SnCl+ epsilon a= .04 Na+ SnF3- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ SnF6-- epsilon a= -.1 Cl- SnF+ epsilon a= .14 ClO4- SnF+ epsilon a= .14 Na+ SnH2PO4HPO4- epsilon a= -.05 Cl- SnH2PO4+ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- SnH2PO4+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- SnNO3+ epsilon a= .17 ClO4- SnNO3+ epsilon a= .17 Cl- SnOH+ epsilon a= -.07 ClO4- SnOH+ epsilon a= -.07 Cl- Sn++ epsilon a= .14 ClO4- Sn++ epsilon a= .19 Cl- Sn++++ epsilon a= .7 ClO4- Sn++++ epsilon a= .7 Na+ SnPO4- epsilon a= -.05 Cl- SnSCN+ epsilon a= -.17 ClO4- SnSCN+ epsilon a= -.17 Na+ SO3-- epsilon a= -.08 Na+ SO4-- epsilon a= -.12 Cl- SrF+ epsilon a= .05 Cl- SrH2PO4+ epsilon a= .05 Cl- SrHCO3+ epsilon a= .05 Cl- SrOH+ epsilon a= .05 Cl- Sr++ epsilon a= .12 Na+ SrPO4- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ SrUO2(CO3)3-- epsilon a= -.1 Cl- Tc2O2(OH)2++ epsilon a= -.43 ClO4- Tc2O2(OH)2++ epsilon a= .4 Na+ Tc2OCl10---- epsilon a= .89 Na+ TcCl5- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ TcCl6-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ TcCO3(OH)3- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ TcO(OH)3- epsilon a= -.08 Cl- Tc+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- Tc+++ epsilon a= .6 Na+ Th(CO3)5------ epsilon a= -.3 Cl- Th(H2PO4)2++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- Th(H2PO4)2++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- Th(H3PO4)(H2PO4)+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- Th(H3PO4)(H2PO4)+++ epsilon a= .5 Cl- Th(IO3)2++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- Th(IO3)2++ epsilon a= .43 Cl- Th(IO3)3+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- Th(IO3)3+ epsilon a= .25 Cl- Th(NO3)2++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- Th(NO3)2++ epsilon a= .43 Na+ Th(OH)2(CO3)2-- epsilon a= -.1 Cl- Th(OH)2++ epsilon a= .13 ClO4- Th(OH)2++ epsilon a= .33 Na+ Th(OH)3(SiO(OH)3)3-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ Th(OH)3CO3- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ Th(OH)4CO3-- epsilon a= -.1 Cl- Th(SCN)2++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- Th(SCN)2++ epsilon a= .38 Na+ Th(SO4)3-- epsilon a= -.091 Cl- Th2(OH)2++++++ epsilon a= .4 ClO4- Th2(OH)2++++++ epsilon a= 1.22 Cl- Th2(OH)3+++++ epsilon a= .29 ClO4- Th2(OH)3+++++ epsilon a= .91 Cl- Th4(OH)8++++++++ epsilon a= .7 ClO4- Th4(OH)8++++++++ epsilon a= 1.69 Cl- Th4(OH)12++++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- Th4(OH)12++++ epsilon a= .56 Cl- Th6(OH)14++++++++++ epsilon a= .83 ClO4- Th6(OH)14++++++++++ epsilon a= 2.2 Cl- Th6(OH)15+++++++++ epsilon a= .72 ClO4- Th6(OH)15+++++++++ epsilon a= 1.85 Cl- ThCl+++ epsilon a= .62 ClO4- ThCl+++ epsilon a= .62 Cl- ThF2++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- ThF2++ epsilon a= .3 Cl- ThF3+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- ThF3+ epsilon a= .1 Na+ ThF6-- epsilon a= -.3 Cl- ThF+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- ThF+++ epsilon a= .48 Cl- ThH2PO4+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- ThH2PO4+++ epsilon a= .5 Cl- ThH3PO4++++ epsilon a= .35 ClO4- ThH3PO4++++ epsilon a= .7 Cl- ThIO3+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- ThIO3+++ epsilon a= .56 Cl- ThNO3+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- ThNO3+++ epsilon a= .56 Na+ ThOH(CO3)4----- epsilon a= -.22 Cl- ThOH+++ epsilon a= .19 ClO4- ThOH+++ epsilon a= .48 Cl- Th++++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- Th++++ epsilon a= .7 Cl- ThSCN+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- ThSCN+++ epsilon a= .5 Cl- ThSO4++ epsilon a= .14 ClO4- ThSO4++ epsilon a= .3 Cl- Ti2(OH)2++++ epsilon a= .6 ClO4- Ti2(OH)2++++ epsilon a= .8 Na+ TiO(OH)3- epsilon a= -.05 Cl- TiOH++ epsilon a= .14 ClO4- TiOH++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- TiOOH+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- TiOOH+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- TiO++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- TiO++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- Ti+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- Ti+++ epsilon a= .6 Na+ U(CO3)4---- epsilon a= -.09 Na+ U(CO3)5------ epsilon a= -.3 Cl- U(NO3)2++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- U(NO3)2++ epsilon a= .49 Cl- U(OH)2++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- U(OH)2++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- U(OH)3+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- U(OH)3+ epsilon a= .2 Na+ U(Oxa)3-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ U(Oxa)4---- epsilon a= -.2 Cl- U(SCN)2++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- U(SCN)2++ epsilon a= .3 Cl- UCl+++ epsilon a= .59 ClO4- UCl+++ epsilon a= .59 Na+ UCO3(OH)3- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ UEdta(OH)2-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ UEdtaOH- epsilon a= -.05 Cl- UF2++ epsilon a= .3 ClO4- UF2++ epsilon a= .3 Cl- UF3+ epsilon a= .1 ClO4- UF3+ epsilon a= .1 Na+ UF5- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ UF6-- epsilon a= -.1 Cl- UF+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- UF+++ epsilon a= .48 Cl- UH2PO4+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- UH2PO4+++ epsilon a= .6 Cl- UI+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- UI+++ epsilon a= .55 Cl- UNO3+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- UNO3+++ epsilon a= .62 Na+ UO2(CO3)2-- epsilon a= -.15 Na+ UO2(CO3)3---- epsilon a= -.01 Na+ UO2(CO3)3----- epsilon a= -.92 Cl- UO2(H2PO4)(H3PO4)+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- UO2(H2PO4)(H3PO4)+ epsilon a= .2 Na+ UO2(H3Isa)3- epsilon a= -.05 Cl- UO2(H3Isa)+ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- UO2(H3Isa)+ epsilon a= .2 Na+ UO2(HEdta)- epsilon a= -.18 Na+ UO2(OH)3- epsilon a= -.24 Na+ UO2(OH)4-- epsilon a= .01 Na+ UO2(Oxa)2-- epsilon a= -.18 Na+ UO2(Oxa)3---- epsilon a= -.01 Na+ UO2(SeO4)2-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ UO2(SO4)2-- epsilon a= -.12 Na+ UO2(SO4)3---- epsilon a= -.26 Na+ UO2Cit- epsilon a= -.11 Cl- UO2Cl+ epsilon a= .33 ClO4- UO2Cl+ epsilon a= .33 Na+ UO2CO3F2-- epsilon a= -.02 Na+ UO2CO3F3--- epsilon a= -.25 Na+ UO2Edta-- epsilon a= -.22 Na+ UO2F3- epsilon a= -.14 Na+ UO2F4-- epsilon a= -.3 Cl- UO2F+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- UO2F+ epsilon a= .28 Cl- UO2H2AsO4+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- UO2H2AsO4+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- UO2H2PO4+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- UO2H2PO4+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- UO2H3PO4++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- UO2H3PO4++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- UO2HSeO3+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- UO2HSeO3+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- UO2IO3+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- UO2IO3+ epsilon a= .33 Cl- UO2NO3+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- UO2NO3+ epsilon a= .33 Cl- UO2OH+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- UO2OH+ epsilon a= -.06 Cl- UO2++ epsilon a= .21 ClO4- UO2++ epsilon a= .46 Cl- UO2+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- UO2+ epsilon a= .26 Na+ UO2PO4- epsilon a= -.09 Cl- UO2SCN+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- UO2SCN+ epsilon a= .26 Cl- UO2SiO(OH)3+ epsilon a= .3 ClO4- UO2SiO(OH)3+ epsilon a= .3 Cl- UOH+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- UOH+++ epsilon a= .48 Cl- UOxa++ epsilon a= .4 ClO4- UOxa++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- U++++ epsilon a= .35 ClO4- U++++ epsilon a= .76 Cl- USCN+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- USCN+++ epsilon a= .52 Cl- USO4++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- USO4++ epsilon a= .3 Na+ Zn(CO3)2-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ Zn(H2PO4)(HPO4)- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ Zn(HPO4)(PO4)--- epsilon a= -.15 Na+ Zn(HPO4)2-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ Zn(HPO4)3---- epsilon a= -.2 Na+ Zn(HS)3- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ Zn(OH)2HPO4-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ Zn(OH)3- epsilon a= .07 Na+ Zn(OH)4-- epsilon a= .13 Na+ Zn(SO4)2-- epsilon a= .38 Cl- Zn2CO3++ epsilon a= .4 ClO4- Zn2CO3++ epsilon a= .4 Cl- Zn2OH+++ epsilon a= .86 ClO4- Zn2OH+++ epsilon a= .86 Na+ ZnCl3- epsilon a= .17 Na+ ZnCl4-- epsilon a= -.1 Cl- ZnCl+ epsilon a= .24 ClO4- ZnCl+ epsilon a= .24 Cl- ZnH2PO4+ epsilon a= .2 ClO4- ZnH2PO4+ epsilon a= .2 Cl- ZnHCO3+ epsilon a= .45 ClO4- ZnHCO3+ epsilon a= .45 Cl- ZnOH+ epsilon a= .19 ClO4- ZnOH+ epsilon a= .19 Cl- Zn++ epsilon a= .35 ClO4- Zn++ epsilon a= .35 Na+ ZnS(HS)- epsilon a= -.05 Na+ Zr(CO3)4---- epsilon a= -.09 Cl- Zr(NO3)2++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- Zr(NO3)2++ epsilon a= .84 Cl- Zr(OH)2++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- Zr(OH)2++ epsilon a= .62 Na+ Zr(OH)6-- epsilon a= -.1 Na+ Zr(SO4)3-- epsilon a= -.1 Cl- Zr3(OH)4++++++++ epsilon a= .33 ClO4- Zr3(OH)4++++++++ epsilon a= 1.89 Cl- Zr3(OH)9+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- Zr3(OH)9+++ epsilon a= .93 Cl- Zr4(OH)8++++++++ epsilon a= .75 ClO4- Zr4(OH)8++++++++ epsilon a= 3.61 Cl- Zr4(OH)15+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- Zr4(OH)15+ epsilon a= .09 Cl- ZrCl2++ epsilon a= .84 ClO4- ZrCl2++ epsilon a= .84 Cl- ZrCl+++ epsilon a= .87 ClO4- ZrCl+++ epsilon a= .87 Cl- ZrF2++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- ZrF2++ epsilon a= .47 Cl- ZrF3+ epsilon a= .05 ClO4- ZrF3+ epsilon a= .2 Na+ ZrF5- epsilon a= -.14 Na+ ZrF6-- epsilon a= -.15 Cl- ZrF+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- ZrF+++ epsilon a= .63 Cl- ZrNO3+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- ZrNO3+++ epsilon a= .88 Cl- ZrOH+++ epsilon a= .25 ClO4- ZrOH+++ epsilon a= .57 Cl- Zr++++ epsilon a= .33 ClO4- Zr++++ epsilon a= .89 Cl- ZrSO4++ epsilon a= .15 ClO4- ZrSO4++ epsilon a= .39 -end- end of cation-anion set, begin neutral-ion epsilon Ca(HCit) Cl- epsilon a= .01 Ca(HCit) ClO4- epsilon a= .01 Ca(HCit) Na+ epsilon a= .01 Cd(OH)2 Cl- epsilon a= -.005 Cd(OH)2 ClO4- epsilon a= -.005 Cd(OH)2 Na+ epsilon a= -.005 CdCl2 Cl- epsilon a= .01 CdCl2 ClO4- epsilon a= .01 CdCl2 Na+ epsilon a= .01 CdSO4 Cl- epsilon a= .01 CdSO4 ClO4- epsilon a= .01 CdSO4 Na+ epsilon a= .01 Cl- Cu(H2PO4)2 epsilon a= .015 ClO4- Cu(H2PO4)2 epsilon a= .015 Cu(H2PO4)2 Na+ epsilon a= .015 Cl- Cu(OH)2 epsilon a= .09 ClO4- Cu(OH)2 epsilon a= .09 Cu(OH)2 Na+ epsilon a= .09 Cl- CuCl2 epsilon a= .14 ClO4- CuCl2 epsilon a= .14 CuCl2 Na+ epsilon a= .14 Cl- CuCO3 epsilon a= -.005 ClO4- CuCO3 epsilon a= -.005 CuCO3 Na+ epsilon a= -.005 Cl- CuSO4 epsilon a= .075 ClO4- CuSO4 epsilon a= .075 CuSO4 Na+ epsilon a= .075 Cl- H2S epsilon a= .0275 ClO4- H2S epsilon a= .0275 H2S Na+ epsilon a= .0275 Cl- H4Edta epsilon a= -.145 ClO4- H4Edta epsilon a= -.145 H4Edta Na+ epsilon a= -.145 Cl- Hg(HS)2 epsilon a= .0275 ClO4- Hg(HS)2 epsilon a= .0275 Hg(HS)2 Na+ epsilon a= .0275 Cl- Hg(OH)2 epsilon a= -.04 ClO4- Hg(OH)2 epsilon a= -.04 Hg(OH)2 Na+ epsilon a= -.04 Cl- HgCl2 epsilon a= .005 ClO4- HgCl2 epsilon a= .005 Cl- HgOHCl epsilon a= -.005 ClO4- HgOHCl epsilon a= -.005 HgOHCl Na+ epsilon a= -.005 Cl- Mg(HCit) epsilon a= .01 ClO4- Mg(HCit) epsilon a= .01 Mg(HCit) Na+ epsilon a= .01 HgCl2 Na+ epsilon a= .005 Cl- Nb(OH)5 epsilon a= -.035 ClO4- Nb(OH)5 epsilon a= -.035 Na+ Nb(OH)5 epsilon a= -.035 Cl- Ni(HCit) epsilon a= -.035 ClO4- Ni(HCit) epsilon a= -.035 Na+ Ni(HCit) epsilon a= -.035 Cl- Ni(Oxa) epsilon a= -.035 ClO4- Ni(Oxa) epsilon a= -.035 Na+ Ni(Oxa) epsilon a= -.035 Cl- Ni(SCN)2 epsilon a= .19 ClO4- Ni(SCN)2 epsilon a= .19 Na+ Ni(SCN)2 epsilon a= .19 Cl- Np(Edta) epsilon a= -.095 ClO4- Np(Edta) epsilon a= -.095 Na+ Np(Edta) epsilon a= -.095 Cl- Pb(HS)2 epsilon a= .0275 ClO4- Pb(HS)2 epsilon a= .0275 Na+ Pb(HS)2 epsilon a= .0275 Cl- Pb(OH)2 epsilon a= -.13 ClO4- Pb(OH)2 epsilon a= -.13 Na+ Pb(OH)2 epsilon a= -.13 Cl- PbCl2 epsilon a= -.025 ClO4- PbCl2 epsilon a= -.025 Na+ PbCl2 epsilon a= -.025 Cl- PbSO4 epsilon a= .025 ClO4- PbSO4 epsilon a= .025 Na+ PbSO4 epsilon a= .025 Cl- Pu(Edta) epsilon a= -.095 ClO4- Pu(Edta) epsilon a= -.095 Na+ Pu(Edta) epsilon a= -.095 Cl- Si(OH)4 epsilon a= .015 ClO4- Si(OH)4 epsilon a= .015 Na+ Si(OH)4 epsilon a= .015 Cl- Sn(NO3)2 epsilon a= .065 ClO4- Sn(NO3)2 epsilon a= .065 Na+ Sn(NO3)2 epsilon a= .065 Cl- SnBr2 epsilon a= .07 ClO4- SnBr2 epsilon a= .07 Na+ SnBr2 epsilon a= .07 Cl- SnF2 epsilon a= .005 ClO4- SnF2 epsilon a= .005 Na+ SnF2 epsilon a= .005 Cl- SnSO4 epsilon a= .095 ClO4- SnSO4 epsilon a= .095 Na+ SnSO4 epsilon a= .095 Cl- UEdta epsilon a= -.095 ClO4- UEdta epsilon a= -.095 Na+ UEdta epsilon a= -.095 Cl- UO2CO3 epsilon a= .075 ClO4- UO2CO3 epsilon a= .075 Na+ UO2CO3 epsilon a= .075 Cl- UO2F2 epsilon a= .065 ClO4- UO2F2 epsilon a= .065 Na+ UO2F2 epsilon a= .065 Cl- UO2Oxa epsilon a= -.025 ClO4- UO2Oxa epsilon a= -.025 Na+ UO2Oxa epsilon a= -.025 Cl- ZnCl2 epsilon a= .105 ClO4- ZnCl2 epsilon a= .105 Na+ ZnCl2 epsilon a= .105 Cl- ZnSO4 epsilon a= .135 ClO4- ZnSO4 epsilon a= .135 Na+ ZnSO4 epsilon a= .135 -end- end of epsilon set * DOCUMENTATION: * * * NAGRA NTB 91-17: Pearson F.J., Berner U. (1992): Nagra Thermochemical Data Base I. Core Data, * Nagra NTB 91-17. available for download at * * NAGRA NTB 91-18: Pearson F.J., Berner U., Hummel W. (1992): Nagra Thermochemical Data Base * II. Supplemental Data, Nagra NTB 91-18. * available for download at * NAGRA NTB 02-16: Hummel W., Berner U., Curti E., Pearson F.J., Thoenen T. (2002): Nagra/PSI * Chemical Thermodynamic Database 01/01, Nagra NTB 02-16. * , available for download at * PSI Report 14-04: Thoenen T., Hummel W., Berner U., Curti E. (2014): The PSI/Nagra Chemical Thermodynamic Database 12/07, PSI Report 14-04. * , available for download at * * NAGRA NTB 21-03: Hummel W. Thoenen T. (2022): The PSI Chemical Thermodynamic Database 2020, Nagra NTB 21-03